qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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Tracker STATUS Stuck On "Updating ... " - torrents never connect #15744

Open DeathStalker77 opened 2 years ago

DeathStalker77 commented 2 years ago

qBittorrent & operating system versions

qBittorrent: 4.3.9 x64 Operating system: Windows 10 Pro 21H1 x64 Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0 Qt: ? libtorrent-rasterbar: 1.0.5


What is the problem?

Many torrents stuck on STATUS - Updating......

Torrents with this issue will NEVER connect during the active session.

Waiting does NOT change the status. Restartng the client results in DIFFERENT torrents with the SAME issue - no pattern, no consistency. Adding a Tracker STATUS Column (as requested in Ideas) would immediately show these when a torrent has a single tracker.

This will NOT show up unless you are specifically looking at the STATUS for an individual torrent. This occurs randomly even on private trackers (some torrents will connect fine, others won't)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start client
  2. Wait for all trackers to announce and connect
  3. Look at torrents that have only 1 Tracker and see if it hangs on "Updating .... "

Additional context

No response

Log(s) & preferences file(s)

Nothing strange in the LOG.

[Preferences] MailNotification\username= General\PreventFromSuspendWhenSeeding=true General\UseCustomUITheme=false Advanced\TrayIconStyle=0 Connection\GlobalDLLimitAlt=0 General\CloseToTray=false Advanced\DisableRecursiveDownload=false Bittorrent\MaxConnecs=300 Queueing\QueueingEnabled=false Downloads\DiskWriteCacheSize=15360 Downloads\StartInPause=false Queueing\MaxActiveTorrents=100 Scheduler\start_time=@Variant(\0\0\0\xf\x1\xb7t\0) Advanced\confirmTorrentDeletion=true General\CustomUIThemePath= MailNotification\sender=qBittorrent_notification@example.com General\HideZeroComboValues=0 Advanced\AnnounceToAllTrackers=false Connection\ResolvePeerCountries=true MailNotification\req_ssl=false General\ExitConfirm=true State\hSplitterSizes=119, 633 MailNotification\email= Connection\PortRangeMin=###### Advanced\updateCheck=true Downloads\PreAllocation=true Downloads\NewAdditionDialog=true Bittorrent\MaxUploadsPerTorrent=5 Downloads\NewAdditionDialogFront=true General\MinimizeToTray=false MailNotification\enabled=false General\StartMinimized=false Connection\alt_speeds_on=false Bittorrent\MaxConnecsPerTorrent=100 Advanced\IgnoreLimitsLAN=true Bittorrent\MaxUploads=30 MailNotification\password= Advanced\RecheckOnCompletion=false State\size=@Size(779 591) Downloads\DblClOnTorDl=1 Advanced\EnableIconsInMenus=true Scheduler\end_time=@Variant(\0\0\0\xf\x4J\xa2\0) Scheduler\days=0 Advanced\AnonymousMode=true General\NoSplashScreen=true Advanced\confirmTorrentRecheck=true Advanced\confirmRemoveAllTags=true General\Locale=en WebUI\Enabled=false Downloads\SaveResumeDataInterval=5 MailNotification\smtp_server=smtp.changeme.com Win32\NeverCheckFileAssocation=true Bittorrent\uTP_rate_limited=false Queueing\MaxActiveUploads=50 Downloads\DiskWriteCacheTTL=3600 Queueing\MaxActiveDownloads=50 Downloads\DblClOnTorFn=1 Connection\ResolvePeerHostNames=true MailNotification\req_auth=false Advanced\trackerPort=9000 General\PreventFromSuspendWhenDownloading=true General\SystrayEnabled=true Downloads\FinishedTorrentExportDir= General\HideZeroValues=false General\AlternatingRowColors=true Connection\GlobalUPLimitAlt=0 Downloads\UseIncompleteExtension=true

xavier2k6 commented 2 years ago

Qt: ?

The version is shown in the about window

libtorrent-rasterbar: 1.0.5

This doesn't appear to be right at all either.

Did you experience this issue previously in another qBittorrent release?

Was qBittorrent allowed through your firewall? etc


Have you tried enabling this in advanced options?!

Reference: announce

DeathStalker77 commented 2 years ago

Qt: 5.15.2 Libtorrent: Boost: 1.1.1 zib: 1.2.11

I did not actually look for it on prior versions - I just came across it accidentally. Yes, firewall fully allows it, though I DID just notice that I hadn't set the EXE as TRUSTED (just did that). That version of rasterbar is what I got when I did an Everything search - not sure where else I can find it.

I can try adding that additional announce option.

--- DS

slrslr commented 2 years ago

I have not tried OP configuration. In his reproductions teps i am unsure what exactly is meant by "announce and connect" or how to discover it if i have lets say 3000 torrents.

Anyway i have similar issue but on Linux with latest qbt 4.4.0beta3/qt 5.15.2/libtorrent where due to possibly qbt overload of too many http announces qbt shows Updating (i am having non english version) in many (not all) torrents with http trackers. pausing, resuming torrent or moving tracker/up down does not help and even in paused state shows Updating near http trackers - bug?. My Settings/Advanced/Max concurrent http announces is 900 (having 2500+ torrents), nearly all having http tracker.

I have seen the cases where Updating status turns to Working (or equivalent english term) after some time (maybe 30min to a few hours).

DeathStalker77 commented 2 years ago

This is still listed as "WAITING INFO" - what info is being waited on? Issue is still occurring on multiple trackers - no pattern.

Oh, I DID add the ANNOUNCE options suggested above - no change.


--- DS

ghost commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that this is an issue on 4.4-3 on Arch.

daemonofchaos commented 1 year ago

Still an issue in qBittorrent v4.4.5 Web UI (64-bit) running in Docker.

gundamftw commented 7 months ago

I'm using version 4.5.2 and I have 1600 torrent, changing max concurrent HTTP announces to 900 solves the issue for me.

Within 5 minutes of applying the change, going through the torrents, I can see that the status of their trackers changed from updating to either working or not working, and active torrents which had been stalled have started to download.

The change also affected RAM usage, my RAM usage jumped from my regular 1 GB to 2.5 GB, and then slowly falls down to 2 GB.