qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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Ability to "automatically add these trackers to new downloads" from file or URL #6865

Open YamazakiRobert opened 7 years ago

YamazakiRobert commented 7 years ago

Please provide the following information

qBittorrent version and Operating System:

version 3.3.12 on windows

If on linux, libtorrent and Qt version:

What is the problem:

add a option to inject utorrent compatible tracker list url we have nice dvs like this https://github.com/ngosang/trackerslist with regular updates on open lists its a nice addon to the tracker injection

What is the expected behavior:

Steps to reproduce:

Extra info(if any):

thalieht commented 7 years ago

Trackers tab -> Right click -> Add a new tracker...?

YamazakiRobert commented 7 years ago

its not the same the list on this github are always updated

YamazakiRobert commented 7 years ago

if we can use https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngosang/trackerslist/master/trackers_all.txt we have allways a updated open tracker list, think as this like a block list url but for a open trackerlist. is you use the manual way yo add trackers have the option to use utorrent compatible tracker url list

KingLucius commented 7 years ago

You mean you want an ability to load the tracker list from a file?

YamazakiRobert commented 7 years ago

yes from a file or a url, if you see this url is maintained with a list of of public trackers and this help the speed a lot if you go on a torrent on your list and trackers go to option add trackers have the option to import from a utorrent compatible url would be great on the options have this option to all new added torrents

KingLucius commented 7 years ago


ameeno commented 5 years ago


Jorman commented 5 years ago

I hope the developer make this modification! Can be very good import an online list always update. Actually on transmission I made a little script to inject tracker but with qbt, that natively have this function is a must have! J

JafethM commented 4 years ago

Can we have this please, at least one url, multiple if possible. Thank you.


Jorman commented 4 years ago

I created a script for that, that work very good with sonarr/radarr and similar, if someone need it, just let me know

pshlos46 commented 4 years ago

+1, deluge does that with the default trackers plugin https://github.com/stefantalpalaru/deluge-default-trackers

baozi510 commented 4 years ago

I created a script for that, that work very good with sonarr/radarr and similar, if someone need it, just let me know

i need that script

Jorman commented 4 years ago

@baozi510 You can find the script here https://github.com/Jorman/Scripts/blob/master/AddqBittorrentTrackers.sh Tell me if you need information about configuration for the script The script need this https://github.com/fedarovich/qbittorrent-cli in order to work

5koder commented 4 years ago

@baozi510 You can find the script here https://github.com/Jorman/Scripts/blob/master/AddqBittorrentTrackers.sh Tell me if you need information about configuration for the script The script need this https://github.com/fedarovich/qbittorrent-cli in order to work

@Jorman I installed qbittorrent-cli but I'm unsure how to use your script to automatically add the trackers to every qbittorrent download. Please can you help me?

Jorman commented 4 years ago

@5koder Sure, is pretty simple. Under Radarr/Sonarr settings, go on Connect and add a custom script, like this Cattura You can also run it by hand via console

That's all.

calm3285 commented 4 years ago

any updates, qbittorrent enhanced has this feature https://github.com/c0re100/qBittorrent-Enhanced-Edition

Apocrathia commented 3 years ago

Additionally, the way that ruTorrent has a setting to disable this for private torrents is fantastic.


Jorman commented 3 years ago

@Apocrathia Is possible to get the list from url? I don't use ruTorrent, maybe is because I'm to lazy, but good to know

Apocrathia commented 3 years ago

In ruTorrent, no. They just have you paste the list in. Problem there is that those trackers change.

As mentioned in the original issue, this is probably the most popular tracker list that people are currently using.


Also mentioned earlier, the Deluge plugin does allow you to pull from a URL, but the problem there is 1) they add them even to private torrents (which can jeopardize accounts on private trackers) 2) there is no way of configuring it from the Deluge WebUI (and no example configurations are provided, either).

Multiple clients have tried to implement this, but nobody has gotten it quite right. Yet.

zero77 commented 3 years ago

This, may be a better source for trackers: https://newtrackon.com/ https://github.com/CorralPeltzer/newTrackon

Jorman commented 3 years ago

ngosang is not so bad source, the good is that I can use it inside my scirpt to inject trackers, automatically from radarr/sonarr or manually via cli

yeezylife commented 2 years ago

It would be best to be able to update trackers from a url like "qBittorrent-Enhanced-Edition/bitcomet" did. So we don't have to regularly update trackers manuly..

4C3T commented 2 years ago

So, how goes things about this? As thalieht mentioned, I added a feature request, but it was deemed a duplicate. Sure enough it is, but the "original" post's title wasn't crystal clear. Anyway, I read near the top that the .sh script was a potential solution, but it would also seem to indicate that it's for Linux environment, especially the Deluge client, and I find it very overkill that I'd have to switch client, or at the very least have to fiddle with Linux in Windows just to have it adding trackers from that URL.

I might have misinterpreted that as I just sifted through it. - That happens when you're looking for a specific answer and people starts to bring in other software and sometimes far fetched solutions to a very simple(ish) problem. In this case an external script which require this & that to work, and takes time to getting it work. I'm no programmer, and I've entered a few rows of code here & there in my life, but it would seem just adding an additional variable, link it together with a text box, a check-box (enable/disable), a few "ifs"-blocks, and a http-request to retrieve the text, then a text parsing module which puts each line of text in an array, which then can be put into the array for trackers.

Of course there are a lot more coding than that, but it's certainly doable. If I were a programmer I would've volunteered to help, but my knowledge only extends to perhaps modify some code, best case only add minor stuff.

I run Radarr and Sonarr on Windows, which means it's bound to be problems if I were to run Linux script as pathways almost always gets messed up and causes errors.

Feel free to enlighten me if I got any of this wrong.

Jorman commented 2 years ago

@4C3T My script works in Linux with Radarr, Sonarr too, is not so complicated, and I think can be easily "translated" in python or javascript in order to work also under Windows, I think is better to avoid batch language for this kind of script.


4C3T commented 2 years ago

@Jorman Well, I'm no script guru, so I don't know where to even begin. Got any pointers, and how much time & effort do you think it would take to port this to something I could actually use? What is necessary?

Jorman commented 2 years ago

@4C3T I'm not a professional programmer, just an amateur, so for me is not so quick but you ever try to find one alternative way to run sh script inside windows? A rapid google search I found this, but you can also find many others post, take a look https://www.thewindowsclub.com/how-to-run-sh-or-shell-script-file-in-windows-10

This's the script you've to use to add trackers to qbittorrent https://github.com/Jorman/Scripts/blob/master/AddqBittorrentTrackers.sh


4C3T commented 2 years ago

@Jorman Ok. I'll have a look at it, but I'm not a Linux fan exactly, and I don't like the complexity of it as it involves too much RTFM, and all tutorials out there either treats you like a 5 year old, or they expect you to know about everything they're throwing at you, and in most cases they start out with information about what you're after, but soon deviates to something else way off course "And now for something completely different...." Almost like something off a Monty Python sketch.

Besides, I'd hate for something going wrong with my server during the installation. I recently(ish) went from Linux Mint back to Windows so that I'd have better control over my hardware (Device manager, Windows event viewer, Hard Disk Sentinel and StableBit DrivePool are divine programs & utilities! Not to mention the that you have quick access via Remote Desktop, Windows networking, and above all, a nice clean GUI that doesn't glitch!), as opposed to Linux mess with poor UI and cumbersome logs to sift through. In short, yuck!

jrickter88 commented 2 years ago

How can we add trackers to old torrents?

No way im right clicking 2k torrents daily to update trackers.

Jorman commented 2 years ago

@jrickter88 You can use this script https://github.com/Jorman/Scripts/blob/master/AddqBittorrentTrackers.sh

Download, configure it, set it executable, then run it with . at the end ./AddqBittorrentTrackers.sh . this will inject trackers from lists to all torrents

dabeibao commented 9 months ago

So many requests for this feature. Don't know why not implement it inside the app but via an external script? And the script didn't work but reported lots of errors like this:

50/111 - Adding tracker udp://tracker.bittor.pw:1337/announcecurl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404
 - < Failed >
4C3T commented 9 months ago

I mean, the function sort of exists, only, not in the right place and not automated.

You can enter an URL if you go to the tab Trackers for an existing Torrent and select "Add tracker". There you have two choices; Either paste a list of trackers, or enter an URL to a list of them. Edit: For some reason it's been named "µTorrent compatible list URL:".

Why would it be so difficult to add this to settings (and periodically update it)?

glassez commented 9 months ago

So many requests for this feature. Don't know why not implement it inside the app

If the feature isn't blocked (rejected) in itself then the reason of why it isn't implemented yet is because there is no one to contribute into it.

Jorman commented 9 months ago

@dabeibao Lol, the script works, maybe you don't have configured it well? But this is not the place for the to talk about, Next time ask before say is not working.

dabeibao commented 9 months ago

@dabeibao Lol, the script works, maybe you don't have configured it well? But this is not the place for the to talk about, Next time ask before say is not working.

It may work for you, but not for me. It is not an official feature, expect to see inconsistent results.

JackHack96 commented 9 months ago


This morning I played a bit with the code and I've extended the piece that do the parsing so that if I type an URL that ends with ".txt", it automatically performs an HTTP request and parses the list. As I'm not familiar with qBittorrent codebase though (which is rather big) I'm not sure if I've implemented correctly or if there's a better way to handle it. For now I've just uploaded it to my local fork.

Jorman commented 9 months ago

@dabeibao I don't understand why you are making all this fuss, the request was made and if the developers (who provide the pgrogram for free) didn't add it they will have their good reasons no? Then if you have really switched to another program, then this post of yours is really useless. For your information there is a modified version of qBittorrent with the functionality you are looking for, you are at risk of ban, but it exists, see for yourself. Of course the script works and not only for me, as I told you if you have a problem you report it, but as I told you easily misconfigure it. Like all programs, it is possible that there is a bug, which once found is reported and fixed, simple. But no problem, have fun with the new program

stalkerok commented 9 months ago

@JackHack96, as far as I understand from the screenshot, this implementation allows you to add multiple URLs, but does not allow you to see which trackers will be added, unlike the Enhanced Edition implementation where you can see which trackers will be added, but cannot add multiple source URLs. I also wonder how this would work if there were, for example, multiple URLs and multiple trackers added manually.

glassez commented 9 months ago

Personally I dislike to mix it into regular additional trackers list. IMO, it should be separated from manually specified trackers list.

Jorman commented 9 months ago

@JackHack96 IMHO the problem of this kind of implementation is that don't take care about private trackers, at least I think so, I never used that, maybe is not true but as I know is not advisable to inject trackers inside torrents that came from private trackers. Is only my opinion and for my specific use/purpose I prefer to use external script, so I can decide if inject or not tracker from any *Arr applications.

stalkerok commented 9 months ago

@Jorman, auto-add trackers does not work for private torrents.

NonVolatileHuman commented 8 months ago

@JackHack96, you should look into making a pull request, so that the contributors can modify the code to be implemented into an official build, that would be great news.

XDark187 commented 1 month ago

It's been 7 years......