qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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qBittorrent-Nox | 4.6 Trouble | "Checking Resume Data" #19848

Open ArcticNerd opened 10 months ago

ArcticNerd commented 10 months ago

qBittorrent & operating system versions

qBittorrent-Nox: 4.6 x64 Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

What is the problem?

After upgrading to version 4.6 from version 4.5.5, I started to get a lot of "stalled" torrents. Thought I was just getting unlucky with peers, but then I started getting "checking resume data" on every new torrent added. I then rolled back to 4.5.5 and all the errors seems to have gone away.

I found only posts about deleting all resume data and trying again, which seemed to work for about 24 hours, then came back.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install 4.6
  2. Add torrent (I was using magnet links if that matters)
  3. Get error: "Checking Resume Data"
  4. Never goes away

To resolve(?):

  1. Uninstall 4.6
  2. Clear settings (not sure if necessary, but did so anyway)
  3. Reinstalled 4.5.5

Additional context

Not overly bothered about it all, but just figured it'd be easier to let anyone know if there's something that I could help with. I've only recently switched to using qBittorrent, so looking forward to seeing how it all goes. :)

Log(s) & preferences file(s)

I couldn't find anything in my logs about any errors relating to this, but I'm willing to privately share them. Only errors I can see in my torrents are: (in no particular order)


``` (I) 2023-10-25T01:08:42 - Performance alert: : performance warning: the disk queue limit is too high compared to the cache size. The disk queue eats into the cache size. More info: https://libtorrent.org/reference-Alerts.html#enum-performance-warning-t (I) 2023-11-01T19:14:12 - Performance alert: : performance warning: max outstanding piece requests reached. More info: https://libtorrent.org/reference-Alerts.html#enum-performance-warning-t (W) 2023-11-01T19:16:12 - UPnP/NAT-PMP port mapping failed. Message: "could not map port using UPnP[x.x.x.x]: no router found" ``` I believe these are just due to some bad settings, and UPNP being disabled on my router.



``` [Application] FileLogger\Age=1 FileLogger\AgeType=1 FileLogger\Backup=true FileLogger\DeleteOld=false FileLogger\Enabled=true FileLogger\MaxSizeBytes=1000000512 FileLogger\Path=qbtlogs MemoryWorkingSetLimit=1024 [AutoRun] OnTorrentAdded\Enabled=false OnTorrentAdded\Program= enabled=true program= [BitTorrent] Session\AddExtensionToIncompleteFiles=true Session\AddTorrentToTopOfQueue=true Session\AlternativeGlobalDLSpeedLimit=10240 Session\AlternativeGlobalUPSpeedLimit=2560 Session\AnnounceToAllTrackers=true Session\AsyncIOThreadsCount=16 Session\BandwidthSchedulerEnabled=true Session\BlockPeersOnPrivilegedPorts=true Session\CheckingMemUsageSize=1024 Session\CoalesceReadWrite=true Session\DefaultSavePath= Session\DisableAutoTMMByDefault=false Session\DiskCacheSize=0 Session\ExcludedFileNames= Session\FinishedTorrentExportDirectory= Session\GlobalMaxInactiveSeedingMinutes=1440 Session\GlobalMaxRatio=-1 Session\GlobalMaxSeedingMinutes=-1 Session\IgnoreLimitsOnLAN=true Session\IgnoreSlowTorrentsForQueueing=true Session\Interface=tun0 Session\InterfaceAddress= Session\InterfaceName=tun0 Session\MaxActiveCheckingTorrents=1 Session\MaxActiveDownloads=5 Session\MaxActiveTorrents=99 Session\MaxActiveUploads=94 Session\MaxConcurrentHTTPAnnounces=50 Session\MaxConnections=5000 Session\MaxRatioAction=0 Session\MultiConnectionsPerIp=true Session\PerformanceWarning=true Session\Port=55329 Session\Preallocation=false Session\QueueingSystemEnabled=true Session\ReannounceWhenAddressChanged=true Session\RequestQueueSize=1024 Session\SlowTorrentsDownloadRate=1024 Session\SlowTorrentsUploadRate=1024 Session\StopTrackerTimeout=5 Session\Tags= Session\TempPath= Session\TempPathEnabled=true Session\TorrentExportDirectory= Session\UseAlternativeGlobalSpeedLimit=true Session\ValidateHTTPSTrackerCertificate=false TorrentFileSizeLimit=1048576000 TrackerEnabled=true [Core] AutoDeleteAddedTorrentFile=Never [LegalNotice] Accepted=true [Meta] MigrationVersion=4 [Network] Proxy\HostnameLookupEnabled=false Proxy\Profiles\BitTorrent=true Proxy\Profiles\Misc=true Proxy\Profiles\RSS=true [Preferences] Advanced\RecheckOnCompletion=true Advanced\trackerPort=9000 Advanced\trackerPortForwarding=false Connection\ResolvePeerCountries=true DynDNS\DomainName=changeme.dyndns.org DynDNS\Enabled=false DynDNS\Password= DynDNS\Service=DynDNS DynDNS\Username= General\Locale=en MailNotification\email= MailNotification\enabled=false MailNotification\password= MailNotification\req_auth=true MailNotification\req_ssl=false MailNotification\sender=qBittorrent_notification@example.com MailNotification\smtp_server=smtp.changeme.com MailNotification\username= Scheduler\days=EveryDay Scheduler\end_time=@Variant(\0\0\0\xf\x4J\xa2\0) Scheduler\start_time=@Variant(\0\0\0\xf\x1\xb7t\0) WebUI\Address=* WebUI\AlternativeUIEnabled=true WebUI\AuthSubnetWhitelist= WebUI\AuthSubnetWhitelistEnabled=true WebUI\BanDuration=3600 WebUI\CSRFProtection=true WebUI\ClickjackingProtection=true WebUI\CustomHTTPHeaders= WebUI\CustomHTTPHeadersEnabled=false WebUI\HTTPS\CertificatePath=/.config/qBittorrent/ssl/server.crt WebUI\HTTPS\Enabled=true WebUI\HTTPS\KeyPath=/.config/qBittorrent/ssl/server.key WebUI\HostHeaderValidation=true WebUI\LocalHostAuth=false WebUI\MaxAuthenticationFailCount=5 WebUI\Password_PBKDF2= WebUI\Port=8080 WebUI\ReverseProxySupportEnabled=false WebUI\RootFolder=/WebUI/qbittorrent-webui-cjratliff.com WebUI\SecureCookie=true WebUI\ServerDomains=* WebUI\SessionTimeout=3600 WebUI\TrustedReverseProxiesList= WebUI\UseUPnP=true WebUI\Username= [RSS] AutoDownloader\DownloadRepacks=true AutoDownloader\EnableProcessing=true AutoDownloader\SmartEpisodeFilter=s(\\d+)e(\\d+), (\\d+)x(\\d+), "(\\d{4}[.\\-]\\d{1,2}[.\\-]\\d{1,2})", "(\\d{1,2}[.\\-]\\d{1,2}[.\\-]\\d{4})" Session\EnableProcessing=true ```

glassez commented 10 months ago

qBittorrent & operating system versions

qBittorrent-Nox: 4.6 x64 Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

Is not full... There are missing versions of libraries (Qt, libtorrent) and origin (from the distribution, from the official website, etc.).

Get error: "Checking Resume Data"

"Checking Resume Data" isn't error, it is torrent state.

Never goes away

That could be a problem. The question is, is "Never goes away" really the case, or is it an UI that doesn't update its status? I believe we are talking about the WebUI. So could you check what happens if you log out of it and then log in back (without turning off qBittorrent-nox in between)?

luzpaz commented 9 months ago

Ping @ArcticNerd

DjordjeMandic commented 9 months ago


Similar issue here but I got it working somehow. Try stopping all torrents. Disable UPnP, generate new random port, allow qbittorrent thru both private and public networks, restart qbittorrent. Try starting torrents. As you can see on graph it had trouble to start but it started eventually.

Main problem is that just classic overwrite update is killing it. Everything worked fine until I updated... These are the same torrents.

Qt: 6.4.3 Libtorrent: Boost: 1.83.0 OpenSSL: 1.1.1w zlib: 1.3