qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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"Save to a different directory" not working #12695

Open technicalzero opened 4 years ago

technicalzero commented 4 years ago

Please provide the following information

qBittorrent version and Operating System

qB 4.2.5 on WIndows 10 1909 10.0.18363

If on linux, libtorrent-rasterbar and Qt version

(type here)

What is the problem

Torrents downloaded using the RSS downloader are not being moved into the "different directory" specified in the RSS downloader UI on completion. This was previously working (last time I know for sure it was working is 1 week ago; this issue's start may have coincided with update 4.2.4).

What is the expected behavior

Files for a torrent downloaded via this method should be moved to the selected folder.

Steps to reproduce

Configure a download rule, check the "Save to a different directory" box, browse for and select a directory, and allow a download to complete. The downloaded files are not moved into the selected directory.

Extra info(if any)

(type here)

technicalzero commented 4 years ago

This is inconsistently reproducing now - may be due to a couple of very large torrents that were trying to relocate and were removed from qB due to max seed time being reached, but there were some smaller torrents affected as well.

At any rate, I'm not sure how to consistently reproduce this now so if you want to close this issue I'd say go ahead.

FranciscoPombal commented 4 years ago

@thezerogod I'll leave this open for a while longer, let us know if you find a way to reproduce this, or if this was due to some other issue on your end.

phhemberg commented 4 years ago

I have it reproduces on linux version. Version Qbittorrent nox 4.2.5


No matter what the finished files are moved to the /sync/torrents/ dir. I can however move the files to /done dir afterwoods (no permission issue).

phhemberg commented 4 years ago

@FranciscoPombal . I have reproduces this issue. If you are in need of further information please write on this ticket/issue and i will provide. This is a really annoying bug.

thalieht commented 4 years ago

No matter what the finished files are moved to the /sync/torrents/ dir. I can however move the files to /done dir afterwoods (no permission issue).

What is it about this feature that makes it so confusing for some people? According to that last pic, that is where you want them to go: in the monitored folder.

phhemberg commented 4 years ago

No matter what the finished files are moved to the /sync/torrents/ dir. I can however move the files to /done dir afterwoods (no permission issue).

What is it about this feature that makes it so confusing for some people? According to that last pic, that is where you want them to go: in the monitored folder.

I do not quite follow..... Monitored folde (i presume) is where qbittorent looks for torrent files to import right?

thalieht commented 4 years ago

I do not quite follow..... Monitored folde (i presume) is where qbittorent looks for torrent files to import right?

Yes and what have you set the "Override Save Location" for torrents picked from there? To that same folder.

phhemberg commented 4 years ago

I do not quite follow..... Monitored folde (i presume) is where qbittorent looks for torrent files to import right?

Yes and what have you set the "Override Save Location" for torrents picked from there? To that same folder.

So (maybe i'm going knots here) i can't have a monitored folder AND another "default save" directory. A monitored folder will ALWAYS replace a default save path?. Right?

thalieht commented 4 years ago

AND another "default save" directory. A monitored folder will ALWAYS replace a default save path?. Right?

I don't understand what you're saying. "a" default save path? There is only 1 default save path and the option clearly says "override". Btw what does this have to do with the OP? You mentioned something about RSS there (i don't know anything about it so i won't take part in solving it).

FranciscoPombal commented 4 years ago

@phhemberg I don't know why people keep overthinking this either.

Let me try to explain this once more.

The Override save location has 3 (three) options, chosen by a dropdown:

Anyway, you did not actually reproduce the issue in the OP, this is just a misunderstanding of a different feature.