qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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The Completed torrents pane includes torrents that are seeding? #20851

Open janusn opened 2 weeks ago

janusn commented 2 weeks ago

qBittorrent & operating system versions

qBittorent: v4.6.4 Web UI (64-bit) Operation system: Synology DSM 7.2-64570 Update 3 Qt: 6.6.3 Libtorrent: | Docker version 20.10.23, build 876964a Docker Image: lscr.io/linuxserver/qbittorrent:4.6.4-r1-ls329

What is the problem?

The completed pane shows the same torrents as Seeding as shown in the image below. Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 20 55 02

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the qBittorrent URL in a web browser.
  2. Note the number and content of Completed and Seeding torrents.

Additional context

No response

Log(s) & preferences file(s)

No response

HanabishiRecca commented 2 weeks ago

This is intentional. Because seeding torrents are completed.

janusn commented 2 weeks ago

I don’t really get it. Seeding and Completed are listed as 2 statuses and they carry different icons. It is pretty inconsistent with other statuses.

HanabishiRecca commented 2 weeks ago

What exactly you didn't get? Those are two different statuses. All seeding are completed, but not all completed are seeding. You could have paused completed for example.

glassez commented 2 weeks ago

What exactly you didn't get? Those are two different statuses. All seeding are completed, but not all completed are seeding. You could have paused completed for example.

It seems that "completed" just means "completed downloading".

janusn commented 2 weeks ago

As I thought seeding means those torrents are seeding in progress and completed means the torrents have met the completed criteria and stopped. A torrent cannot not be both seeding (running) and completed (stopped) at the same time.

the screenshot I posted earlier clearly showed these torrents were seeding not completed. Nonetheless, they were shown in the completed pane. Clicking the seeding pane showed the same seeding torrents again.

So is state “completed” the same as “completed” for these 2 panes? Or should they be shown independently?

HanabishiRecca commented 2 weeks ago

So is state “completed” the same as “completed” for these 2 panes? Or should they be shown independently?

No. The status column shows only 1 "most relevant" status. But torrents generally have multiple statuses. As you can see, seeding torrent could also show up under resumed, active, inactive, stalled etc. filters.

HanabishiRecca commented 2 weeks ago

If you are interested in technical details of how the most relevant status is determined, see here.

Btw, internally it's called "State". Maybe renaming it in the UI to make a distinction between the filters and the column could be a good idea.

janusn commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for your explanation. I understand "completed" is just a meta-state now. However, it is confusing 2 similar but different meta-states share a single icon and a single wording.

The screencap below illustrates the inconsistency. The elements enclosed in different colored circles carry different meanings. Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 13 37 23

xavier2k6 commented 2 days ago

Related: #17869