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Category filtering - include EXCLUDE categories - checkbox-ify ? #21233

Open Destroyarr opened 3 weeks ago

Destroyarr commented 3 weeks ago


Database-ify the info per torrent.

Checkbox-ify filtering capability to replace Categories Tags Trackers and other queries for the torrent grouping.

For example top queries can be date ranges, size ranges, etc other useful grouping.

Put these checkboxes in the UI in a easily clickable way and gorup them closer together so that using them as filters will not take up screen space.

( if an LLM has the project source as context, Then the request can be explain much more understandably and counted as SINGLE request work item as you said. )

Checkboxify? the categories?

So that we can not only select to filter by a specific tracker or specific Tag etc but also - filter by Exclude.

Show all torrents with a Tag but Not with specific tracker ? Achieve this filtering by a checkbox that has a + a - symbol to clearly communicate what is being filtered without any chance of error even from the Normies.

Use case

Improve UI UX

Extra info/examples/attachments

No response

Make the UI into an Priority engine!

Prioritise the showed torrents by their Tags

Make everything we knwo about the torrent - a Tag

worldwide standardisation of Tags

Plus any additional custom Tag the user wants to add to the databse of Torrents

On the entire Left side of the transfer page - redo the UI as follows:

Destroyarr commented 3 weeks ago

This part of the UI

thalieht commented 3 weeks ago

Related #4040

/off topic Stop writing 20 different suggestions in the same issue even if they are seemingly related. Only one request/problem per issue is allowed.

Destroyarr commented 3 weeks ago

Sorry Im used to Atlassian where we have unlimited sub-tasks and stuff.

And my request here is to have EXCLUDE function.

Which will also allow to make this sidebar with the categories and tags smaller, by allowing everything to be Tags every category to be a tag. By presenting in the UI only checkbox and name and keeping everything closes together to save UI space.