qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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Stream videos from VLC #15561

Open Gernuts opened 2 years ago

Gernuts commented 2 years ago


I have tried using the client coming from "another" popular torrent client and so far these two features (or better lack of) prevent me personally from fully migrating. The first is the annoying .parts file being in the main download folder. There is absolutely no need for that. If I download a part torrent, that means it has its own folder and the .parts file can be placed inside that folder to not clutter up the main folder. And if I download a torrent with one file, well then there isn't a .parts file, or if the client needs it, it can be placed in a temp folder somewhere. Second request is to add a streaming link generator that can be opened in VLC for example. Nothing worse than to wait for a video file to download fully to watch it. I know about the Download in sequential order option but it doesn't work as desired. You can't skip to parts of video for example.

Thanks and hope these get added soon.

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FranciscoPombal commented 2 years ago

One request per issue please.

Your first feature request is a duplicate of https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/13531 (this is a discussion about the general problem of .part files).

virgil-av commented 2 years ago

@Gernuts "Nothing worse than to wait for a video file to download fully to watch it."

Right click on torrent, select "Download first and last piece" and "Download in sequential order" wait for the torrent to get at least 1% and a decent download speed.

With the torrent selected , look at the bottom panel select "Content" and double click on the media file you want to play, select VLC as your player from the list OR right click on torrent select "Open destination folder", right click on file "open with" select VLC.

Gernuts commented 2 years ago

Doesn't work if you want to skip through the video. It looks like it's waiting for the pieces to download sequentially. And it doesn't prioritise the video open. Also the interface for this feature needs to improve quite a bit. Overall the feature is somewhat there but doesn't really work.

AlperShal commented 1 year ago

Since last month I have tried playing at least 6 torrents while downloading. All had sequential downloading and download first and last pieces first options enabled. If they weren't downloaded 100% they weren't playing or they were lacking colors (they weren't HDR content). With the streaming feature of uTorrent it was just click and play. I was double clicking on the video file in GUI and VLC was being opened with the stream URL. I can't understand why sequential download doesn't work but it just doesn't work. It's really necessary to have. If this is a problem on my end I am sorry but I have tried different media players and different torrents all not working. I am rooting for the feature.

Edit: Codec information and stuff shows up for a few seconds and file gets dismissed in VLC.

gysiguy commented 2 months ago

Yeah, this "Sequential Order" and "First and Last Pieces" doesn't work, not to mention it is highly unintuitive. If uTorrent can do it, why not qBittorrent? I'm gonna have to go back to uTorrent for this feature alone.

stalkerok commented 2 months ago

It works fine, the only thing is that it needs to be enabled for each torrent separately, maybe that's what you mean by "doesn't work"?

gysiguy commented 2 months ago

What I mean by "doesn't work" is that 99% of the time when I enable it for a specific torrent and try to watch a file, the video freezes and does not recover. It only works properly once the file is completely downloaded. "Downloading sequentially" is not a replacement for proper streaming.

happeeshopper commented 1 week ago

What I mean by "doesn't work" is that 99% of the time when I enable it for a specific torrent and try to watch a file, the video freezes and does not recover. It only works properly once the file is completely downloaded. "Downloading sequentially" is not a replacement for proper streaming.

The issue could be down to how the video is encoded. MP4 containers hold a "moov atom" that acts as an index and contains the timeline, duration, display properties etc of the video.

It's best to put the atom at the very beginning of the mp4, then it can be read instantly by the player. With ffmpeg this is done by adding the -movflags faststart parameter when encoding.

If this isn't pre-specified, or it's not possible to specify if using different software, the moov atom can be placed anywhere in the mp4.

If you have a copy on disk, it's no issue the player will find the moov atom and play the video, but if you only have part of the video, you may not have the part that holds the moov atom and the video might not play.