qPharmetra / qpToolkit

Tools for population PK modeling, visualization, and reporting
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demoTable functions: clumsy use of full.names, naïve to changes in full.names #33

Closed bergsmat closed 3 years ago

bergsmat commented 4 years ago

reprogram demoTable with dplyr or tables::tabular (for consideration). Per Klaas (buglist).

bergsmat commented 4 years ago

full.names() begs for further generalization, as it hard-codes long-form data for just 7 variables. Other options exist; see for example https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/labelVector/vignettes/labelVector.html (magic is the second-to-last line of code). Let's discuss further.

bergsmat commented 3 years ago

see package 'tablet'. For Rnw use sudo -i ; tlmgr install makecell; opts_knit$set(rmarkdown.pandoc.to = 'latex').