qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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SOCKS5 proxy does not work (macOS) #14636

Open MarkWieczorek opened 3 years ago

MarkWieczorek commented 3 years ago

Please provide the following information

qBittorrent version and Operating System

v4.3.4.1 (64-bit) macos 11.2.3

What is the problem

Using a SOCKS5 proxy with qbittorrent (macos) does not work.

qbittorrent works fine when not using a socks proxy. However, when enabling the socks proxy (using authentification mode), my torrents are all listed as stalled. I am certain that my socks5 proxy works (along with the port number), as it works fine with the Deluge torrent client.

What is the expected behavior

I expect to be able to connect using a socks proxy

Steps to reproduce

see above.

Extra info(if any)

aayush-ag commented 3 years ago

Same issue here. Tested on windows linux and docker. Please add those labels.

rOOb85 commented 3 years ago

OS Ubuntu 18.04 x64 qBittorrent v4.3.3 Qt: 5.9.5 Libtorrent: Boost: 1.65.1 OpenSSL: 1.1.1 zlib: 1.2.11

Same issue here. I have done the following things in settings:

Set peer connection protocol to just TCP Set the port number for incoming connections(added TCP and UDP port forward rules in my router so this port is open) Unchecked Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router Enabled socks5 Set host and port Checked Use proxy for peer connections and Use proxy only for torrents Enabled authentication and entered user/pass Enabled dht, peer exchange, and local peer discovery in bittorrent settings. Encryption is set to allow Anonymous mode is disabled

If I disable socks proxy torrents start working as expected. Peers are found, trackers respond, seeds are found, and peers connect. If I enable socks most torrents stay stalled. Some eventually connect to 1 or 2 seeds and speeds don't tend to go over a few hundred kb/s.

DanielSmedegaardBuus commented 3 years ago

SOCKS5 proxy tends to work for finding and connecting to peers within a "short" period of time (10 minutes to a couple of hours, depending on cosmic rays) after most fresh app starts (perhaps 5% of the time, the proxy won't work on a clean start, and requires two or more restarts of qbt before working). After a while, newly added torrents (either via RSS, hotfolders, or manually) start as stalled, and peer connections for already running torrents tend to disappear. I've been launching qBittorrent like this in a screen session as a work-around for a couple of years now: while true; do (sleep 30m && osascript -e 'quit app "qbittorrent"')&; /Applications/MacPorts/qbittorrent.app/Contents/MacOS/qbittorrent; done (the reason for using osascript being that qBittorrent cannot close via kill). An unfortunate side-effect of this approach is that while qBittorrent exits cleanly, and thus finishes moving any completed torrents correctly, it does not register that torrents have been moved, so they appear in the list as errored with "Missing files" upon restart (I cannot submit a bug report for this, since I can't install the latest version of qBittorrent on my OS X 10.10.5).

I have a suspicion that this is a libtorrent issue, though, but I don't remember why...