qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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Request for adjustable, visible, sortable Torrent Numbers #21767

Closed StefanMacz closed 2 weeks ago

StefanMacz commented 2 weeks ago


Hey! I've switched to qBittorrent from uTorrent about six months ago.

There's so much which I think is great about qBittorrent, themes, no adverts, reliability etc but there is one thing which I feel that uTorrent did right which is missing in qBittorrent.... numbering torrents which haven't completed.

I find that ordering torrents in qBittorrent is at times quite difficult, as is trying to click on a torrent to stop it, or maybe to force it to be active. Sometimes it's like playing a game of whack a mole trying to click on a constantly moving target. It's frustrating.

In uTorrent I used to manually organise the torrents into the exact order I wanted, and because each torrent was numbered I could manually adjust their position in the queue. I would click on sort by torrent number and that was always my default sort order. It was also much easier to find things and select and perform actions on torrents, because they were always in the same place.

Sadly there is no such control in qBittorrent.

I request that a torrent number column be (re-)instated with the option to manually adjust torrents numbers up and down.

Use case

Ordering torrents in a user-controlled manner. Selecting torrents that don't keep moving.

Extra info/examples/attachments

No response

thalieht commented 2 weeks ago

I find that ordering torrents in qBittorrent is at times quite difficult, as is trying to click on a torrent to stop it, or maybe to force it to be active. Sometimes it's like playing a game of whack a mole trying to click on a constantly moving target. It's frustrating.

Don't sort by a volatile column then (e.g. download speed). Or you can increase the Refresh interval in advanced settings.

In uTorrent I used to manually organise the torrents into the exact order I wanted, and because each torrent was numbered I could manually adjust their position in the queue

Options > BitTorrent > Torrent queueing The # column will be enabled when this setting is enabled (queue position not "torrent number").

StefanMacz commented 2 weeks ago

thank you - have now added that column.