qbittorrent / qBittorrent-website

qBittorrent website
186 stars 106 forks source link

Website Redesign #191

Open gauthamkrishnax opened 2 years ago

gauthamkrishnax commented 2 years ago

Hey, I tried redesigning the website. Heres a preview and a figma share link for all the pages. Let me know of any changes I can make. I can develop the website in react if the design is fine. No pressure : )

Figma Link : https://www.figma.com/file/mpdZnqNaSrgRUNrlHXyQOx/Main

Desktop - 1 Mobile

WadieBenabdouh commented 1 year ago

Beautiful design.

ShlomiRex commented 1 year ago


mianmur commented 1 year ago

bit ugly imo

OmegaAOL commented 1 year ago

here are some ideas for the frontend:

here are some ideas for the stuff that the end user can't see:

a lot of stuff from your portfolio is laggy on lower-end machines (even those that can run windows 10) these might not be important issues in your cases but they are if you want to download a lightweight torrent client from any machine that connects to the internet, which is very possible with the current site. heck it even works on windows 95 and firefox 2.0 (the website, not the torrent client) goes to show you how compatible it is.

my crappy advice: