Open ghost opened 9 years ago
It'd be nice to have webtorrent support, but, uh..
In order to support WebRTC's connection model, we made a few changes to the tracker protocol. Therefore, a browser-based WebTorrent client or "web peer" can only connect to other clients that support WebTorrent/WebRTC
So, in other words, it'd be a monkeypatch from hell...
You guys should follow this issue instead: It's the backend qBittorrent is using.
Good idea! Will push my +1 there. :)
Closing since this needs implementing from libtorrent.
Fair enough; will hope Libtorrent picks this up.
Let’s track
PR is merged!
PR is merged!
Note that the PR has been merged to the master
branch. qBittorrent will only benefit from this once:
1- this is merged into one of libtorrent's RC_x_y
branches (according to the libtorrent author in "some other branch after 2.0")
2- qBittorrent supports said RC_x_y
It will be a while until those last 2 conditions are met. In the meantime, this can be left open, but I'll lock it preemptively to prevent spam until there are new developments
Hey folks,
I use qBittorrent and love it. Thanks! :)
I'd love to see WebTorrent peers supported by qBittorrent. If you're unfamiliar, see the site; it's a very exciting development and one which could hugely influence the future of bittorrent overall.
The big problem right now is that WebTorrent peers can only communicate with other WebTorrent peers, so they are cut off from global swarms. That's because browsers can't do regular UDP/uTP bittorrent, essentially. There is a hybrid peer that can bridge between webtorrent swarms and regular bittorrent swarms, but ideally WebRTC-using peers would become part of the global swarm for all torrents, by implementing WebRTC in libtorrent and other bittorrent clients.
Could qBittorrent be the first mainstream client to do so? :)
There is a $15 open bounty on this issue. Add to the bounty at Bountysource. DISCLAIMER: There are trustworthiness and solvency issues with BountySource. qBittorrent is not affiliated with them. Use them at your own risk.