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qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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Cant enable Dark Mode in Windows (repost) #20561

Closed Sin-Shadow-Fox closed 4 months ago

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

qBittorrent & operating system versions

qBittorrent: 4.5.5 x64 Operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) x64

What is the problem?

The only way to enable dark mode that I've read so far is a rather clunky workaround that doesn't work. I've also noticed a user (xavier2k6) going around closing requests and bug reports for this claiming their duplicates of an unrelated ticket that doesn't work for most users. There does not seem to be a target field tab in the executable file Capture and command prompt does not recognize the commands recommended stating that it's not a command (not sure what that means) Capture 2

P.S. Sorry for the repost but xavier struck again. This time he closed my post incorrectly stating that dark mode isn't available but he confused the new dark mode with the old dark mode.

Steps to reproduce

No response

Additional context

No response

Log(s) & preferences file(s)

No response

xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago

@Sin-Shadow-Fox Ya, I'm a nuisance "user" & a troll alright! /s

A "user" can't modify/close other user's posts.........only "Team Members" of the Project.

Is there a way to block someone

Well you've already ignored my instructions!

You failed to read below step:

Navigate to where "qBittorrent" is installed ie official = C:\Program Files\qBittorrent

That's why you are getting 'qbittorrent' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

You are running the command from C:\Users\User

xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago

BTW - You could have also just re-opened your post or commented there (it was not locked)

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

@Sin-Shadow-Fox Ya, I'm a nuisance "user" & a troll alright! /s

A "user" can't modify/close other user's posts.........only "Team Members" of the Project.

Is there a way to block someone

Well you've already ignored my instructions!

You failed to read below step:

Navigate to where "qBittorrent" is installed ie official = C:\Program Files\qBittorrent

That's why you are getting 'qbittorrent' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

You are running the command from C:\Users\User

BTW - You could have also just re-opened your post or commented there (it was not locked)

A: I followed the instructions exactly. i navigated to the folder that qBittorrent is installed in and it didn't make a difference. Also that instruction is for command prompt not windows explorer.

B: Yeah no, you have to be a collaborator to re-open an issue. normal users cannot re-open issues. https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/41926

xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago

A: I followed the instructions exactly. i navigated to the folder that qBittorrent is installed in and it didn't make a difference.

Your screenshot above says otherwise...

Also that instruction is for command prompt not windows explorer.

Had you read the instructions from the other post, you'd know it was to be done via command prompt

Tell me.....does Windows 7 support Dark Mode??

Why don't you change the theme?

xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago

User is not a collaborator but was able to re-open their issue:

Screenshot 2024-03-17 134910

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

A: I followed the instructions exactly. i navigated to the folder that qBittorrent is installed in and it didn't make a difference. Also that instruction is for command prompt not windows explorer.

Your screenshot above says otherwise...

Tell me.....does Windows 7 support Dark Mode??

Why don't you change the theme?


See? I did navigate there.

you can use below command via command prompt: qbittorrent -style fusion -platform windows:darkmode=2

IIRC, qbittorrent -style fusion is enough with Qt 6.5.x

So it seems....qbittorrent -style fusion -platform windows:darkmode=1 seems to also only provide light mode whereas before it would give a dark mode but keep title bar window light?!

Anyway, will adjust #17081 (comment) https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/17081#issuecomment-1567359915

I read the instructions and followed them.

User is not a collaborator but was able to re-open their issue:

Screenshot 2024-03-17 134910

Capture 2

How much clearer do i have to make it? Normal users cannot re-open issues. If YOU had read the link i posted, you'd see that. All the issues you've been closing? People can't re-open them, that's why you come across as a "troll"/"nuisance".

thalieht commented 4 months ago

User is not a collaborator but was able to re-open their issue:

That user closed his own issue... i always wondered if users can re-open their own issues that we close, now i know they can't.

/off-topic What a horrendous font @Sin-Shadow-Fox

xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago

People can't re-open them, that's why you come across as a "troll"/"nuisance".

I close them as I am a team member/collaborator & yes I now can see that's why people can't re-open them but can if they close them themselves.

Users opening up numerous tickets which are duplicates etc. of an open ticket get closed - simple as, as it only clogs up our ticket system.

You clearly did not read https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/17081#issuecomment-1800271828

The navigation & issuing of commands all are to be done via command prompt & not via explorer.

xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago

User is not a collaborator but was able to re-open their issue:

That user closed his own issue... i always wondered if users can re-open their own issues that we close, now i know they can't.


Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

/off-topic What a horrendous font @Sin-Shadow-Fox

*shrug* I like it. It looks nice.

People can't re-open them, that's why you come across as a "troll"/"nuisance".

I close them as I am a team member/collaborator & yes I now can see that's why people can't re-open them but can if they close them themselves.

Users opening up numerous tickets which are duplicates etc. of an open ticket get closed - simple as, as it only clogs up our ticket system.

Users wouldn't need to create duplicates if you would just stop closing other peoples issues, as you see now they can't re-open them or even explain that your reason for closing them is wrong. They'll close them themselves when/if they find a resolution.

You clearly did not read #17081 (comment)

The navigation & issuing of commands all are to be done via command prompt & not via explorer.

I did navigate to the installation location, i did do the command in command prompt and as i showed in my last comment i did read the comment.

xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago
  1. Open command prompt
  2. Run/Issue command cd C:\Program Files\qBittorrent in this command prompt (to navigate to where qbittorrent is installed)
  3. Run/Issue command qbittorrent -style fusion -platform windows:darkmode=2

i did navigate to the installation location

you are doing that via windows explorer

i did do the command in command prompt.

You are running the command from C:\Users\User

Your 1st post screenshot from https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/20561#issue-2190406324 shows & I already pointed out that in https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/20561#issuecomment-2002366275

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago
  1. Open command prompt

    1. Run/Issue command cd C:\Program Files\qBittorrent in this command prompt (to navigate to where qbittorrent is installed)

    2. Run/Issue command qbittorrent -style fusion -platform windows:darkmode=2

i did navigate to the installation location

you are doing that via windows explorer

i did do the command in command prompt.

You are running the command from C:\Users\User

Your 1st post screenshot from #20561 (comment) shows & I already pointed out that in #20561 (comment)

. . . You can navigate to folders INSIDE command prompt?!

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago
  1. Open command prompt

    1. Run/Issue command cd C:\Program Files\qBittorrent in this command prompt (to navigate to where qbittorrent is installed)

    2. Run/Issue command qbittorrent -style fusion -platform windows:darkmode=2


xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago

@Sin-Shadow-Fox you have a typo

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

@Sin-Shadow-Fox you have a typo

Shit, your right. Thanks for catching that.

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago
  1. Open command prompt

    1. Run/Issue command cd C:\Program Files\qBittorrent in this command prompt (to navigate to where qbittorrent is installed)

    2. Run/Issue command qbittorrent -style fusion -platform windows:darkmode=2


Didn't work (even after the typo, gods i wish you could copy/paste in command prompt). Also isn't fusion the NEW darkmode that isn't in available in older versions of qBittorrent?

adem4ik commented 4 months ago

@Sin-Shadow-Fox Try to add WindowsArguments = darkmode=2 string inside qt.conf to the [Platforms] section: ΠΈΠ·ΠΎΠ±Ρ€Π°ΠΆΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ It gives the following look on Win10 + Qb 4.5.5 + Qt5: ΠΈΠ·ΠΎΠ±Ρ€Π°ΠΆΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

@Sin-Shadow-Fox Try to add WindowsArguments = darkmode=2 string inside qt.conf to the [Platforms] section: ΠΈΠ·ΠΎΠ±Ρ€Π°ΠΆΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅ It gives the following look on Win10 + Qb 4.5.5 + Qt5: ΠΈΠ·ΠΎΠ±Ρ€Π°ΠΆΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅

Unfortunately that doesn't seemed to have worked. But thank you for trying ^_^

glassez commented 4 months ago

Operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) x64

This topic should have been closed from the very beginning:

darkmode=[0|1|2] controls how Qt responds to the activation of the Dark Mode for applications introduced in Windows 10 1903 (since Qt 5.15).

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

Operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) x64

This topic should have been closed from the very beginning:

darkmode=[0|1|2] controls how Qt responds to the activation of the Dark Mode for applications introduced in Windows 10 1903 (since Qt 5.15).

Well no, this topic should not have been "closed from the very beginning" but if using this specific instruction/command is a win10 exclusive thing then yes this topic should never have steered towards this suggestion. But also keep in mind that we're all just trying to figure this out together so remember to be polite and respectful.

xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago

This topic should have been closed from the very beginning:

I agree & I did close the other thread....however, I wanted to show @Sin-Shadow-Fox that it wouldn't work (for windows 7) & that there wasn't anything wrong with the commands.

@Sin-Shadow-Fox You said you read https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/17081#issuecomment-1800271828 & that states Windows 10 1903+ is a requirement for dark mode.

@Sin-Shadow-Fox If you want a dark theme for qBittorrent, you have some choices.

  1. Download an external theme
  2. Change your OS theme to High Contrast #1, High Contrast #2 or High Contrast Black
Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

This topic should have been closed from the very beginning:

I agree & I did close the other thread....however, I wanted to show @Sin-Shadow-Fox that it wouldn't work (for windows 7) & that there wasn't anything wrong with the commands.

If you knew these specific commands we're win10 exclusive then you could have said so.

@Sin-Shadow-Fox You said you read #17081 (comment) & that states Windows 10 1903+ is a requirement for dark mode.

Again let me remind you that there has been a native darkmode for qB since before win10 existed so no, win10 is not a requirement for darkmode, it just can't be done using this command.

@Sin-Shadow-Fox If you want a dark theme for qBittorrent, you have some choices.

1. Download an external theme

2. Change your OS theme to `High Contrast #1`, `High Contrast #2` or `High Contrast Black`
  1. As you can see in my closed issue, i've actually been using dracula 2 in the meantime but would still like to switch to the native darkmode (despite how ugly it looks) to avoid any potential complication with the client.

  2. Changing my OSs theme to any of the contrast themes would not only make my OSs theme look awful but would also ruin my custom Aero theme that I've worked on for several years. Capture

xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago

win10 is not a requirement for darkmode

It is for our dependency (Qt) & hence why it was stated as Windows 10 1903+ being a requirement for Native Dark Mode Support.

xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago

@Sin-Shadow-Fox Please also note that Windows 7 Support has been dropped as of qBittorrent 4.5.5 (29th Aug. 2023)

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

win10 is not a requirement for darkmode

It is for our dependency (Qt) & hence why it was stated as Windows 10 1903+ being a requirement for Native Dark Mode Support.

@Sin-Shadow-Fox Please also note that Windows 7 Support has been dropped as of qBittorrent 4.5.5 (29th Aug. 2023)

Again note that i am using qB 4.5.5 as i've stated in the issue notes and that there has been a native darkmode in qB since before win10 was released so while this specific command will not work, there is obviously another way to enable darkmode in qB.

adem4ik commented 4 months ago

@Sin-Shadow-Fox btw before official Dark Mode for Qb was presented I've used this external theme. It is jagannatharjun/qbt-theme with padding fixes. mumble-dark-nowshed.qbtheme.zip ΠΈΠ·ΠΎΠ±Ρ€Π°ΠΆΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

@Sin-Shadow-Fox btw before official Dark Mode for Qb was presented I've used this external theme. It is jagannatharjun/qbt-theme with padding fixes. mumble-dark-nowshed.qbtheme.zip ΠΈΠ·ΠΎΠ±Ρ€Π°ΠΆΠ΅Π½ΠΈΠ΅

Oh yeah, i saw that one while hunting for external themes but like i said in my closed issue i prefer the way dracula 2 looks https://forum.qbittorrent.org/viewtopic.php?p=38795#p38795 I like the way it pops compared to mumble.

xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago

i've actually been using dracula 2 in the meantime but would still like to switch to the native darkmode (despite how ugly it looks) to avoid any potential complication with the client.

Well below is your option:

  1. Change your OS theme to High Contrast #1, High Contrast #2 or High Contrast Black

This is how Qt as far as I'm aware detects dark mode on Windows 7, qBittorrent will change to/use 3 different dark themes then albeit slightly similar without any need for commands etc.

Now, I know you won't/don't want to change your OS theme so you are left with 2 other options.

  1. Keep using dracula 2 or any other external theme you might like.
  2. Change your OS to Windows 10/11.

There's not much else we can do here.

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

Now, I know you won't/don't want to change your OS theme so you are left with 2 other options.

1. Keep using dracula 2 or any other external theme you might like.

I plan to, at least until i find a better option.

2. Change your OS to Windows 10/11.

Downgrading my OS seems like a drastic option for something as simple as an aesthetic for a torrent client.

There's not much else we can do here.

And i appreciate your efforts even if you did come off as a bit trollish at first, but i now attribute that to the mistakes you made: confusing the old and new darkmodes, leaving out critical instructions for enabling fusion, being unaware that your closing of issues were having more drastic consequences than you were aware of due to not knowing people can't re-open issues you close. And i hope you will learn from these mistakes to become a better person ^_^

In the meantime I'll patiently wait for someone that may have an alternate solution for how to enable the old darkmode. Hopefully i won't have to wait long but I'm very patient and who knows, i may meet more interesting people and discover new things about qBittorrent while i wait.

xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago

mistakes you made: confusing the old and new darkmodes, leaving out critical instructions for enabling fusion

Where did I confuse old/new dark modes? Where did I leave out critical instructions?

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

mistakes you made: confusing the old and new darkmodes, leaving out critical instructions for enabling fusion

Where did I confuse old/new dark modes?

You've regularly stated that there is no darkmode outside win10 and that win10 is required for it. This is only true of the new darkmode, not the old one.

Where did I leave out critical instructions?

2. Run/Issue command `cd C:\Program Files\qBittorrent` in this command prompt
   (to navigate to where qbittorrent is installed)

This was not in your original instructions in comment #17081

glassez commented 4 months ago

You've regularly stated that there is no darkmode outside win10 and that win10 is required for it. This is only true of the new darkmode, not the old one.

What is this "old darkmode" that you're referring to, and that no one else knows about?

xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago

Where did I leave out critical instructions?

2. Run/Issue command `cd C:\Program Files\qBittorrent` in this command prompt
   (to navigate to where qbittorrent is installed)

This was not in your original instructions in comment #17081

I expect users to have some bit of competence, however - ~I will amend that comment.~ Done! https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/17081#issuecomment-1800271828

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

You've regularly stated that there is no darkmode outside win10 and that win10 is required for it. This is only true of the new darkmode, not the old one.

What is this "old darkmode" that you're referring to, and that no one else knows about?

@glassez Read some of the comments here and you'll see. And if "no one else knows about it", then how did i find out about it? Just because you don't know something doesn't mean it doesn't exist and plenty of other people including xavier2k6 knows about this. Also i would like it if you would no longer comment on this issue as you've been nothing but rude and dismissive.

Where did I leave out critical instructions?

2. Run/Issue command `cd C:\Program Files\qBittorrent` in this command prompt
   (to navigate to where qbittorrent is installed)

This was not in your original instructions in comment #17081

I expect users to have some bit of competence, however - I will amend that comment.

@xavier2k6 Contrary to your belief, most normal users have no idea command prompt even exists, much less that you can navigate to specific "folders" INSIDE command prompt. Hell, as you saw i didn't even know that until this incident and I've been unofficially working with computers for close to 30 years. But thank you for amending your original instructions.

xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago

@Sin-Shadow-Fox The only one that appears to be coming off as rude here is you, may I remind you that this is a "bug tracker" not a support forum or discussion board.

@glassez Is one of the lead developers of this project & I will also remind you of your own words:

But also keep in mind that we're all just trying to figure this out together so remember to be polite and respectful.


Windows 10 has below option:

Screenshot 2024-03-18 123552

So as you can see Windows 10 can change qBittorrent (app) to use a "Dark App Mode" without having to change the OS theme.

people including xavier2k6 knows about this.

(I may be corrected on this) - The only thing that I'm aware of is that Windows 7 does not provide a Native Dark Mode per-se (for apps anyway), however qBittorrent will change it's theme/coloring along with a Dark/High Contrast OS theme change as I stated already without the requirements of any commands.

High Contrast #1 Windows 7 HC1

High Contrast #2 Windows 7 HC2

High Contrast Black Windows 7 HCB

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

@Sin-Shadow-Fox The only one that appears to be coming off as rude here is you, @glassez Is one of the lead developers of this project.

Care to show me where I've been rude? I've been friendly, polite and helpful where i can be. And believe me i would have liked to have said a few choice words to glassez for the way he's been acting but resorting to his temperament and attitude does not make things better so I've restrained myself and responded appropriately and politely so in no way have i "come across" as rude and most other people will agree with me.

Glassez on the other hand has contributed nothing to this issue. Has been dismissive about the whole problem.

This topic should have been closed from the very beginning:

Has mocked me for even mentioning the old darkmode which is prevalent on other forums, other issues here on this repository and even mentioned and explicitly shown in this issue.

What is this "old darkmode" that you're referring to, ""and that no one else knows about?""

On top of that he's even become petty enough to downvote my responses to him (including this one), chastising him for his rude behavior. I don't know what his problem is or why he has a chip on his shoulder but being a "lead developer" does not give him the right to mistreat users. And if he continues his abusive behavior, I will report him to the repository owner and github administration. I do not tolerate trolls or bullies lightly. As my mother always said, "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all".

people including xavier2k6 knows about this.

qBittorrent will change it's theme/coloring along with a Dark/High Contrast OS theme change as I stated already without the requirements of any commands.

Yes this is the old native darkmode that i and many other users are aware of. The only problem it seems is that it seems to be linked to contrast mode (according to you). Hopefully though, in time, another user will be able to figure out a way to work around this or "trick" it into thinking it's in contrast mode. You'd be surprised at the creative and off the wall ideas people can come up with to get things to work. In fact that's one of the joys of working with communities like this one, seeing people's creativity and working with them to brainstorm new solutions.

sledgehammer999 commented 4 months ago

You are using an unsupported OS with an unsupported qBittorrent version. It has been explained to you numerous times but let me summarize again: qBittorrent has 2 options for "dark mode". Either native via the OS or via a qbittorrent theme/skin. Native via the OS requires at least Win10 (and probably qbt 4.6.0 (Qt6)). So you can't use that in Win7. Via a theme is supported with a 3rd party theme. Pick your poison here. (installation instructions)

You don't have any other option available to you.

Do you have any other issue regarding dark mode?

@ other members please don't continue the conversation about rudeness/etc. It will devolve the conversation from the main topic.

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

Native via the OS requires at least Win10 (and probably qbt 4.6.0 (Qt6)). So you can't use that in Win7.

As you can see from other comments in this discussion (including one from xavier), we've already proven that this is not true and that Native via OS does not require win10 or 4.6.0+. Several examples explicitly show Native via OS working for win7 and older versions of qBittorrent.

Please do not try to derail or deter the progress we are making here in this issue. This is not about me needing something "explained to me". This is about finding a solution to the problem, which could now be categorized as "triggering Native darkmode for 4.6.0- qB without changing OS themes" and i believe in time we will find a way to do this, provided this issue is no longer interfered with by people who are seeking to shut down healthy and productive conversation on this topic.

We are working to better understand the old darkmode and how it works and we have made some progress so far.

@ other members please don't continue the conversation about rudeness/etc. It will devolve the conversation from the main topic.

I could not agree more with this ^

xavier2k6 commented 4 months ago

This is about finding a solution to the problem, which could now be categorized as "triggering Native darkmode for 4.6.0- qB without changing OS themes"

We already have a solution -> https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/17081#issuecomment-1800271828


Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

This is about finding a solution to the problem, which could now be categorized as "triggering Native darkmode for 4.6.0- qB without changing OS themes"

We already have a solution -> #17081 (comment) 2024-03-19_09-34-14.mp4

This is a video of using win10s darkmode to change 4.6.0+ versions of qB which does not pertain to this issue. This issue is about enabling the old darkmode for 4.6.0- versions of qB, preferably without using contrast themes. Please respect mine and sledgehammer999's wishes and keep any future comments pertaining to the issue stated.

sledgehammer999 commented 4 months ago

As you can see from other comments in this discussion (including one from xavier), we've already proven that this is not true and that Native via OS does not require win10 or 4.6.0+

I had already read the discussion thread. I fail to see where this was proven. High Contrast isn't native dark mode.

This issue is about enabling the old darkmode for 4.6.0- versions of qB

You keep talking about this "old darkmode" but we have no idea what you're talking about! Do you have any screenshot or video of it?

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

As you can see from other comments in this discussion (including one from xavier), we've already proven that this is not true and that Native via OS does not require win10 or 4.6.0+

High Contrast isn't native dark mode.

Care to explain what you mean? As far as I'm aware it is native. Perhaps we're having a difference of opinion as to what native means?

sledgehammer999 commented 4 months ago

Native dark mode is the thing displayed in the video posted by @xavier2k6 in https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/20561#issuecomment-2006523902. In this context "native" means something that is supported by Windows.

High Contrast is something else (not dark mode, strictly speaking)

And qbittorrent theming (which allows for dark themes) is something else too.

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

Native dark mode is the thing displayed in the video posted by @xavier2k6 in #20561 (comment). In this context "native" means something that is supported by Windows.

Two things are displayed in that video A: Win10's darkmode B: qBittorrent's new native darkmode "Fusion".

High Contrast is something else (not dark mode, strictly speaking)

The whites are black, that's darkmode and because it's built into qBittorrent, that makes it native.

Please, i don't know why members of qBittorrent project seem so adamant that this old darkmode doesn't exist or why you want to prevent us from getting it to work but I'm asking you to please leave us alone and let us work this problem out in peace. The majority of my issue has now become arguments and drama because of members of qBittorrent project. Neither myself or the other users of this repository are causing problems, it's just members of qBittorrent project. Do you not see how detrimental this is to healthy and productive conversation?

sledgehammer999 commented 4 months ago

Two things are displayed in that video A: Win10's darkmode B: qBittorrent's new native darkmode "Fusion".

That's the same thing. The "fusion" style is required by Qt to automatically take notice of Windows' darkmode changes.

High Contrast is again controlled Windows-wide. We aren't able to set it ourselves for qBittorrent. Aka Windows doesn't allow that.

Have you used this "old darkmode" yourself in the past? Why don't you have it now? Did you re-install Windows?

Sin-Shadow-Fox commented 4 months ago

High Contrast is again controlled Windows-wide. We aren't able to set it ourselves for qBittorrent. Aka Windows doesn't allow that.

Well that is what this issue aims to solve. There are a lot of things "windows doesn't allow" that people have managed to make happen anyway.

Have you used this "old darkmode" yourself in the past? Why don't you have it now? Did you re-install Windows?

No, I've never used qBittorrent's old darkmode myself which is the whole reason i created this issue to begin with, so that i and other users can use the old darkmode instead of relying on external themes. Technically speaking xavier has already provided a "working" solution (using windows's contrast theme) but it's a bit drastic so I'm going to continue working with other users of this repository to come up with a better solution that doesn't sacrifice one's normal theme to utilize.

Again i ask that you and the other members of qBittorrent project refrain from debating, arguing or derailing the purpose of this issue. If you wish to carry on a conversation about this that doesn't contribute to this issue's resolution then i ask that you speak with me in private (discord, telegram) as i do not want this issue to continue to be a platform for drama as it is not conducive to healthy and productive conversation.

sledgehammer999 commented 4 months ago

No, I've never used qBittorrent's old darkmode myself

So let me get this straight. You the user that hasn't use this fabled "old darkmode" are convinced that such a thing existed in qBittorrent and we the qbittorrent devs either have somehow entirely forgotten about it or are concealing its existence. Do you realize how absurd this sounds?

In any case, you want to "continue working with other users" to discover a workaround? Be my guest. But this doesn't belong in the issue tracker. It belongs to "Discussions". So I am converting it to a discussion.

Please don't open it again as an issue. It will be closed immediately without any further discussion.