qTranslate-Team / qtranslate-x

Wordpress plugin: Adds user-friendly and database-friendly multilingual content management and translation support.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Menu - Cannot change URL's in sub item per language #120

Open mediafish opened 9 years ago

mediafish commented 9 years ago


In Appearance > Menus I have one menu.

Now I created sub Custom sub item with URL's but I cannot change the URL's per language - when changing one URL it applies to all languages which is not what I would expect.

I created various ID's on my page - in this case on the page web-design for example: Hosting

In the English version the URL to it would be en/web-design/#hosting In the Spanish version the URL to it would be /diseno-web/#hosting In the German Version the URL to it would be de/webdesign/#hosting

But it does not let me create different URL's and save them in the Menu Structure > Custom sub item. Now I can create different Navigation Labels and Title Attributes for each language and it saves them but it does not save the different URL's... which is very strange.

I deactivated all plugins except qtranslate-x and activated the theme 2014 having this same result.

johnclause commented 9 years ago

Hi, please, read FAQ https://wordpress.org/plugins/qtranslate-x/faq/, topic "How can I prevent URL of a custom menu item from being converted".

Please, take the latest version from github, like https://github.com/qTranslate-Team/qtranslate-x/archive/, as 'setlang=no' feature was broken in some of earlier versions.

Also, for Spanish you need 'es/diseno-web/#hosting', otherwise it will not switch language: https://qtranslatexteam.wordpress.com/2015/02/26/browser-redirection-based-on-language/.

I am closing it now, to save clicks, we can continue discussion under closed issue, or can re-open it, if needed.

mediafish commented 9 years ago

Hi again,

I have the latest version installed.

I go to: Appearance / Menus / English Tab In the Custom sub item URL I add: en/web-design/#hosting I hit Save Menu I go to Spanish Tab In the Custom sub item URL I add: es/diseno-web/#hosting I hit Save Menu Now I hit the English Tab again to see the URL and it changed the URL to: es/diseno-web/#hosting

Conclusion: I cannot add different URL's per langauge in the menu sub item - but I must be able to do this as those are the basics of a multilingual site or not?

So I do not know why you are closing this thread as for me it is a bug. Please explain. And re-open this thread as I think it is not working as it should.

we should be able to add different URL's per language in custom sub items - but it is not possible

You can check on my dev site if you like...


Grafcom commented 9 years ago

explained one and another here: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/cannot-change-permalinks-1?replies=12

mediafish commented 9 years ago

It is explained that it is not working right now ;-)

johnclause commented 9 years ago

Ok, indeed, it seems I misread the issue.

But it does not let me create different URL

This is right, the URL field is not multilingual, and it is not needed to be. Put basic bare URL there and conversion to active language happens automatically when menu is rendered on front-end. Is that what you need? The FAQ I cited, explains how to cancel this behaviour if needed.

mediafish commented 9 years ago


Thanks yes it does create URL's but not translated ones.

I believe the whole problem already starts when creating pages.

I create a page and call it:

English: Photography German: Fotografie Spanisch: Fotografía

Now the SEF URL's for those pages should be:

English: mysite.com/en/photography German: mysite.com/de/fotografie Spanish: mysite.com/es/fotografía

But this is not the case! It creates the URL's

English: mysite.com/en/photography German: mysite.com/de/photography Spanish: mysite.com/es/photography

So as you see it creates SEF pages but NOT translated ones and "photography" is not translated.

When creating one page - I cannot change the permalinks of those pages as per language - I can only change them for all languages.

Example: When I change the permalink on the Spanish Tab of "Photography" to "fotografia" in the permalink and save it - it saves it for all Languages instead of only for one language in this case Spanish - as I selected the Spanish Tab.

I can translate those URLs to their correspondent language using "qTranslate slug" Plugin and then yes I can add the slugs to each language and my URL's look as they should:

English: mysite.com/en/photography German: mysite.com/de/fotografie Spanish: mysite.com/es/fotografía

HOWEVER this does not work for Custom sub Item URL's:

When I do the translations with "qTranslate slug" it does not create the slugs if you add a Custom sub item Link to "Photography"

It then again creates the non translated URL's such as (It takes you to the correct place in the frontend but with a URL that is NOT Translated.)

English: mysite.com/en/photography/#sub-item German: mysite.com/de/photography/#sub-item Spanish: mysite.com/es/photography/#sub-item

instead of expected:

English: mysite.com/en/photography/#sub-item-english German: mysite.com/de/fotografie/#sub-item-deutsch Spanish: mysite.com/es/fotografía/#sub-item-espanol

I believe that if you made the native wordpress permalinks inside the Pages translatable and work with qTranslate-X it would already solve the whole problem - but that is just a guess...

and if you could solve the problem from that point the third party plugin "qTranslate slug" would not be needed and nobody would depend on their dev's...

I hope you understand the problem now. As I believe anybody who wants his URL's SEF in a multilingual environment wants them to be translated in the according language.

Grafcom commented 9 years ago

Again, qTranslate Slug causes problems.

A workaround with SEF urls is possible. you say "But this is not the case! It creates the URL's" Yes, therefore, you must create them manually. See my example with hosting. Create manual links in your menu! Full URLs: English: http://www.mysite.com/en/photography German: http://www.mysite.com/de/fotografie Spanish: http://www.mysite.com/es/fotografía And these are still SEF urls. And let the Navigation Labels empty on the languages you do not want to see the link.

johnclause commented 9 years ago

@mediafish: this should be addressed to QTranslate Slug plugin, not here. We used to be in touch with them, but they went silent: https://github.com/not-only-code/qtranslate-slug/issues/108. Unless they start acting again, we plan to re-implement -slug functionality under q-X natively, and then this problem will be gone. Until then, I suggest not to use QTranslate Slug, since the problem you address here is not the only one, you will discover more as you go deeper.

BTW, if we do this, it will be done in this way:

English: http://www.mysite.com/photography German: http://www.mysite.com/fotografie Spanish: http://www.mysite.com/fotografía

since slug defines the language, unless it is spelled the same, then /xx/ language code will be added.

johnclause commented 9 years ago

BTW, @mediafish and @Grafcom, what would you think is better, to add /xx/ for slugs spelled the same, or to require from user to always spell them differently?

mediafish commented 9 years ago


Thanks but I do not want to talk to qTranslate Slug... as I think qTranslate-X should offer SEF URL's in their own Plugin - as the Plugin is Good and should really offer this - I think it is basic to have URL's translated to their according language....

The URL's must be:

English (If main language of the site no /en/ is shown at least on my site and this is good...): http://www.mysite.com/photography German: http://www.mysite.com/de/fotografie Spanish: http://www.mysite.com/es/fotografía

AGAIN: I think if you fixed that we can translate Permalinks inside pages for each language - the problem would be solved...

The user should be able to add those in the according language

@johnclause what do you mean by: "slugs spelled the same" ?

Grafcom commented 9 years ago


/xx/ should just be the language identifier, as is now also, I think

mediafish commented 9 years ago


yes language identifier should stay as now... if that is the question

johnclause commented 9 years ago

AGAIN: I think if you fixed that we can translate Permalinks inside pages for each language - the problem would be solved...

I do not get what you are saying here ... Slugs currently come from QTranslate Slug plugin, and that plugin has to be modified to make it work correctly with q-X. If we re-implement it, we will have to also provide an import function to import the slug data from Q-Slug to q-X.

what do you mean by: "slugs spelled the same" ?

In most of the cases slug will be different for each language, and then language code /xx/ becomes redundant in the url, as many people noticed. Then it makes sense to drop language code like '/xx/' from url, since slug already defines the language - it will look nicer then. I think there is no disagreement on that, everybody to whom I mentioned it, agreed, do you think so?

However, when in rare case two languages would have the same spelling (for example, british and american can have that easily), then we have to decide, whether we force users to make slugs different anyway or to put back /xx/ language code in url.

I personally is not strongly decided, but I am inclined to the forcing users to use different urls, since this gives them opportunity to do something more creative than robotic /xx/. They can still do 'slug-en' or something like this, which resembles the robotic way too, if nothing else is better.

What do you think?

Grafcom commented 9 years ago


No, I disagree.

For example: mediafish uses mysite.com/de/fotografie (German) in Dutch it would it be mysite.com/nl/fotografie

photography (fotografie) is the same in both languages. In the Netherlands we use Home for the Home page also as in English. German is Startseite (I love that language)

More and more English words are as a name and then this goes wrong.

Art Journals for example is an understanding (concept)

That's what Marit :-) and I think.

johnclause commented 9 years ago

I do not see how what you are saying contradicts to the fact that URL like


looks better than


while they both define the language? What is it exactly you disagree with? I think there is a misunderstanding here. Besides, I remember you, @Grafcom, about a month ago, asking why do we need extra /es/ in a case like this ;)

In any case, I guess we will have options for users to define how they want it.

mediafish commented 9 years ago

Good morning,

Here my experience and known standards for multilingual sites I have worked with over the last 10 years:

1.) We must keep the language codes - there is no doubt about that.

a) Now for the main language it does not show the language code on my site now - which is fine and I will show you why.

(However Joomla for example offers the option to chose if you want to show the main language with language code or without)

This is due to the fact that we have country specific domains for example mine ends in mysite.es and my language structure looks like this:

Spanish: mysite.es/fotografia English: mysite.es/en/photography German: mysite.es/de/fotografie

So as you see there is no need to add a language code to the Spanish version due to its domain ending. .es it makes it perfectly clear to users that the language will be Spanish

Now if you had a site such as: mysite.com and you wanted your main language in Spanish - it would be nice to have the option to add the language code to your site - however this is optional but the URL would be more SEF

Spanish: mysite.com/es/fotografia English: mysite.com/en/photography German: mysite.com/de/fotografie

2.) @johnclause "AGAIN: I think if you fixed that we can translate Permalinks inside pages for each language - the problem would be solved..."

I am talking about the WP integrated Permalinks inside Pages - I am not talking about qTranslateSlug

Goto: Pages / Yourpage - that is how it looks like:

Language Tabs on Top

Yourpage Title Permalink: http://mysite.com/yourpage Edit - View Page - Get Shortlink

When you click the edit button you can change the link - this is WP integrated! But unfortunately this is not integrated in qTranslate-X

You should make those Permalinks Translatable and then nobody would rely on a third party Plugin like qTranslateSlug.

  1. The same should work for Categories -> Post / Categories / Add new Category

We can translate the name of the Category but not the Slug of each language - this must be translatable as well on a well working multilingual Plugin...

So those are the main problems I see - there are certain standards - and please do not take the language codes out - EVER. Leave it as an option for the users if they want to show language code in their main language or not - but do not take them out as this would be re-inventing the whole wheel and we do not need that...

  1. @Grafcom - go to Youtube and search: How German Sounds Compared To Other Languages - ROFL!!!


Grafcom commented 9 years ago


qTranslate also, see Settings - Languages - Advanced Settings - URL Modification Mode - Hide URL language information for default language. You can choose.

johnclause commented 9 years ago

@mediafish thanks for the input - very valuable :+1:

Item 1) was already addressed by @Grafcom, indeed we have that option too.

2) You should make those Permalinks Translatable

Ok, now I understand what you meant. This is exactly what we are going to do if we re-implement -slug under -x. There is also "Slug" item, when you pull "Screen Options" down, and that one will also respond to Language Switching Buttons. However, it requires a lot of coding due to specific of slug being a part of url, it is not similar to any other translatable field. Look how much code QTranslate Slug has, this is what we would have to add approximately. Having Q-Slug plugin as an example makes it much easier, but still, it is a lot of work. I am not even sure, we may implement it as a separate plugin too.

mediafish commented 9 years ago

@Grafcom - thanks ok - I was not sure if it did or if it was by default only know the Plugin for 2 weeks.

@johnclause - good :-) I understand this is a free plugin and requires a lot of coding... however I think qTranslate Slug is not using the native Permalinks of WP it is using their own system as Permalinks are hidden when using qTranslateSlug and their own custom fields for slugs appear - so there might be an easyer way.

I just hoped your Plugin could do this already... as I am really fed up with the blown up WPML - so I really think you could be successful even charging for it - if it works of course - let's hope you will implement it one day - or WP adds multilingual use to it's core...

LC43 commented 9 years ago

hi, sorry for being silent :)

yes, qts is big.. a big mess! :D but its working, and i've just updated qts language widget to play nice with qtx!

mediafish commented 9 years ago


Just updated the version to qTranslateX Version and qTranslate Slug Version 1.1.16 and I can still not translate custom URL's in the menu (sub-items) per language - so - no need to talk ;-)

If you want you can test it on my site... no way it is working.

I want the English URL for my sub-item to be: en/webdesign/#maintenance I want the Spanish URL for my sub-item to be: es/diseño-web/#maintenance

It simply does not save the URL per language but saves 1 URL for all

Also I get the Warning Message: Qtranslate Slug: This plugin requires at least WordPress 3.3 and either qTranslate-X (2.9 or newer), or mqTranslate ( or newer), or qTranslate (2.5.8 or newer)

But my WP Version is 4.1.1 - qTranslateX Version so why the warning?

mediafish commented 9 years ago

Got rid of warning message as I had to access the site with FTP the folder name must be qtranslate-x but it was qtranslate-x-master so I changed it but only got rid of warning message -

I can still not translate sub item URL's to according language - it translates always all URL's to the same..

koen84 commented 9 years ago

I hope to have language dependant slugs soon, this is quite important for SEO. Now it looks like it's possible, but it's not, because it -as stated by others- simply changes things for all languages.

That said, i also agree that it should keep the language indentifiers in the URLs, because it's much more clear to the user (especially if not all content is translated) and better for SEO (definitely not force unique slugs across languages).

/de/fotografie /nl/fotografie

should both be able to exist.

And then things like


koen84 commented 9 years ago

@LC43 : this convo seems to be both about the menu links AND permalinks per language, no ?

LC43 commented 9 years ago

@mediafish , you're right, custom links aren't parsed by qts. let me see if i can fix it next releasee.

@koen84, if you're not using not-only-code/qtranslate-slug yet, you should ;)

koen84 commented 9 years ago

Besides the URL / slug for pages and posts, it would be good if we could apply it also to categories.

LC43 commented 9 years ago

you can

koen84 commented 9 years ago

@LC43 : how should i make sure it uses this not-only-code/qtranslate-slug ? Also, i read to NOT use qtranslate slug ?

LC43 commented 9 years ago

@koen84 , qtx was running too fast away from the original qtranslate, so things broke a lot. We were always compatible with qtranslate and mqtranslate. I've updated qts to be compatible again with qtx now that mqtranslate stop being actively developed.

you can use it from the main wordpress site: wordpress.org/plugins/qtranslate-slug

mediafish commented 9 years ago

@LC43 and @koen84 - I started this topic and its about translating sub item URL's. I tested it today various times and it is not possible... so your message is not correct as you say yourself: "you're right, custom links aren't parsed by qts. let me see if i can fix it next releasee."

@koen84 - with the latest qTranslate Slug https://wordpress.org/plugins/qtranslate-slug/ together with the latest qTranslate-X Beta Version https://github.com/qTranslate-Team/qtranslate-x/archive/master.zip you can translate category names - just make sure after installation of qTranslate-X to access the site with FTP the folder name must be qtranslate-x but it is probably qtranslate-x-master... if that is done it translates categories - but NOT menu sub item URL's...

So thanks for posting but it does not concern this topic.

Grafcom commented 9 years ago

@all, There is a way. Visit the site of mediafish = http://photoseller.mediafish.es/

In the menu, I created a link called Hosting EN, Hosting DE and Hosting ES depending on the selected language language set to Spanish Hosting ES brings you to photoseller.mediafish.es/diseno-web/#hosting

Change your language to English Hosting EN brings you to photoseller.mediafish.es/en/web-design/#hosting

Change your language to German and Hosting DE brings you to photoseller.mediafish.es/de/webdesign/#hosting

This is the intention right?

mediafish commented 9 years ago


@Grafcom Thanks yes that would work for one or two menu sub items but not if you have 10 or 20 or 50 imagine the mess... and it is not the logic behind neither of the two Plugins I think - but a workaround thanks I appreciate your work but...

Your way: 1) you have to create one English sub-item with URL including Label and Title Attribute plus two sub-items with Spanish/German URL but empty Label and Title 2) then you have to create one Spanish sub-item with URL including Label and Title Attribute plus two sub-items with English/German URL but empty Label and Title 3) then you have to create one German sub-item with URL including Label and Title Attribute plus two sub-items with Spanish/English URL but empty Label and Title

to get one sub-item work correctly - I mean yes it works but I believe this is too messy - we really need this clean and simple following the Plugins logic:

Click language tab English URL must be translatable to English Click language tab Spanish URL must be translatable to Spanish Cick language tab German URL must be translatable to German a.s.o

Grafcom commented 9 years ago

@mediafish, If you have 10 or 20 or 50 or more links in your menu which all go to parts of the same pages you could also consider to take a course how to create a user friendly website for your visitors and not just friendly for SEO...

LC43 commented 9 years ago

i stand corrected.

mediafish commented 9 years ago

@Grafcom .... sorry what has this got to do with a clean Plugin that follows its logic - sorry but the way you propose to do it it's not userfriendly at all - I thanked you for your work but it's not for a production site I believe - and if it is then I am wasting my time here.

I made over 50 multilingual websites and all of them are user friendly and SEO friendly this is possible in 2015 and since a long time - but not with qTranslate-X and qTranslate Slug so far but that is where we want it right? A clean userfriendly multilingual plugin that does the same as WP but multilingual.

And once @LC43 makes the URL's of the sub-items translatable by simply changing language tabs as it is done in pages, categories etc. we are already a lot closer to that keeping the logic of the plugin.

mediafish commented 9 years ago

@LC43 - Excuse me what did you mean by: "i stand corrected" I don't understand ;-)

LC43 commented 9 years ago

hi again, i just meant to say i was wrong :)

johnclause commented 9 years ago

People say that the latest QTranslate Slug is kind of working fine under qtx 3.3. @mediafish, do you also use it now?

@LC43, would you find time to test -slug under the latest qtx from GitHub (beta of 3.4)? Did you adjust testing of qtx presence by the constant QTX_VERSION or QTRANSLATE_FILE instead of hard-coded folder name "qtranslate-x"? Many people try to test development version of qtx, which gets installed in a folder like "qtranslate-master" and then QTranslate Slug used to get broken. I hope it does not break in this way anymore, does it?

LC43 commented 8 years ago

@johnclause , i've left a comment on another bug in our plugin. is there a way to wait for your plugin to load before ours? thanks

johnclause commented 8 years ago

I do not think so, WP does not support the idea of controlling the order of plugin loading, as far as I understand, although some hackers make it happen, but there is no actual reason to. They have action "plugins_loaded", which runs after all plugins are loaded. If you have a code that needs to run in certain order, just do not run it on load of file, but put it in the action 'plugins_loaded' or some other action that runs later. Plugin qtx has a lot of do_action or apply_filters, which you can use to enforce the sequence of execution too.

johnclause commented 8 years ago

@LC43, btw, qtx is almost ready to release native built-in slug support. It needs a few adjustments to allow non-latin alphabets in slugs and the rest is probably ready. Ah, also import/export from QTranslate Slug needs a bit more work. I would appreciate if you could help me to finish it, you are welcome to submit pulls with changes. If you decide to help, let me know, I will check-in the latest code then.

LC43 commented 8 years ago

thanks john, i've changed the code that checks qtx.

and i would love to. Do you have a special branch that has this feature?

johnclause commented 8 years ago

No, I do not have branch, maybe I should, but it is closed to public yet. If you wish to try, uncomment line require_once(QTRANSLATE_DIR.'/slugs/qtx_slug.php'); in qtranslate.php. It should work ok for latin slugs only. Also import of data from your plugin will be incomplete and may generate errors. Please, do not make changes yet, I have a bunch to commit, tried now, but I currently cannot sync with GitHub, because of some pulls I accepted, which modify the same files that I also have modified. I first need to finish new Date/Time handling I am finalizing now, before I can sync the latest changes with GitHub. This time it is a kind of big change which is unusual, I normally commit little pieces.

LC43 commented 8 years ago

great. i'm fixing a few things on qts.

looking forward for your changes

LC43 commented 8 years ago

i got a fatal error from the lastest code from GH and the code from wp.org doesn't seem to change the slug. i'll check the code and wait for your commits.

ridom commented 7 years ago

Hello @all,

@mediafish Just found out this issue because I was asking exactly the same thing : How can I easily specify a translated slug in the URL for each translated version a page. To stick with your example, this exactly what I was imagining (of course keeping the language code es, en, de, fr, pt, ru....) : Spanish: mysite.com/es/fotografia English: mysite.com/en/photography German: mysite.com/de/fotografie

Almost one year later after the last message, I repost here to know if you have been able to find some way to realize it like it and to know if there is some plugin doing it.

I was using the Polylang plugin until the day before yesterday but I deactivated it as it was not valuable to manage different languages from the original page. ANYWAY the thing is that this plugin used to had the feature to translate slug in order to have SEF URL's as described.

Any tips to do that would be appreciated !

floopyzicer commented 7 years ago

The site i used q-translate-x with q-translate slug does exactly that, you can check if it is what you looking for and if that's what you want than backup first and use q-translate slug with latest q-translate-x site is lachambredessecrets dot com

On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 3:41 PM, ridom notifications@github.com wrote:

Hello @all https://github.com/all,

@mediafish https://github.com/mediafish Just found out this issue because I was asking exactly the same thing : How can I easily specify a translated slug in the URL of each translated version of page. To stick with your example, this exactly what I was imagine (of course keeping the language code) : Spanish: mysite.com/es/fotografia English: mysite.com/en/photography German: mysite.com/de/fotografie

Almost one year later after the last message, I repost here to know if you have been able to find some way to realize it like it and to know if there is some plugin doing it.

I was using the Polylang plugin until the day before yesterday but I deactivated it as it is not valuable to manage different languages from the original page. ANYWAY the thing is that this plugin used to had the feature to translate slug in order to have SEF URL's.

Any tips to do that would be appreciated !

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ridom commented 7 years ago

In fact I read reply and other topics saying that there was some incompatibility between qx and qs but if you tell me it's ok, I will try. Thank you for the advise.

floopyzicer commented 7 years ago

make backup first so you can easily restore if things go wrong.

On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 10:10 PM, ridom notifications@github.com wrote:

In fact I read reply and other topics saying that there was some compatibility between qx and qs but if you tell me it's ok, I will try. Thank you for the advise.

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/qTranslate-Team/qtranslate-x/issues/120#issuecomment-254624582, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AOP1lbWce8kiXiSGoBqQbirMcTfRgHMtks5q1SehgaJpZM4D7cFh .

ridom commented 7 years ago

I will, thank you!