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Hacktoberfest 2020 Planning #65

Open jpdillingham opened 3 years ago

jpdillingham commented 3 years ago

For lack of a better place to put this, we'll use comments in this issue to put forth, discuss, and vote on ideas.

jpdillingham commented 3 years ago

Anonymous Chat

A service that allows chat "rooms" to be created on the fly, and anyone with the link can comment anonymously. This would use some form of primitive browser fingerprint to differentiate the different anonymous participants so you could tell which messages were shared by which participant, but you wouldn't be able to see the identity of the person.

This would be backed by something like mongodb, and would be deployable anywhere with docker (compose, to be exact).

Chat rooms would expire 1 hour after the last comment.

jpdillingham commented 3 years ago

Coding Challenge App

A service that would allow an administrator to publish a coding challenge, and that would allow participants to submit responses in the form of code. The service would run the submitted code in isolation to check whether it was correct, and would compute statistics such as total size of the submission, running time, and maybe memory.

Users would be able to see each other's submissions once the challenge was over, and a public leaderboard would be kept to show real-time results.

jpdillingham commented 3 years ago

GUID/UUID Recycler

A service that would allow users to submit GUID/UUID values to be "recycled".

We can continue to build out features to make this more ridiculous, whatever comes to mind.

flowguy commented 3 years ago

A Multi-Player Trivial Pursuit Style Game

This would be a multi-player game that would ask players questions of historical or famous importance and offer multiple choice answers to the questions randomly chosen.

flowguy commented 3 years ago

An IP Address Reporter

This app would report IP addresses of URL's entered.

flowguy commented 3 years ago

An Air Density Calculator

The user would enter air temperature and pressure and air density would be returned.

mtliendo commented 3 years ago

Guess Who (Twitter Version)

Description: A web-based application where users would be given two tweets as well as two users. The user would then have to guess which tweet belonged to which user.


This application is largely driven by what is available from the Twitter API. Because of this, there are the following limitations:

v1 Proposal

  1. Authenticate user's with auth0
  2. After authenticating, use option 1 (simplest) to get a list of users and randomly store 2 in memory
  3. Display the profile pictures and names (avatars) of the users, along with one tweet.
  4. The user clicks an avatar and the user is informed if the choice is correct/ incorrect

Here's a demo showcasing authenticating with Twitter:


mtliendo commented 3 years ago

Clone: Find the Invisible Cow

This would be a clone of the super popular game Find the Invisible Cow (see link in title)

The game has been around for quite some time but would serve as a great project for beginner JS developers as it works with the Web Audio API and many fundamental building blocks of the web such as network requests, event listeners, toggling CSS attributes and working with viewport constraints.

Backend Data

In the original version of the game, a global score is kept in a database and retrieved at runtime. Additionally, a player's individual score is stored in local storage. As for sounds, multiple requests are made for individual audio files as seen in the screenshot below: image

Possible Enhancements
