qTip2 / qTip2

qTip2 - Pretty powerful tooltips
MIT License
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qTip2 abandoned? #835

Open bwbecker opened 6 years ago

bwbecker commented 6 years ago

I note that there haven't been updates in a year, there are 10 outstanding pull requests, and the documentation site (qtip2.com) is returning a 502 Bad Gateway error as on 20170828. Does anyone know if the project has been abandoned?

mlaborde commented 6 years ago

I think it is... I've tried to access the website several times, and It keeps throwing 502 Maybe if creator asked for help, we could do something. It was a great plugin!

Craga89 commented 6 years ago

Hi guys, I don't get much time to look at qTip2 these days... but I'll try my best to keep the website up and running at least! Which would be back online now, thanks for letting me know.

Fingers crossed I'll get some time to look at the outstanding you'll requests soon.

Craga89 commented 6 years ago

Also, if anyone would like to become a contributor get in touch, it's been nice to have someone hands on that could pick these up in my absence.

bwbecker commented 6 years ago

@Craga89 -- Thanks for the note! Good to hear you're still around and getting email.

Given your limited time, I'd suggest three things: -- Keep the web site up -- Update the readme with what you think is a fair characterization of the project's status -- If you can spare the time, leverage the work that others have done and check/accept the existing pull requests.

melloware commented 6 years ago

@Craga89 I can be a contributor if you want. I maintain the PrimeFaces Extensions project which uses qTip2 for one of our JSF components: https://www.primefaces.org/showcase-ext/views/tooltip.jsf

mqudsi commented 5 years ago

@Craga89 there are a lot of people, some of whom are very savvy JS developers, happily using qTip2 for many years now. I'm sure many would be happy to help, just like @melloware offered - but you shouldn't feel pressured to change anything or feel like you're letting anyone down. Issues titled like this are just toxic, you should close it without a second thought.

ecadius commented 5 years ago

Are there any news to this issue? It would be sad if everybody would do his own local stuff.