qBraid / qBraid

A platform-agnostic quantum runtime framework
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Expand IonQ provider runtime to supported gates #625

Closed ryanhill1 closed 1 month ago

ryanhill1 commented 1 month ago

The qBraid runtime IonQDevice.extract_gate_data method is used to convert an openqasm3.ast.Program to the json-based circuit-encoding format required to submit jobs via POST request using the IonQ API. Currently, this method only represents a minimal working example, so only supports the h and cnot gates. We would like to expand this method to allow submitting OpenQASM programs written using any of the IonQ supported gate:

Supported Gate Description
x Pauli X gate
y Pauli Y gate
z Pauli Z gate
rx X-axis rotation
ry Y-axis rotation
rz Z-axis rotation
x h Hadamard gate
not Convenient alias for Pauli-X gate
x cnot Convenient alias for controlled-not gate
s S gate
si Conjugate transpose of S gate
t T gate
ti Conjugate transpose of T gate
v Square root of not gate
vi Conjugate transpose of square-root-of-not gate
swap Swaps two qubits
king-p3nguin commented 1 month ago

Hi, I would like to work on this issue for unitaryhack.