Situation: an item appears in multiple places in the tree, because either it
has virtual nodes, or it is a virtual node (or one of several VN's) of another
Usability issue: there is no obvious quick way to see where else the note or
node may appear in the tree, and also no "properties" pane available
persistently displaying the properties of the node/item currently having focus
(which would include 'same node/different location' info). In brief there's no
intuitive way to manage or even identify where a virtual node (as opposed to a
copy) might exist!
Requests to fix this (and enhance usability of virtual nodes/items):
* Persistent menu/taskbar option that when a node or item has focus, any other
places in the tree where that node exists (physically or virtually) will be
temporarily (a) highlighted/iconed/"boxed" around/marked, and/or (b) hoisted.
* A "properties" panel that displays properties of the current focused item and
allows direct property editing.
* A slim "bar" below the current viewed item listing its various tree locations
(with "x", "go to this location" and "edit" icons); as locations can be long or
confusing, one option is listing the brief immediate path in the UI, with the
rest available as a ^^ expand button or hover-tip.
* "Number of copies" made a visible and searchable property of an item.
On the same idea, does it make sense to designate one copy of an item as "the
real item" and the rest as "virtual copies" at this point? It's all
transparent/invisible to the user anyway and KN moves the physical note around
following deletion automatically. So perhaps, while handling it that way in
code, in the UI just state "a node can have multiple parents" - it's going to
be much easier to understand at a user level.
Original issue reported on by Stilezy on 2 Oct 2012 at 2:38
Original issue reported on by
on 2 Oct 2012 at 2:38