qase-tms / qase-javascript

Qase TMS JavaScript SDK
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[qase-cypress-v2] Cannot create run error #616

Closed l-oliveira-synd-io closed 1 month ago

l-oliveira-synd-io commented 1 month ago

No matter what config I change, I'm always getting the Cannot create run error. See screenshot image

Here's my cypress.config.ts file.

reporter: 'cypress-multi-reporters',
  reporterOptions: {
    reporterEnabled: 'cypress-qase-reporter',
    cypressMochawesomeReporterReporterOptions: {
      charts: true,
    cypressQaseReporterReporterOptions: {
      testops: {
        api: {
          token: '<api_token>',
          host: '',
        defect: true,
        run: {
          title: 'Regression test',
          description: 'Regression test run',
          complete: false,
        project: '<project_code>',
        uploadAttachments: true,
        framework: {
          cypress: {
            screenshotsFolder: 'cypress/output/screenshots',
      environment: '<my_env>'
      mode: 'testops',
      captureLogs: true,

Am I doing anything wrong?

NickVolynkin commented 1 month ago

Code 403 points at a problem with permissions. You can start with checking your API token or creating a new one. Your can also check it on

l-oliveira-synd-io commented 1 month ago

Code 403 points at a problem with permissions. You can start with checking your API token or creating a new one. Your can also check it on

Thanks! I actually reached my runs limit! Let's close this one 🙌

l-oliveira-synd-io commented 1 month ago

hey @NickVolynkin could you help me setting my api token as an env variable either from .env or cypress.env.json? I'm facing difficultie on doing it