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qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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remember old searches (search history) #167

Open Decme opened 11 years ago

Decme commented 11 years ago

If I have qBittorrent open and use it to search, sometimes I have several tabs of search results. If I suddenly need to restart my computer, the search results are gone, the tabs are gone, and I have to start over.

Please remember searches from previous sessions, even if the computer is restarted or recovers from a crash, etc.

nivensd commented 11 years ago

It would probably be cumbersome (read: memory draining) to make it remember the searches by default, but the option to do so would be nice.

Belove0 commented 11 years ago

I'd prefer to have this. I would like Qbt to "session resume" when I restart it. The prior search data would be cached in that case. It could be optional.

ByteEater-pl commented 3 years ago

Would you be willing to implement (or accept a contributed PR) a simple subset of this feature: remembering search strings (not the results) and suggesting them when typing? It's smaller and also avoids @nivensd's concern for memory draining.

Would be very useful when searching for new stuff similar to some searched before (e.g. weekly searches for new episodes of a programme without RSS for torrents).

dbojan commented 2 years ago

I see this has not been added yet. May I suggest a simpler version: If there is a file in profile folder, named bookmarks.txt , load file Read it line by line, add each line to the menu: tools\bookmarks.

When user clicks on say: tools/bookmars/ubuntu linux, search would open, just as if she would click on 'search' tab, entered search text, and clicked on search or enter.

Optional, add 1st line to the bookmark submenu that says, 'open all'. another entry 'edit bookmarks', would open bookmarks.txt add entry that said reload bookmarks.

to add searches to the bookmark, add right click menu on the performed search, that says: 'add search to bookmark'.

-- with regards to the saved search add menu entry in tools\search\ that says: 'save currently opened searches'. they would be saved to profile folder, in a file named searches.txt another one would say: 'open saved searches', or something similar. optionally: menu entry with checkbox that says 'always reload saved searches on start' and menu entry with checkbox that says 'always save searches on exit'

Thank you.

-- I also encourage all users who like this software to donate to qbittorrent https://www.qbittorrent.org/donate.php

dbojan commented 2 years ago

in the meantime, create shortcut to search from desktop using browser. Add rem in front of one of those start if you do not need them both. You can replace Google search with something else if you want Save this text as searchweb.bat, double click it to start:

rem no space between ,
set strings=ubuntu linux,mint linux

SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
rem replace , with " " including quotes

for %%a in ("%strings:,=" "%") do (
 set "string=%%~a"
start "" "https://www.google.com/search?q=!string!"

rem or if you also need first letter of the search text, and to replace space with -  

for %%a in ("!strings:,=" "!") do (
 set "string=%%~a"
 rem replace space with -
 set "string=!string: =-!"
 set "fl=!string:~0,1!"
 echo !fl! !string!
start "" "https://www.google.com/search?q=!fl! !string!"


rem to use specific browser, add its path after "", like this: 
rem start "" "D:\apps\GoogleChrome\GoogleChrome.exe" "http...

or a simpler version:

rem no space between ,
set strings=ubuntu linux,mint linux

rem replace , with " " including quotes
for %%a in ("%strings:,=" "%") do (
 start "" "https://www.google.com/search?q=%%~a"
ninerays commented 7 months ago

I would like to add to the request of having my searches retained between sessions. I use this for keeping TV show searches and looking out for the next one etc. I currently use Jacket via a web browser and so I am able to maintain search persistence via web browser pages (one for each search). As I am now able to use Jacket as a search engine within QBittorrent, it would be so good to maintain all of this within the Qbittorrent application each time I start it up. For me this the only thing missing for Qbittorrent to be the full solution.

Laidbak300 commented 2 months ago

Same. If I've carried out four or fives searches but get interrupted in a session and I realize I'm not getting back to my current torrent project for a day or two, it's time to shut off the computer--and currently that means I lose all the searches. Gotta be some way to ameliorate the problem.

rexleonis commented 2 months ago

Still no search history after so many years? I have to retype the search string every time like a fool.

thirdprize commented 2 months ago

I’d like this as well.