qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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Multiple users for WebUI #3327

Open sardonyxserendil opened 9 years ago

sardonyxserendil commented 9 years ago

Please add the ability to create multiple accounts for webgui authorization. I have multiple users that are currently using one admin account to upload torrents. This feature would help track down and let administrators know who is uploading which torrent.

ngosang commented 9 years ago

This can be really interesting, I think other clients don't have this feature.

To have different users/pass to login is easy to do but with the current architecture all users will see all torrents (the same as a shared account).

In other to each user see only their torrents, we need to store the torrent user (who added it to the list of downloads) in the torrent metadata. The user can only see their torrents and "admin" can see all. In the Qt client is like the user is "admin" and can see the torrents for all users. We can add a new column in transfer list to see the torrent user of each torrent.

jupys commented 8 years ago

Has there been any work on this? Super interesting

ngosang commented 8 years ago

No, sorry.

fullmetal1 commented 8 years ago

Seconding this. This would be a great addition

a-pickle commented 7 years ago


Centralizing internet traffic to one computer would make it much easier for a household (like a tech saavy family, or much more depressingly a nerd with roommates, like me) to manage bandwidth usage.

EDIT: There's a thread about this feature over on the official qBittorrent forums. I'd strongly recommend anyone who's really interested in this becoming a thing creating an account over there and voice your support in both this and that thread. It'd raise the visibility of the feature to the developers, and they might make it happen - which would be great.

kolt-mcb commented 7 years ago

2016.. still waiting...

fullmetal1 commented 7 years ago

2017 you mean

zero77 commented 7 years ago

Maybe this could be done by using a basic data base with each user's download directory, username, password and user type like user or admin because the users could have the settings removed from the web-ui.

Also by using hidden labels, where a hidden label is added to every torrent with the user's username and only the admin and the user can see those torrents.

Asday commented 6 years ago

I'd be fine with a super simple implementation of this - just allow different login details. This allows multiple people to log in and administrate the same system, without having to share a password.

ScottRFrost commented 6 years ago

What are some other torrent clients that run on windows that currently support multiple users via Web UI?

mikail97 commented 5 years ago

Nice, 3 years later and nothing :'(

paxter commented 4 years ago

2019 bumping.

PrabhanshuAttri commented 4 years ago

2020 and still waiting...

paxter commented 4 years ago

In my opinion this would be the last step to be a full uTorrent replacement. :)

Asday commented 4 years ago

@mikail97 @paxter @PrabhanshuAttri it's open source my dudes - if you're so dependant on this feature, get together and work on it yourselves.

zero77 commented 3 years ago

This is already possible see wiki

Asday commented 3 years ago

That's not a solution, @zero77 - multiple users cannot see the same torrents. The original issue wanted multiple different administrator accounts to see who added what, but the implication was they all saw the same torrents. My addition was that I just don't wanna have to share a password with anyone else.

zero77 commented 3 years ago

@Asday It will allow you to have multiple instances of qbittorrent running at once, you would just have to share torrents across all of them. Don't know if that's possible to script using the WebUI api.

ibnu-ja commented 3 years ago

we don't need multiple instances of qbt. Imagine if someone have 50 users, so 50 services each one with one credential? Am I correct? Sorry but no

Asday commented 3 years ago

Don't know if that's possible to script using the WebUI api.

It isn't, hence the issue.

FranciscoPombal commented 3 years ago

@zero77 As others have said, you solution is not the the right one to address this problem, and it is misleading to present it as such, despite one's best intentions. As such, I have taken down that wiki page.

This feature request is for multiple user auth on the same single instance. Running multiple separate instances is a different matter, and it has been possible for a long time, through several different means. Most often people tend to do it with docker or some other containerization solution. No need for any built-in logic to support the use case.

blackzafiqz commented 3 years ago

bumping this in 2021

kferrone commented 3 years ago

Half way through 2021 and still nothing. I can only dream of LDAP with this then.

paxter commented 3 years ago

Maybe https://www.keycloak.org/ could help?

Edit:// Ok, does not make sense because we need multiple users inside qBittorrent. Authentication only is not enough. Edit2:// But multiple qBittorrent instances could be possible with an authentication service like keycloak or any other auth service.

Asday commented 3 years ago

Those comments are not spam.

Anyway. it's been so long that my housemate who also used qbt on my server has literally grown up, bought a house, and moved out, so I no longer need the feature.

Supermagnum commented 2 years ago

2021 and still nothing..

Havock94 commented 2 years ago

Is this actually still in your roadmap? In 2015 this seemed an interesting idea, but 7 years later there's still no solution or workaround

iulian0512 commented 2 years ago

would be nice to be implemented

JamesDAdams commented 1 year ago


boingo-00 commented 1 year ago

Please, make something about it, i looked around and so far no client support multi-user Let it be your killer feature Isn't 7 years not enough to make any solution? If you not interested in that, at least say it and close the issue But please, do something already

glassez commented 1 year ago

I don't think that supporting just multiple accounts makes any great sense if all these "users" will actually share all the available resources of qBittorrent (torrents, options etc.). But making real multi-user mode with separate ownership of resources, access rights, etc., is still too much for a regular torrent client, besides, it is really equivalent in functionality to running several qBittorrent instances in the current form.

Asday commented 1 year ago

I don't think that supporting just multiple accounts makes any great sense if all these "users" will actually share all the available resources of qBittorrent (torrents, options etc.).

Avoids password sharing. The size of that benefit is arguable, but of course in my opinion worth it enough for me to request it.

(But not worth it enough for me to work on. Lazybones).

zero77 commented 1 year ago

@glassez There may be better ways of doing this but one potential use case is a shared seedbox or other server with limited permissions. As you wouldn't be able to create a second user and run as separate instance of qbittorrent.

enoch85 commented 1 year ago

I agree that it at least should be possible to add multiple users which got access to the same content. Separating accounts with their own settings, torrents, and everything else, would be perfect - but we don't live in a perfect world...

To solve the multi-user support, I connected flood to qBittorrent .

Asday commented 1 year ago

@enoch85 don't suppose you could drop a link to flood? Searching it up unsurprisingly brings up local news of rivers bursting banks due to heavy rainfall.

boingo-00 commented 1 year ago

@enoch85 flood have one major drawback for me — it isn't support categories and developer didn't want to implement it, calling it useless

enoch85 commented 1 year ago

@Asday https://hotio.dev/containers/qflood/

@boingo-00 Well, it's fixable by rules. Downloads are handled by qBitTorrent, only access happens via flood, which makes it possible to use categories anyway.

glassez commented 1 year ago

As you wouldn't be able to create a second user and run as separate instance of qbittorrent.

You don't really have to create several user accounts on the host to run multiple qBittorrent instances.

glassez commented 1 year ago

I agree that it at least should be possible to add multiple users which got access to the same content.

This is probably the only thing that could be considered for implementation, if it really makes sense in itself.

Separating accounts with their own settings, torrents, and everything else, would be perfect - but we don't live in a perfect world...

As I mentioned above, this goes beyond the usual torrent client. And I believe that embedding all such functionality is not worth all the possible effort that it would require, given that the same can be achieved in another way using specialized middleware.

enoch85 commented 1 year ago

As I mentioned above, this goes beyond the usual torrent client.

IIRC rtorrent are able to do it. At least I had multiple users when that was setup a few years ago.

I think it's more a question of time and willingness to implement it - which I totally understand. But saying it's beyond a torrent client, well, let's agree to disagree. It would be perfect for shared servers!

glassez commented 1 year ago

At least I had multiple users when that was setup a few years ago.

Allowing multiple so-called "users" (i.e., multiple username/password pairs) who still share the same resources is not the same as fully featured multi-user access (as mentioned above). So if it suits you all, it would be easy to implement.

enoch85 commented 1 year ago

So if it suits you all, it would be easy to implement.

Yes! At least it's a start. :) 👍🏼

Asday commented 1 year ago

At least I had multiple users when that was setup a few years ago.

Allowing multiple so-called "users" (i.e., multiple username/password pairs) who still share the same resources is not the same as fully featured multi-user access (as mentioned above). So if it suits you all, it would be easy to implement.

Literally all I wanted - buddy and I lived together and shared the same connection and NAS, but didn't want to share passwords.

typedrat commented 1 year ago

I see a fairly easy route to implementing this:

1) Factor out the current authentication code to communicate through a defined interface. 2) Add an option to use some external service for authentication, such as LDAP, which would use the same internal interface. 3) Actually separate out access control from authentication so that the torrent client can check resource permissions for a given session-verification.

1 and 2 wouldn't be that hard looking over the code, but 3 seems treacherous just because of the inherent minefield of bikesheds that show up in terms of exactly what the interface for users setting up their permissions would look like. My preferred option would be a couple simple pre-defined rules that are included by default and then the ability to expand them through scripts that would run in a QJSEngine, but I don't think that it would be necessary to create a meaningful improvement.

Especially since, for my use case at least, I would need more than just "each user owns their own torrents and nothing else", since there would also need to be a service account that could see everything on the instance.

I think I might start working on the first two, especially if there's interest from the developers in potentially merging something along those lines.

foremtehan commented 1 year ago

I think other clients don't have this feature.

I wonder how seedboxes provide multiple users ? does this mean they have their own implementation of the client ?

Asday commented 1 year ago

I think other clients don't have this feature.

I wonder how seedboxes provide multiple users ? does this mean they have their own implementation of the client ?

If they offer qBittorrent-nox, it's likely they run an instance per subscriber.

luzpaz commented 1 year ago

@typedrat have you made any progress on this ?

account01011100 commented 10 months ago


ebeall commented 8 months ago

2024 (almost) and still waiting. It would be really great to have this one. I will try to have another docker image for each user (using different ports) to make this work

PyRo1509 commented 8 months ago

Hey, It's 2024. Half way there to this request being an adult, 18 years.

I can only conclude that having multiple login credentials that each allow access to a hidden labels is beyond the capabilities of programming. A Manhattan Project sized effort has proven this.

But cars are driving themselves.