qarmin / czkawka

Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.
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Compare folders: find similarity between files inside folders and allow to get rid of full duplicate folders in other paths #1142

Open NanisTe opened 7 months ago

NanisTe commented 7 months ago

Feature Description ... It is nice to find single duplicate files but I would like to be able to identify e.g. from backups or migration of files to identify which of the folders and its files are available in the destination location ideally with a guarantee that those files in destination are not corrupted. Because if there is a corrupted file in destination location I would like to replace it with the corresponding file from source location, before I start freeing up the space from source location.

Ideally we could have a kind of additional layer of similarity measure after having fingerprinted the files. Kind of folder fingerprint.

Many people have a sort of manual backup until the full backup pipeline of imported files has been done.

This would also allow to show that there are very similar folder and files down the folder tree somewhere else, maybe some more levels down the tree.

Thanks for considering this idea.