qTip2 / qTip2

qTip2 - Pretty powerful tooltips
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qtip2 2.1.1 / qtip2 3.0.3 content change not working #842

Open Gonzalox2 opened 6 years ago

Gonzalox2 commented 6 years ago

$('*').qtip('option','content.text','something') now working on any of these two version. how can i replace the value from content.text? i try these (on boot versions)

1st: error, "set is not a function" but no changes. $("#divTablaTurnos .tooltip-etiqueta #" + idTurno).qtip('api').set('content.text', 'title');

2nd: no error: but no changes $(".tooltip-etiqueta #" + idTurno).qtip('option', 'content.text','title');

AND on a dataTable funcion "fnDrawCallback": function () { //Al volver a dibujar (pintar) la tabla, tambien reinvoca al script de ToolTip $("#divTablaTurnos .tooltip-etiqueta").qtip({ position: { target: 'mouse', adjust: { x: 5, y: 5 }, viewport: $(window) } }); } Because my table has pagination on it, and without that, from page 2 and forward, tooltip dont show