qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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Modify queue of completed files #13084

Open BattouSaeen opened 4 years ago

BattouSaeen commented 4 years ago

Please provide the following information

qBittorrent version and Operating System

4.2.5 - Win 10

As someone who likes to organise files in multiple ways depending on use, there is a feature I really miss in qB present in other download managers (like JDownloader) and that is the ability to change the position of a completed download in the queue.

So far, qB has always had completed downloads in a manner of when the download completed. So file 1 and 2 can be added in order, but if file 2 finishes first and then file 1 finishes, the completed list will show file 2 first and file 1 on top as the latest file to complete.

One can sort by name or any other column present, but doing that affects everything, instead of only the completed files.

JD operates by the same idea, but the completed downloads don't jump up or down into a separate completed section (the way they do in qB). To clarify, I have the default sorting by # (usually the first column that has numbers attached to each torrent). One can move a file up or down the queue but only those that are not completed. It would be useful to be able to change the order of completed files.

One real problem of only relying on sorting by columns (e.g. name) is how many downloads often have obnoxious naming or no naming at all. So if two related files are found from two different providers, chances are they will be named according to whatever the uploader decided on, rather than following some sort of universal standard. Renaming such files is very time consuming so it's easier to just be able to move completed downloads up and down to group them into a batch where you can retain the order of the download in any way you like (e.g. by number for series of items such as episodes of a tutorial) while also keeping the torrent # column for currently downloading torrents in ascending or descending format.

unregd commented 2 years ago

This is the feature I miss the most after using other clients. Only the incomplete ones have #s and movable up and down in the list, please keep the completed ones numbered as well.