qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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A few suggestions to consider (multiple feature requests) #14119

Open ef1500 opened 3 years ago

ef1500 commented 3 years ago

Hi there! I want to suggest some new features I think would be cool to see implemented. I'm not sure if these are even possible to implement, but they would be nice to have.

1. More, Better Graphs

qBitTorrent should make more graphs to really give the users a deep look as to how qBitTorrent is functioning, as well as add some additional aesthetic features. Here are a few ideas:

2. Statistics, Visualized

Aside from graphs and things, it would also be nice if there was a better stats page that conveniently displays various data in charts. Here are some ideas:

3. Theme and UI enhancements

These may have been done already, but I'm not sure. I will suggest them anyway. Here are some ideas:

I hope these are possible to implement in some way or another; it would make torrenting a lot more enjoyable and informative about the torrenting process, in my opinion.


luzpaz commented 10 months ago

Ticket should be simplified and each request should be separate feature.