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versatile file download priority #15892

Open chauhansarthakiitd opened 2 years ago

chauhansarthakiitd commented 2 years ago


now we have sequential download and Low, Normal, and Maximum priority but it is not customizable enough for all situations. let us say we have a torrent with 25 items and we want to download the last 5 items first one by one. right now that's not possible. if we design a numbering scheme with higher the number higher the priority we can download the ones we want first.

Use case

downloading torrents with lots of files in a customized order

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asdkant commented 2 years ago

I think what would be more useful is to be able to either:

Why I mentioned the second point: If I set a group of files to prioritize by order, what the program does is just divide them in the three priorities, that time, and doesn't re-prioritize when some of the files are already downloaded. Maybe an easier to implement alternative would be to re-prioritize groups of files as each finishes downloading (and mark the group with a color or something)

chauhansarthakiitd commented 2 years ago

don't you guys think we should put so pedal to the metal and follow biglybt's example? It works flawlessly and we can have our own implementation of it. what's important now is that we act. I can spare some time from my private projects and help we this feature but I have no knowledge of torrenting network. by the time I figure it out you could have finished ages ago! but do hope you put this into serious consideration. it make a big difference with big downloads with a lot of files and moderate client downloading speed

Paradoxum commented 8 months ago

almost 2024 and still not possible to do anything like this after I googled it and ended up here. What exactly are you guys even doing in all these updates? certainly not adding useful shit like this and fixing the stupidly ambiguous 'don't count these...' option and make a proper way to just skip stalled torrents in a queue.

It's practically a meme at this point. The fuck are you devs doing?

crimzind commented 8 months ago

I wish that I could quickly reorder the Queue in a bulk capacity. Having dozens or a hundred+ torrents, and wanting to re-prioritize them by file-size or whatever means a lot of annoying micro-managing. There's got to be a better way, as they say.