Closed q55x8x closed 9 years ago
just for remembering what I did till now: I've been searching through the open stuff looking for a missing set of a tag but haven't found anything by now. But I think this may be a reference problem as some of the code tries to read from an old reference though I haven't found anything that would produce one.
Been digging a bit further into and just had a breakthrough renaming the file alters all references correctly so the renaming it seems correct. Although when opening a file that has been renamed successfully (checked that in win explorer) something strange happens in here:
public string Read()
return ReadAllText(this.File.FullName);
return "";
Although this.File points to the existing renamed file File.Exists is false :confused:
Finally fixed by replacing the above mentioned with:
public string Read()
return System.IO.File.ReadAllText(this.File.FullName);
return "";
(File that was renamed was newtest2.txt) As shown here when renaming while the file is not open the opening the renamed file opens a "new" empty file hat is empty but still the file to rename actually gets the rename applied as shown here: also in this case newtes_t2.txt has content in it. After closing the editor then opening the renamed file the content will be displayed correctly.