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qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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Strange behavior when hovering over checkboxes in the settings (workaround: move main application over to fusion style) #13603

Open 54m4d opened 3 years ago

54m4d commented 3 years ago

Please provide the following information

qBittorrent version and Operating System

v4.3.0 (64-bit) Windows 10 Pro 2004 (Build 19041.264)


If on linux, libtorrent-rasterbar and Qt version

Not on linux.

What is the problem

Strange animation and kind of blurry and bold checkboxes when hovering over them. (see attachments below)

Strange behavior

As it can be seen on the screenshot below, blurry and bold checkboxes when hovering over them with the mouse pointer.

Blurry and bold checkboxes

What is the expected behavior

The expected behavior is to not see that kind of strange animation around the checkboxes.

Steps to reproduce

Not sure if i'm the only one?

Extra info(if any)

My display is 2560x1440p and the scaling is at 125% When switching to 100% the issue does not occur. Did the high DPI scaling override and it did not help. No issues at all on qBittorrent v4.2.5


EDIT: 03.05.2021

The scaling issue has improved a lot since last time although i haven't done anything, as you can see in the demo below, the visual artifact in the checkboxes has improved significantly even though there are 1-2 checkboxes that still artifact (mostly when scrolling up and down)

Capture 03_05_2021_06_47_06

I have also zoomed in on the checkboxes to give you an idea on how the artifacted ones look like:

Capture 03_05_2021_07_27_20

jaywyeee commented 3 years ago

I have this issue as well. Anything that has a hover or focus state displays distorted behavior. I'm suspecting the cause to be the Qt upgrade.

xavier2k6 commented 3 years ago

@fosam @jaywyeee Can you edit your qt.conf file with this:

[Platforms] WindowsArguments = fontengine=freetype

EDIT: I believe this to be Qt fractional scale problem.

54m4d commented 3 years ago

@fosam @jaywyeee Can you edit your qt.conf file with this:

[Platforms] WindowsArguments = fontengine=freetype

EDIT: I believe this to be Qt fractional scale problem.

@xavier2k6 Thanks for the effort

But sorry to say that it made the font a bit worse than before while the above issue still persists.

With fontengine=freetype


Without fontengine=freetype the text/font is sharper and therefore more clear as you can see below:


54m4d commented 3 years ago

No fix in v4.3.0.1

jaywyeee commented 3 years ago

@fosam @jaywyeee Can you edit your qt.conf file with this:

[Platforms] WindowsArguments = fontengine=freetype

EDIT: I believe this to be Qt fractional scale problem.

Same result as @fosam.

xavier2k6 commented 3 years ago

Can you guys try the below test build, it is 4.3.0 with a "crash fix" (This essentially became the official

(Trying to see if compilation with MSVC 2017 Vs MSVC 2019 plays any role here with regards to HiDpi/scaling)

Windows test build of 4.3.0(Release) with https://github.com/arvidn/libtorrent/pull/5228 & listed libraries:

qBittorrent Release | 4.3.0 commit: b925cff (Oct 18, 2020)
libtorrent-rasterbar | commit: c2f001a (Oct 19, 2020)
Qt                   | 5.15.1
OpenSSL              | 1.1.1h
zlib                 | 1.2.11
Boost                | 1.74

Download Link

54m4d commented 3 years ago

@xavier2k6 Thanks for the effort but unfortunately...👇😭

Screenshot 2020-10-28 203023

xavier2k6 commented 3 years ago

thanks @fosam for the feedback, did you experience this with 4.2,5? - that used Qt 5.13.2

We won't know for sure if Qt5.15.2 will fix this, if it is a Qt issue until around the 3rd+ of November when it is scheduled to be released & a test build can be created.

54m4d commented 3 years ago

@xavier2k6 No issues at all on qBittorrent v4.2.5 Would be great if somebody could test Qt 5.15.2 it is only a few days away

xavier2k6 commented 3 years ago

@xavier2k6 No issues at all on qBittorrent v4.2.5 Would be great if somebody could test Qt 5.15.2 it is only a few days away

I will provide a test build as soon as I have access to the released Qt5.15.2 source.

54m4d commented 3 years ago

@xavier2k6 Thanks!

54m4d commented 3 years ago

Still the same issue with v4.3.1

FranciscoPombal commented 3 years ago

I can reproduce this with 4.3.1 + Windows 10 20H2, 1080p screen, no DPI-related environment variable overrides, with 150% scaling or higher.

Doesn't matter if DPI setting is changed before qBittorrent is started or while it is running.

Workarounds mentioned in https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/13749#issuecomment-742873508 have no effect on this one.

54m4d commented 3 years ago

I can reproduce this with 4.3.1 + Windows 10 20H2, 1080p screen, no DPI-related environment variable overrides, changing with 150% scaling or higher.

Doesn't matter if DPI setting is changed before qBittorrent is started or while it is running.

Workarounds mentioned in #13749 (comment) have no effect on this one.


I've tried all the workarounds, non-work, but note that i have no issues @100% scaling as i mentioned above. 1440p screen. Were you able to reproduce the issue @100% scaling too?

FranciscoPombal commented 3 years ago



I've tried all the workarounds, non-work, but note that i have no issues @100% scaling as i mentioned above. 1440p screen. Were you able to reproduce the issue @100% scaling too?

As my comment says:

54m4d commented 3 years ago

As my comment says:

  • the linked workarounds don't solve this problem
  • In my case (1080p monitor) I can only reproduce on 150% scaling or higher (though it is possible that the problem also exists at 125% but the artifacting is too small to notice). No issues at 100%.


Yes. for me the issue starts @125% and the more you go up, the worse it gets, keep also in mind that the settings menu i'm showing above in the issue is not the only affected item, the pop-up windows for example also don't look natural, like the pop-up window when you check for updates. it looks distorted.

My question though is why qBittorrent v4.2.5 does not have this issue at all, what's the difference?

Let's hope it gets fixed in future developments :)

FranciscoPombal commented 3 years ago


Yes. for me the issue starts @125% and the more you go up, the worse it gets, keep also in mind that the settings menu i'm showing above in the issue is not the only affected item, the pop-up windows for example also don't look natural, like the pop-up window when you check for updates. it looks distorted.


My question though is why qBittorrent v4.2.5 does not have this issue at all, what's the difference?

Newer Qt version. Qt support for high DPI scaling has always been a mess. It is now better than ever, but little quirks like this remain. While this a straight regression in your use case, for other users, there were even worse issues that got fixed. It's sort of a case of "whack a bug here, another one (smaller, at least) appears somewhere else".

Let's hope it will be better in future development :)

These kinds of issues should all go away once Qt supports the Per Monitor V2 mechanism/protocol/whatever in Windows. This is expected for Qt6, but there is a chance that it might be backported to one of the remaining Qt5.x releases. Not much we can do until then. Just enjoy the other features. Recent versions, >= 4.3.0 offer massive improvements in performance and connectivity over 4.2.x versions.

54m4d commented 3 years ago


xavier2k6 commented 3 years ago

@FranciscoPombal @fosam I've been able to reproduce this issue on 150% scaling/1080p monitor too & I believe below is a fix/workaround Can you try? (tested with 4.3.1 portable profile/defaults....so no qt.conf manipulation)

Select qBittorrent.exe->right click->Properties->Compatibility->Change high DPI settings

High DPI scaling override Override high DPI scaling behaviour->Enable Scaling performed by:->System

54m4d commented 3 years ago

@FranciscoPombal @fosam I've been able to reproduce this issue on 150% scaling/1080p monitor too & I believe below is a fix/workaround Can you try? (tested with 4.3.1 portable profile/defaults....so no qt.conf manipulation)

Select qBittorrent.exe->right click->Properties->Compatibility->Change high DPI settings

High DPI scaling override Override high DPI scaling behaviour->Enable Scaling performed by:->System


That is the first thing that comes to mind, and of course doesn't work, it makes the font look the worst, same as when we tried the free font workaround, check the comparison above..

Sorry to disappoint :(

xavier2k6 commented 3 years ago

@fosam Have you Let Windows try to fix apps so they're not blurry enabled as well under Advanced scaling settings?

54m4d commented 3 years ago

@fosam Have you Let Windows try to fix apps so they're not blurry enabled as well under Advanced scaling settings?

Yes of course, i tried all those workarounds before opening this issue here, and unfortunately non of them worked.

I think i need better eyes to be able to use 100% scaling 😁

xavier2k6 commented 3 years ago

@fosam are you running in portable mode by any chance?

Can you post a screenshot of qBittorrent.exe via Task Manager->Details with column DPI Awareness active for each Windows argument 0,1,2

54m4d commented 3 years ago

@fosam are you running in portable mode by any chance?

Can you post a screenshot of qBittorrent.exe via Task Manager->Details with column DPI Awareness active for each Windows argument 0,1,2

@xavier2k6 I'm running in regular mode.

Screenshot of qBittorrent.exe in task manager or what? there's too little details in there..

dpiawareness=1 dpiawareness=1

xavier2k6 commented 3 years ago

Can you run qbittorrent -style fusion from a command prompt/where you have qbittorrent installed.

54m4d commented 3 years ago

@xavier2k6 I did, and the issue did not appear there, however, the style/theme of qbittorrent changed, now it looks more like a Mac/Linux theme and it didn't look as sharp as the standard one, but ok this workaround fixed the issue kind of, Thanks!

In my next reply i will include a screenshot showing a small demo.

54m4d commented 3 years ago

qbittorrent -style fusion

Capture 27_01_2021_13_35_52

xavier2k6 commented 3 years ago

If we are to fully support HiDPI screens etc we will have to probably make qBittorrent on windows use the fusion style as default.

High DPI Support in Qt

While the macOS style fully supports high-DPI, the Windows desktop style currently has some limitations with certain scale factors. In these cases, consider using the Fusion style instead, which supports high-DPI in all cases.

ref: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/highdpi.html#:~:text=Windows%20desktop%20style%20currently%20has%20some%20limitations%20with%20certain%20scale%20factors.%20In%20these%20cases,%20consider%20using%20the%20Fusion%20style%20instead

54m4d commented 3 years ago


Are there any other ways to apply fusion style other than running qBittorrent from a command prompt?

54m4d commented 3 years ago


Why don't i have issues with this one? running on the exact same system.

Capture 05_02_2021_18_16_34

jaywyeee commented 3 years ago

@fosam Already answered previously.

My question though is why qBittorrent v4.2.5 does not have this issue at all, what's the difference?

Newer Qt version. Qt support for high DPI scaling has always been a mess. It is now better than ever, but little quirks like this remain. While this a straight regression in your use case, for other users, there were even worse issues that got fixed. It's sort of a case of "whack a bug here, another one (smaller, at least) appears somewhere else".

54m4d commented 3 years ago

@jaywyeee Ok, fixed the duplicate question.

harvestry-of-ghosts commented 3 years ago

Appears to be the same issue, although I still have it on 4.3.3. https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/14384

xavier2k6 commented 3 years ago


Why don't i have issues with this one? running on the exact same system.

As already pointed out in https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/13603?_pjax=%23js-repo-pjax-container#issuecomment-778784336 & previous.

@harvestry-of-ghosts It appears, you are experiencing same issue, for now please use the workaround below:

run qbittorrent -style fusion from a command prompt/where you have qbittorrent installed.

harvestry-of-ghosts commented 3 years ago

4.3.5 is the 6th release in a row now with this issue still ongoing. What's the deal?

ArcticGems commented 3 years ago

4.3.5 is the 6th release in a row now with this issue still ongoing. What's the deal?

Still only use Qt 5.11. In QBit 4.4.x version they will start to use Qt 5.15 (I think?), check out what it says about DPI in Qt 5.14 changelog = https://wiki.qt.io/New_Features_in_Qt_5.14

54m4d commented 3 years ago

@harvestry-of-ghosts What version of Windows 10 do yo have now?

xavier2k6 commented 3 years ago

Still only use Qt 5.11. In QBit 4.4.x version they will start to use Qt 5.15 (I think?)

Qt 5.15.2 is currently being used in Releases. Qt 5.11 - is more of a minimum required to build etc.

54m4d commented 3 years ago

After the improvement after some Windows 10 updates, it seems like the problem is not related to Qt...but i cannot confirm.

xavier2k6 commented 3 years ago

@harvestry-of-ghosts @fosam Please try build associated with your OS from below: https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/actions/runs/875530646#artifacts

I would like some feedback in relation to running it as you normally would & then when you run qbittorrent -style fusion from a command prompt/where you have that qbittorrent build installed.

54m4d commented 3 years ago


Thanks for providing the test build!

It is still the same as my last testing (03.05.2021). for the fusion style, it has always worked fine, in the past too.

Here is the feedback from the test build:


normally would

-style fusion

-style fusion


Capture 27_05_2021_03_27_59

harvestry-of-ghosts commented 3 years ago

After the improvement after some Windows 10 updates, it seems like the problem is not related to Qt...but i cannot confirm.

No improvement here whatsoever.

@harvestry-of-ghosts @fosam Please try build associated with your OS from below: https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/actions/runs/875530646#artifacts

I would like some feedback in relation to running it as you normally would & then when you run qbittorrent -style fusion from a command prompt/where you have that qbittorrent build installed.

Running normally has the same problem with all boxes as the latest official release. Running with the command and your build has other problems that the official does not have when running with the command. The check boxes work properly, but other things are introduced in your build as can be seen in the following images. On the second image, the line disappears and glitches when I adjust the size.

1 2
xavier2k6 commented 3 years ago

@harvestry-of-ghosts What is screen resolution? What scaling are you using?

harvestry-of-ghosts commented 3 years ago


1920x1080 150% Windows 10 x64 Version 20H2 (OS Build 19042.1023)

harvestry-of-ghosts commented 3 years ago

2 more releases. Still not fixed in 4.3.6 or 4.4.0 beta. What is going on? It's been like a year since this problem has been going on.

xavier2k6 commented 3 years ago

@harvestry-of-ghosts It more than likely won't/can't be fixed fully until we migrate/support QT 6.x Series........

As you've seen - we can fix part of it but it breaks something else......as per your previous screenshots which is similar to another user report which has been fixed by QT in version 6

harvestry-of-ghosts commented 3 years ago

@xavier2k6 Is there a reason that a previous version of QT that does not cause this issue cannot be used, until 6 is used?

xavier2k6 commented 3 years ago

@xavier2k6 Is there a reason that a previous version of QT that does not cause this issue cannot be used, until 6 is used?

Again, unfortunately - newer Qt version fixes known issues & reverting to older version would re-introduce those & probably break other things as well.

(Damned if we do & damned if we don't!)

Since Qt moved the 5.15.x Series to Commercial LTS (PAY FOR PATCHES/SUPPORT!) after Qt 5.15.2 they basically screwed over open-source projects.

Fixes have been introduced in the 5.15.x Series (but we can't use them) which will be included in Qt 6.x

For now - we only have workarounds/temp fix....

ghost commented 2 years ago

Is this still reproducible with Qt 5.15.4 / 6.3.0? If not then I'd prefer to close this.

yujinlin0224 commented 2 years ago

I am not sure it is the same problem. Test in qBittorrent v4.4.3 (Qt 6.3.0), 3840*2160 screen with 150% scale, Windows 10 21H2 bandicam 2022-06-06 17-01-55-587 .