Closed Snili866 closed 1 year ago
Bei mir hat es geholfen, die letzer Änderung in client main.lua in Zeile 197 rückgängig zu machen.
Hier wurde warum auch immer + anstatt - Zeichen verwendet, danach ging es wieder bei mir.
Korrekte Zeile:
local entrancePos = vector3(Apartments.Locations[ClosestHouse].coords.enter.x - POIOffsets.exit.x, Apartments.Locations[ClosestHouse].coords.enter.y - POIOffsets.exit.y - 0.5, Apartments.Locations[ClosestHouse].coords.enter.z - CurrentOffset + POIOffsets.exit.z)
changed client main.lua line 197 from + x and + y offsets to MINUS - x and - y offsets. fixed this for me.
local entrancePos = vector3(Apartments.Locations[ClosestHouse].coords.enter.x - POIOffsets.exit.x, Apartments.Locations[ClosestHouse].coords.enter.y - POIOffsets.exit.y - 0.5, Apartments.Locations[ClosestHouse].coords.enter.z - CurrentOffset + POIOffsets.exit.z)
This issue has had 60 days of inactivity & will close within 7 days
when i spawn in my apartment and walk too the door the menu too get out wont show up,but when i was walkin around too see if the go out menu would appear somewhere else i found it behind the can i fix this??