qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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Torrent Queue and/or priority #3025

Open ambroisie opened 9 years ago

ambroisie commented 9 years ago

As we can already set a priority for files downloaded in a torrent, could we also have a priority system or a queue that would allow to let one or more torrent get priority over the available bandwith jst like µTorrent allows us to do with the queue and the priority sysem they implemented ?

ngosang commented 9 years ago

Tools => Options => BitTorrent Tab => Torrent Queuing

ambroisie commented 9 years ago

Well unfortunately I am looking after a different option from what you're telling me. This option panel onlu allows us to restrict the number of active torrents, I'm looking after the same feature that's possible in µTorrent, which is directly found in the right clik menu. You can choose easily what torrent should be prioritised, directly from this context menu.

Thanks anyways if you don't have it as a current feature, but I'd really like to see it become one.

ngosang commented 9 years ago

Sorry, we don't have this feature at this moment. Add the word [Wishlist] in the title.

ambroisie commented 9 years ago

Okay thanks, I'm looking forward to it, keep up the good work !

ngosang commented 9 years ago

Related in someway #2825.

thalieht commented 6 years ago

Duplicate of #566?