qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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Apply a regex on every file automatically #9088

Open DaniGTA opened 6 years ago

DaniGTA commented 6 years ago

Feature request

Automatic renamer with regex

The last step too make my qBittorrent full automatic is just a small regex that rename new files from RSS.

And i think this will be then the first Torrent client that can rename files automaticly.

glassez commented 6 years ago

Please describe in detail what do you expect from this feature. With several examples.

DaniGTA commented 6 years ago

Only a option that apply the regex you entered:

Example 1

  1. Filename: [1999] Filename (00) - text.ext

  2. now send it trough a custom regex: https://regexr.com/3quik

  3. Clear Filename: Filename - text.ext

    Example 2 regex chain

  4. Filename: Filename 00 [text][text].ext

  5. regex: https://regex101.com/r/CRHFim/1/

    /(.?) [(.)]/gm

  6. Filename: Filename 00.ext

  7. regex: https://regexr.com/3qukm

    /( )([0-9])/gm

  8. Clear Filename: Filename S01E00.ext