qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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Summary Row #11751

Open mehmetgunacti opened 4 years ago

mehmetgunacti commented 4 years ago

Add a bottom row to the list of the current page with information about some "total" data, where it is meaningful, like :

Would be great to have these as well

825i commented 4 years ago

Could you include an example screenshot of what you mean?

mehmetgunacti commented 4 years ago

Sure. Screenshot from 2019-12-25 04-51-30

mehmetgunacti commented 4 years ago

I accidentally closed it. Reopening it.

j1warren commented 4 years ago

This kind of information is only useful when you have a couple of torrents only. And if you do, you can see it yourself from a quick glance over a window. If you have hundreds of torrents, most of which are seeding and some are stalled for months waiting for that 1 seed. then it is not needed at all.

mehmetgunacti commented 4 years ago

Sure, during seeding there won't be any hdd space problems. But more than once in the past, I checked my (Linux Mint) pc in the morning only to find hundreds of "low disk space" messages in the system tray; there were literally zero bytes left.

(Also, at that point, simply closing qB makes it (sometimes) "forget" about all my current downloads, meaning reopening qB only to see an empty list. Pausing all downloads before closing qB prevents that problem though.)

Making qB warn the user of insufficient disk space when torrents are added to the list and the metadata has arrived would help a lot when disk space is low. I think that's a check a download manager should perform out of the box.

Seeing a total is also useful when deciding whether to pause all downloads (eg. for a better connection during a multiplayer game) or wait a few more minutes for them to finish because of limited bandwidth at home. That's why I'm asking for "total" numbers on the current page, like "all", "downloads", "seeding", "complete", etc. the totals could be calculated on the fly only for the records displayed on that page.

And if you do, you can see it yourself from a quick glance over a window.

Yes, but it's annoying to calculate it all the time, esp for someone who's not good at math. The software should provide this kind of (in this case) meaningful data.

rayanamukami commented 4 years ago

Maybe, if you could select all torrents, right click, copy "Remaining", paste it into excel and then calculate the total remaining size? Since there is already an option to right click, "Copy name", "Copy hash" and "Copy magnet"?

mehmetgunacti commented 4 years ago

I'm already doing exactly that at least 10 times a day for the last two years. It's exhausting. Also, purchasing every new version of Excel because of that is a pain.

That's why I opened this feature request. I still think this would be a great feature to add.

rayanamukami commented 4 years ago

Thanks, it was meant as a feature suggestion I wish for as well. I didn't know you could copy the remaining size in qBittorrent; How do you do that? (NB. Use any calculator you have at hand; Excel was just an example.)

rayanamukami commented 4 years ago

Perhaps the setting under "Preferences" > "Downloads" > "Pre-allocate disk space for all files" could provide an answer to your second issue of running out of storage space? Cfr. https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/wiki/Explanation-of-Options-in-qBittorrent#Advanced

(The only thing that I was and am looking for is a way to calculate the total "Remaining" size (of a snapshot or updated every few seconds). E.g. Under "View" > "Statistics" there could be an entry. E.g. By selecting all and copying to another editor could allow me to do that.

thiagomgd commented 3 years ago

I'm also needing the 'total remaining', for not running into 'no disk space' problem. I already tried 'pre-allocate disk space for all files', but it didn't work properly (macOS). I moved all torrents around to make sure they would all start and receive the metadata, but after 30 mins, the space was still not allocated.

Being able to select a column (in this case, remaining) and paste on google sheets would solve the problem, but would be even better if it was added to the lower bar, where we have the speed and total downloaded/uploaded in a session.

vertigo220 commented 1 year ago

In addition to this, it would be nice if it showed off to the side in the same bar the remaining disk space. That way, users could tell at a glance how much free disk space is remaining vs how much is remaining to download. I'm constantly having to switch from qB and open My Computer to check the free disk space, then basically just estimate if I'll run out or how long until I do. This FR, in addition to showing the free disk space (ideally of the temp folder drive and the completed folder drive) would make it a lot easier to see what's going on.

pspot2 commented 1 year ago

Perhaps the setting under "Preferences" > "Downloads" > "Pre-allocate disk space for all files" could provide an answer to your second issue of running out of storage space? Cfr. https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/wiki/Explanation-of-Options-in-qBittorrent#Advanced

(The only thing that I was and am looking for is a way to calculate the total "Remaining" size (of a snapshot or updated every few seconds). E.g. Under "View" > "Statistics" there could be an entry. E.g. By selecting all and copying to another editor could allow me to do that.

Last time I tried the "Pre-allocate disk space" functionality, what it was doing is pre-writing the files instead of pre-allocating the space. This is slow and non-paralleizable for rotational drives, and results in extra wear on SSDs due to double writes (one for pre-filling and one for the actual torrent data).

How does it work nowadays? Has something changed? If yes, this could be a real alternative for tracking the remaining free space.