qLab / qLib

A procedural asset library for SideFX Houdini. https://www.facebook.com/qLibHoudini
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TODO: Assert qL #144

Open johnnyquest opened 10 years ago

johnnyquest commented 10 years ago

(Give it a first try as a SOP)

Similar to assertions in programming languages: check if the incoming data (e.g. geometry) matches criteria, send warnings/errors if not.

This would be useful for "documenting" of major network sections (both their start- and endpoints -- what are the expected in/out data criteria).

Criteria ideas (geometry, for now):

UI ideas:

gadfly16 commented 10 years ago

Good idea. I think this falls very close to the probably yet undocumented idea of the Diff SOP and in less extent to the Unit Test OBJ node. All three are the logical extensions of Houdini as a graphical programming environment. Complex workflows could certainly benefit from these utilities.

johnnyquest commented 4 years ago

These could be saved gallery items based on the Error SOP