qbism / q2tools-220

Quake 2 map compiler tools with v220 map support, automatic phong, enhancements, and fixes.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Heretic 2 textures dont seem to work yet #38

Open whirledtsar opened 1 year ago

whirledtsar commented 1 year ago

So I saw that Heretic 2 .m8 texture support was tentatively added and decided to test it out on the latest release. It compiles a BSP successfully, but it does not seem to be able to find/read the game's textures. In my Heretic 2 installation, the textures are both inside the game's pak file and unpacked into the folder base\textures (with appropriate subfolders). Trenchbroom reads them fine. My command line options (using Trenchbroom's compiling utitilty) are as follows: C:\Quake\heretic!compilers\q2tool.exe -bsp -basedir "C:/Quake/heretic/base" -gamedir "C:/Quake/heretic" -h2tex -leaktest -threads 4 ${MAP_BASE_NAME}

The basedir is the game's data folder, and the gamedir is the location of the game's .exe as the readme specifies. However, it prints a message like "WARNING: couldn't locate texture general/trigger" for every texture used in the map. This seems to be the correct way to specify gamedir/basedir based on the documentation, but please let me know if it's not.

qbism commented 1 year ago

The .m8 and .m32 loading code was out-of-date for directory variables. I attempted to correct, but did not test. Please try the build (artifact) for your system: https://github.com/qbism/q2tools-220/actions/runs/4528463939

whirledtsar commented 1 year ago

Okay, I tried with the version you linked and it still cannot find the textures, but now the game freezes when trying to load my test map.

qbism commented 1 year ago

Do you know if there any other open source compiler for Heretic 2 that works?

whirledtsar commented 1 year ago

Okay, my bad, checking again it turns out the reason the game was failing to launch was because I forgot to add the vis/light commands to the compilation process for q2tool. Now the BSP compiler does still claim that it can't find textures, but when the map is run they are animated correctly. Excellent!

qbism commented 1 year ago

OK, great. I might take another stab at texture finding code.

qbism commented 1 year ago

Maybe new build will find textures: https://github.com/qbism/q2tools-220/actions/runs/4674615289

whirledtsar commented 1 year ago

I compiled the same map with that version and now the error is "WARNING: couldn't locate texture " (kinda funny) and when the map is launched all the textures flicker and glitch