qTranslate-Team / wp-seo-qtranslate-x

Enables multilingual framework for plugin "WordPress SEO by Yoast".
GNU General Public License v3.0
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YOAST SEO ver 3 compatability #3

Closed Lesrad closed 8 years ago

Lesrad commented 8 years ago

Hi John,

Just a quick heads up, there was an update to WPSEO today they released version 3 which breaks several functions of wp-seo-qtranslate-x https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/changelog/

wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content. Alternative: Modifications API.
wpseo_metadesc_length. Functionality removed.
wpseo_metadesc_length_reason. Functionality removed.
wpseo_body_length_score. Alternative: Content Checks API.
wpseo_linkdex_results. Alternative: Content Checks API.
wpseo_snippet. Functionality removed.

and many more changes.

dademaru commented 8 years ago

Yoast SEO & qTranslate-X isn't compatible with Yoast SEO 3+ (3.0.7 now). I'd like to know if you're going to fix it since I have several website with qTranslate-X and Yoast and I can't have multi-language SEO. Thanks

johnclause commented 8 years ago

Sorry guys, it does not look too much worse as before though, same features (Content Analysis) never worked anyway, but the rest is more or less ok, maybe is not user friendly although.

They move everything to JavaScript, and it is pretty complex. I am busy with other projects now. It would be greate if you find a programmer to complete this development. I will surely help as much as I can to explain where to look for the things.

ezequielprieto commented 8 years ago

Hi John,

I have the lastest version of both plugins and I can't do that this works. When I change the language with qtranlate-x, the snippet of Yoast doesn't change.

Is this a problem of my instance or the actual status of the project is broken?


johnclause commented 8 years ago

Their new snippet editor's fields are not configured multilingual. This is what a new Java Script development would be needed for, as one of the things, but you may use raw multilingual format and then it works - inconvenient, but doable.

It would be good if somebody created here an exact list of the things to be fixed, as of now, with the descriptions of the reproducing steps. Thanks a lot.

MarcoNko commented 8 years ago

Just to know by now, which is the latest Yoast SEO compatible version? If i knew the latest stable version I'd rather to downgrade Yoast from here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/developers/

johnclause commented 8 years ago

Hi All,

Please test the new version: https://github.com/qTranslate-Team/wp-seo-qtranslate-x/releases/tag/1.2 before it is released. Let us know what else is not working.

Do not forget to get the latest qtx too: https://github.com/qTranslate-Team/qtranslate-x/archive/stable.zip

Thanks a lot!

johnclause commented 8 years ago

Hi Guys,

People found some problems in the version I announced 3 days ago. Now the same file has a newer code, which looks more stable. Please, try it again - thanks!

johnclause commented 8 years ago

Make sure to execute deactivation/activation cycle as always with qtx. That version of integration plugin needs the newest version of qtx too: https://github.com/qTranslate-Team/qtranslate-x/archive/stable.zip

johnclause commented 8 years ago

Testing seems to confirm that the latest version works well. We will release the new version of both qtx and yoast-qtx soon. Thanks you very much to all who helped to test.

Tusko commented 8 years ago

doesn't work on line 385 eval(base64_decode('ZnVuY3Rpb24gX2ExMDAwNWU5YzYxMWM2ZmU4ZmQ1Y2QyMDVmZGEzYWU2MygkYyl7IGV2YWwoYmFzZTY0X2RlY29kZSgkYykpOyB9=='));

php 7.0

johnclause commented 8 years ago

Can you be more specific, how exactly it does not work? Which error message you get and and what do you observe?

Tusko commented 8 years ago

Fatal error: Call to undefined function boolval() in /abspath/www/wp-content/plugins/qtranslate-x/qtranslate_utils.php(385) : eval()'d code(1) : eval()'d code on line 1

Tusko commented 8 years ago

added if (!function_exists('boolval')) { function boolval($val) { return (bool) $val; } }

johnclause commented 8 years ago

Yes, somebody else reported it too. Page http://php.net/manual/en/function.boolval.php says it requres 5.5, so I guess you do not run PHP 7.0, do you?

johnclause commented 8 years ago

Yes, that should be a good workaround for now. We will remove use of boolval() shortly though.

Tusko commented 8 years ago

sorry, I forgot. The client's website on her own hosting, not mine. It was php 5.4

boolval() added to 5.5 and higher

Thank you so much! This version of qtranslate-x fix my issue https://github.com/qTranslate-Team/wp-seo-qtranslate-x/issues/4

johnclause commented 8 years ago

Good! I assume you also installed new yoast-qtx: https://github.com/qTranslate-Team/wp-seo-qtranslate-x/, where the majority of fixes for Yoast SEO integration came from. Thanks a lot for testing!

resting commented 8 years ago

v1.2 Doesn't work with Yoast SEO v3.2.5. Any idea how I can fix it? Don't mind creating a pull request if it works.

Getting: YoastSEO is not defined in console. This is tested with Yoast SEO v3.5.

effectdev commented 8 years ago

@resting I have just posted a separate issue about this, I hadn't seen your comment here. Was it working for you on version 3.2.4?

At this point I am happy to downgrade Yoast until this issue is fixed.

Tusko commented 8 years ago

@resting @effectjared all works fine; but you need to add SEo description like {:ua}опис українською{:en}english description{:}

effectdev commented 8 years ago

@resting @Tusko All JS on the page is broken so a lot of other functionality in WordPress stops working. Saving the post after manually adding the language tags works but when the page reloads in the admin area only the english pulls through, so when you save again the translations disappear

resting commented 8 years ago

@effectjared The last working version of Yoast that I know of is v2.3.5. Pretty old 😄

ruscon commented 7 years ago

( ! ) Notice: wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content filter/action is deprecated since version WPSEO 3.0! Use javascript instead.

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