qbittorrent / qBittorrent

qBittorrent BitTorrent client
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Dreadful look on macOS Mojave with dark theme #9096

Closed pshirshov closed 5 years ago

pshirshov commented 6 years ago

Please check https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-68850

screenshot 2018-06-13 at 13 17 06 screenshot 2018-06-13 at 13 17 14 screenshot 2018-06-14 at 20 23 48 screenshot 2018-06-14 at 20 23 51
zdlo commented 5 years ago

@eduarcor , done, qBittorrent 4.1.5 built with Qt 5.12 and patched to fix progress bars

Unfortunately, this one doesn't even open on 10.14.2.

Kolcha commented 5 years ago

@zdlo , what happens when you try to open it? crash or something else? please give some details. I tested it before upload, and had no issues... Nothing changed in my build environment since my previous builds... and macOS apps are portable and completely standalone (contain all required dependencies inside app bundle) by its nature (as far as I know, but maybe I'm wrong, I'm not macOS developer). moreover, my build script removes everything after build, so if some dependencies would be missed in bundle, I'll notice that even on my build machine... In case if someone else will confirm the same issue, I'll stop publish my builds (and remove all existing, because they are built in the same way) to don't create useless posts. I don't know the reason and even don't imagine how to try debug it... again, I'm not macOS developer, I'm just a guy who can build almost anything written in C/C++ language on any of mainstream OSes (i.e. Windows/Linux/macOS).

zdlo commented 5 years ago

@zdlo , what happens when you try to open it? crash or something else? please give some details.

I tried to open it again to tell you now, perhaps share the logs from the console too, but it opened this time. Thanks for this build!

Not sure why it was not opening when I tried it several times earlier today. The app icon on the dock was bouncing a few times and then stopping, and the indicator under the icon was also going off. No app window was being displayed at all. I first tried to open it by right clicking from the Applications, so the issue was not related to that.

eduarcor commented 5 years ago

@eduarcor , done, qBittorrent 4.1.5 built with Qt 5.12 and patched to fix progress bars

@Kolcha, It works perfectly, thanks!!

terabyte25 commented 5 years ago

Hello, this isn't related to this project, but is related to Qt with dark mode. Currently I am having the same problem with another project (https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw/issues/4655), and just to confirm, the only way to get dark mode working (fully) is to compile with the official Qt 5.12?

Kolcha commented 5 years ago

@terabyte25 official Qt 5.12 is enough

Asgardsurfer commented 5 years ago

Thanks Kolcha, works perfectly!

eduarcor commented 5 years ago

@Kolcha, I have a question for you, is a little bit off topic. I have my own python/pyside2 (qt 5.12) application, and I would like to apply the Mojave black theme. Could you please, explain to me how to do it? There is no info whatsoever outhere. Thanks and greetings.

Kolcha commented 5 years ago

@eduarcor , unfortunately I have nothing to say... Qt 5.12 has dark theme support and it automatically detects currently used theme. nothing must be done for C++ apps. if it doesn't happen with Python, possibly some APIs don't exposed to Python, but I don't know. I used PyQt very long time ago, but PySide I even didn't used...

eduarcor commented 5 years ago

@Kolcha, thanks anyway. So, for C++ is automatic?? I don't understand why is not for the python binding... I mean, it is supposed that is complete... So, I can't guess why this is not happening... Anyway, I appreciate your info, and if you find out any other moment, please, don't hesitate to let me know. Cheers

nevack commented 5 years ago

@eduarcor , done, qBittorrent 4.1.5 built with Qt 5.12 and patched to fix progress bars

Thanks for build, works like a charm. May I ask you to build against more recent code?

Kolcha commented 5 years ago

@nevack , done This is permanent link , I rebuild qBittorrent ~biweekly and this file will be updated. so, recent development version can be downloaded using this link at any time.

atangyp commented 5 years ago

I've just downloaded latest stable version of QBittorent 4.1.6 for MacOS and the display with Mojave dark theme is all screwed up.

Screenshot 2019-05-06 at 7 59 14 AM

Have downloaded Kolcha's version as per link above this one and it seems to work much much better. Thanks.

rb-26 commented 5 years ago

Having the same issue as @atangyp

eduarcor commented 5 years ago

I am sure that @Kolcha will figure it out really soon, as he usually does... don't worry guys

atangyp commented 5 years ago

He already fixed it with his version. I used his link above, in the post above mine, to download... Just wondering why his changes not included in the latest stable release.

Kolcha commented 5 years ago

qBittorrent 4.1.6 (dark theme fixed)

Dark theme look fixed. This is related to Qt version. Qt started support of dark theme only since 5.12, qBittorrent was build with 5.9, so it just doesn't support mac dark theme. I just rebuilt qBittorrent with latest Qt release (5.12.3).

Screenshot 2019-05-06 12 07 33

=======> DOWNLOAD <=======

Please note, really I fixed nothing! All my previous fixes/changes where merged into both master and 4.1 branches, see changelog for official release and you will find 2 lines mentioned my name. Moreover, these changes are not vital, especially for dark theme support, they are mostly cosmetic...

I just build qBittorrent in my own way. I don't like Homebrew and other related tools trying to make macOS like Linux systems... so I build qBittorrent using only Xcode - native IDE for macOS. Also I don't like how qBittorrent developers handle Qt translations deployment, I also make it in my way. Even more, anyone downloaded my builds maybe noticed that my .dmg files are "nice", like a lot of other 3rd party software for macOS, not one small qBittorrent icon.

pnumio commented 5 years ago

Mine looks messed up on the latest dl Screenshot 2019-05-06 at 12 45 04

Kolcha commented 5 years ago

@pnumio , official build doesn't support dark theme, download my build https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/9096#issuecomment-489568308

pnumio commented 5 years ago

@pnumio , official build doesn't support dark theme, download my build #9096 (comment)

Thanks sorted

pshirshov commented 5 years ago

@pnumio , official build doesn't support dark theme

But why?

sledgehammer999 commented 5 years ago

I've built the official build using Qt 5.9.7 in order to support a wider range of macOS versions. However, the Qt 5.9.x series don't handle correctly the dark mode of Mojave. That mode is correctly handled in Qt 5.12.x series.

Here is a build using Qt 5.12.0 (I didn't have time to build Qt 5.12.3): https://builds.shiki.hu/temp/qbittorrent-4.1.6-qt5.12.dmg

atangyp commented 5 years ago

@sledgehammer999 , thank you so much for this. Much appreciated!!

atangyp commented 5 years ago

@pnumio , official build doesn't support dark theme, download my build #9096 (comment)

Thanks also to @Kolcha ....

blahdy commented 5 years ago

anyone looking for something prettier than the original - try out my builds https://github.com/blahdy/qBittorrent 2Tp6K

eduarcor commented 5 years ago

From my POV. Should be great a support for themes... rather than have to get different compilation from third parties...

Webbrother commented 5 years ago

I have the same dark theme bug, and don't understand why fix was not putted to official release.

thalieht commented 5 years ago

and don't understand why fix was not putted to official release.

That's because you didn't read the whole issue https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/9096#issuecomment-489752065.

pshirshov commented 5 years ago

Why not to build two distros - a "legacy" one with old QT and a "new" one with .12?..

evansan commented 5 years ago

@pshirshov read from here https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/9096#issuecomment-447689144

mmatviyiv commented 5 years ago

Why not to build two distros - a "legacy" one with old QT and a "new" one with .12?..


I would like to keep using an official brew'ed version. It's a really handy way for handling third-party software on MacOS. So, please add the dark-mode support to the official build, thanks

pshirshov commented 5 years ago

@evansan: the comment doesn't answer my question in fact. Whats preventing the team from having two "official" builds?

May people don't trust non-official binaries.

sledgehammer999 commented 5 years ago

Whats preventing the team from having two "official" builds?

The updater mechanism, isn't build to look for different versions based on OS version.

terrorist96 commented 5 years ago

I've built the official build using Qt 5.9.7 in order to support a wider range of macOS versions. However, the Qt 5.9.x series don't handle correctly the dark mode of Mojave. That mode is correctly handled in Qt 5.12.x series.

Here is a build using Qt 5.12.0 (I didn't have time to build Qt 5.12.3): https://builds.shiki.hu/temp/qbittorrent-4.1.6-qt5.12.dmg

Will there be an official update soon that includes this fix? Would rather wait if it's coming soon than downloading an unofficial version.

jonathancross commented 5 years ago

Here is a build using Qt 5.12.0 (I didn't have time to build Qt 5.12.3): https://builds.shiki.hu/temp/qbittorrent-4.1.6-qt5.12.dmg

@sledgehammer999 Can you please sign this? Thanks.

42ae commented 5 years ago

May people don't trust non-official binaries.

👍 I agree with you!

In the meantime, for those who don't want to have to deal with this messy UI, you can revert the app back to the light theme:

$ defaults write $(osascript -e 'id of app "qbittorrent"') NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool yes

ozio commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry, but why can't you just release minor version with updated qt? for me it's kind of a stupid to download the same but fixed version.

hernangonzalez commented 5 years ago

Still looking so ugly :/

realish1 commented 5 years ago

Just downloaded Qt 4.1.7 and it is still ugly to the point of unusable. Does anyone know if they're even planning to fix this?

Piccirello commented 5 years ago

Qt 5.9 includes support for 10.10 and 10.11, while 5.12 drops support for these macOS versions.

@sledgehammer999 10.11 is unsupported by Apple as of August 2018, per Wikipedia. Would you be open to building future macOS releases with Qt 5.12? And ideally re-releasing 4.1.7 built with Qt 5.12.

terrorist96 commented 5 years ago

I just downloaded 4.1.7 and it's fixed for me.

sledgehammer999 commented 5 years ago

@Piccirello there's a problem with the mainsite. It hasn't yet synced the files from the git website repo, so my changes/info aren't live yet. And the admin hasn't responded to me yet. Long story short: The new official v4.1.7 build uses Qt 5.12.2 I would use Qt 5.13 but: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-77310

Piccirello commented 5 years ago

Confirmed this is fixed for me- v4.1.7 uses Qt 5.12.2 Screen Shot 2019-08-04 at 3 05 08 PM

Not sure who the admin is but are we relying on an external party for the site? I'd be happy to provide hosting so that we're not reliant on someone else to sync our changes.

sledgehammer999 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the offer. The admin isn't an outsider, although I don't remember his github nick. He's also the forum admin. He has taken care of these things for a lot of years, probably from the beginning. I talked to him a few days ago, so I know he hasn't gone missing.

eduarcor commented 5 years ago

Hello guys, where are the version 4.1.7 to download? not in the official page... could you please guide me to a link? Does it incorporate all the @Kolcha fixes in the UI? Curiously in v4.1.6 the QT version used by Kolcha is 5.12.3 and it works like a charm, doesn't it work for you? Thx

sledgehammer999 commented 5 years ago

@eduarcor Just go to Fosshub: https://www.fosshub.com/qBittorrent.html Or if you an older version the updater should take you there.

eduarcor commented 5 years ago

Thanks. Why using the 5.12.2 instead the 5.12.3 used by the 4.1.6 version? It is weird...

Kolcha commented 5 years ago

@eduarcor , see https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/9096#issuecomment-518039784 for info about why Qt 5.12.2 is used. my build has newer Qt because I build with c++ 14, so I didn't face build issues, but I faced other strange issue with Qt 5.13 and dev, but this is another story... and again, I fixed almost nothing! just built qBittorrent with newer Qt which supports dark theme. Few small issues I fixed were related to progress bar, they were merged very long time ago and were included even in 4.1.6

Nice to see that this issue is closed now!

P.S.> I still building qBittorrent from master branch periodically, anyone interested can download my builds using this link

eduarcor commented 5 years ago

@Kolcha, And did you build the v4.1.7 itself? with the latest 5.12.4? If true, could you please share if there is not problem with it?

Kolcha commented 5 years ago

@eduarcor my 4.1.7 build, compiled with Qt 5.13.0, libtorrent 1.1.13 and OpenSSL 1.1.1c