qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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Cannot write file: mismatching filesize #20684

Open secretmango opened 5 months ago

secretmango commented 5 months ago

qBittorrent & operating system versions

qBittorrent: 4.6.4 Flatpak using Qt 5.15.10 and libtorrent

Fedora Kinoite 39 with BTRFS filesystem

What is the problem?

I accidentally deleted my torrent download folder so the files where empty. I took this as an opportunity to also move the download folder somewhere else.

I gave the Flatpak permission to create and read/write that directory. I changed the download location to that directory and force reloaded the torrents to redownload the files.

Files started to redownload but after a reboot I got "not enough storage space" which is not ture.

I then quit Qbittorrent, after reboot I got all unfinished files reporting "mismatching filesize" suddenly.

Steps to reproduce

  1. delete files until qbittorrent shows "error missing file"
  2. force rescan
  3. restart qbittorrent
  4. rescan
  5. restart again

Additional context

It seems to get fixed after another rescan but after restart it is corrupted. I can reproduce this repeatedly.

I close qbittorrent normally via the KDE "x" decoration, the systray icon stays there a bit longer and then disappears, which seems like a clean close.

Log(s) & preferences file(s)

11.04.24 13:45 - Torrent konnte nicht wiederhergestellt werden. Entweder wurden Dateien verschoben oder auf den Speicher kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Torrent: "FILENAME": mismatching file size"


Torrent could not be restored. Either the file was moved, or access to the location is not possible.

secretmango commented 5 months ago

update: after rescanning the torrents now I get errors writing the files "not enough storage space left on the device". But there are 500GB left

secretmango commented 5 months ago

also I have files shown as downloaded and seeding, but not showing up in KDE Dolphin... what is going on??