qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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Multiple users for WebUI #3327

Open sardonyxserendil opened 9 years ago

sardonyxserendil commented 9 years ago

Please add the ability to create multiple accounts for webgui authorization. I have multiple users that are currently using one admin account to upload torrents. This feature would help track down and let administrators know who is uploading which torrent.

Asday commented 8 months ago

Hey, It's 2024. Half way there to this request being an adult, 18 years.

Dang, it's older than you!

There has been zero effort because the few people that cared enough to ask for the feature were too lazy or unknowlegeable to implement it (I'm the former).

Also there are perfectly fine ways round this such as flood.

Drop the snarky attitude and open a PR.