qbwc / quickbooks_api

A Ruby wrapper for the Quickbooks XML API
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:qb type object fails to initialize #2

Closed rposborne closed 12 years ago

rposborne commented 12 years ago

require "Quickbooks"

api = Quickbooks::API.instance(:qb)

if you initialize a qbpos object it will complete the load. But it appears to be incomplete, stoping short at SpecialAccountAdd.

[Quickbooks::QBXML::QBXML, Quickbooks::QBXML::QBXMLMsgsRq, Quickbooks::QBXML::HostQueryRq, Quickbooks::QBXML::IncludeListMetaData, Quickbooks::QBXML::CompanyQueryRq, Quickbooks::QBXML::CompanyActivityQueryRq, Quickbooks::QBXML::PreferencesQueryRq, Quickbooks::QBXML::AccountAddRq, Quickbooks::QBXML::AccountAdd, Quickbooks::QBXML::ParentRef, Quickbooks::QBXML::SalesTaxCodeRef, Quickbooks::QBXML::AccountModRq, Quickbooks::QBXML::AccountMod, Quickbooks::QBXML::AccountQueryRq, Quickbooks::QBXML::NameFilter, Quickbooks::QBXML::NameRangeFilter, Quickbooks::QBXML::SpecialAccountAddRq, Quickbooks::QBXML::SpecialAccountAdd]

/Users/rposborne/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@lumber/gems/quickbooks_api-0.1.4/lib/quickbooks/parser/class_builder.rb:27:in add_casting_attribute': undefined methodcall' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from /Users/rposborne/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@lumber/gems/quickbooks_api-0.1.4/lib/quickbooks/dtd_parser.rb:9:in process_leaf_node' from /Users/rposborne/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@lumber/gems/quickbooks_api-0.1.4/lib/quickbooks/qbxml_parser.rb:37:inprocess_xml_obj' from /Users/rposborne/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@lumber/gems/quickbooks_api-0.1.4/lib/quickbooks/qbxml_parser.rb:32:in `process_xml_obj'

skryl commented 12 years ago

Looks like something I broke not long ago. I hope to actually write some tests in the near future :)

I wrote this api wrapper specifically to work with QBPOS so it hasn't been tested with Quickbooks Financial whatsoever. It should theoretically work just fine but let me know how it goes and Ill do all I can to help.


rposborne commented 12 years ago

I can't hug you at the moment so PayPal is going to have to suffice. Is your github email your paypal email?

skryl commented 12 years ago

It is. Thank you very much.