qbicsoftware / variantstore-service

The Variantstore is a Java/Groovy-based service application implemented using the Micronaut framework and enables storage and access to information on genomic variants and metadata from a connected database via a RESTful API.
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Variant registration fails due to unavailable information #60

Closed christopher-mohr closed 2 years ago

christopher-mohr commented 2 years ago

The variant registration (VCF file) fails at some point if some value is unavailable and therefore null with the following error message:

io.micronaut.core.convert.exceptions.ConversionErrorException: Failed to convert argument [Object] for value [null] due to: Property of type [class java.lang.Long] cannot be converted to type: class java.lang.Object

This happens in the find method of the SampleVariant repository.

SampleVariantRepository$Intercepted.findBySampleAndVariantAndVcfinfoAndGenotype(Unknown Source)
christopher-mohr commented 2 years ago

This was caused by using the wrong genotype objects during the registration process. Since the retrieved (already available) genotype objects were not used the (database) id was null.