qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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I/O errors with files I don't even have/seed (and MASSIVE space wasted with unwanted files, d/l files I don't even want) #8229

Closed flexy123 closed 4 years ago

flexy123 commented 6 years ago

Please provide the following information

qBittorrent version and Operating System


Win10 x64

ISSUE: This happens with torrents that I only downloaded partially.

1/7/2018 3:16 AM - An I/O error occurred, 'Some Filename-02' paused. Some Filename-02 partfile read (D:\Some Filename-02.unwanted\17-somefilename-video.mp4) error: No such file or directory

---> Of course there is no such file or directory since I unchecked this and didn't even download it. YET, Qbtorrent seems wanting to seed it or at least tries to.

But it gets better: I have gigs and gigs of data/files which I never wanted, YET they take up space on my HD and some actually got downloaded.

Imagine a siterip of a website with videos, but I only checked three of these videos for download with a total of 12GB. Yet, in the .unwanted folder I have 6x videos I never selected, totalling an additional 26GB. This despite me of course NOT having the option "pre-allocate space" in QB set. Even more interesting, it actually downloaded 4x of these unwanted videos (they are complete, I can play them), with 2x of them the data is corrupted.

None of these 26GB (and now just talking about this one particular download) should even exist since it s UNWANTED...and I never put a checkmark on these files.


Ok this becomes confusing. These additional files in Windows explorer show the alleged size, but the actual size of these files is only some mb. ("Size on disk" is smaller). So these files are NOT complete, they just appeared to me as such.

eurobank commented 6 years ago


me21 commented 6 years ago

These are files which share chunks with the files you really wanted to download. They are created as sparse files, so extra space is not wasted.

FranciscoPombal commented 4 years ago

The .unwanted folder was a superfluous buggy feature that will be removed for 4.2.6 and above, so this is no longer applicable: https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/pull/12820

If you have any issues with the latest version, please open a new issue report. Thank you for your contributions.