qcr / benchbot

BenchBot is a tool for seamlessly testing & evaluating semantic scene understanding tools in both realistic 3D simulation & on real robots
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
110 stars 12 forks source link

install error #87

Closed zhangzscn closed 1 year ago

zhangzscn commented 1 year ago


################################################################################ ###################### CHECKING BENCHBOT SCRIPTS VERSION ####################### ################################################################################

Fetching latest hash for Benchbot scripts ... 12daa9335e391b10170d372cdfad24df12d0e320.

BenchBot scripts are up-to-date.

################################################################################ ######################## PART 1: EXAMINING SYSTEM STATE ######################## ################################################################################

Core host system checks: Ubuntu version >= 18.04: Passed (22.04)

Running Nvidia related system checks: NVIDIA GPU available: Found card of type '10de:2684' NVIDIA driver is running: Found NVIDIA driver version valid: Valid (525.60.13) NVIDIA driver from a standard PPA: PPA is valid CUDA drivers installed: Drivers found CUDA drivers version valid: Valid (525.60.13-1) CUDA drivers from the NVIDIA PPA: PPA is valid CUDA is installed: CUDA found CUDA version valid: Valid (12.0) CUDA is from the NVIDIA PPA: PPA is valid

Running Docker related system checks: Docker is available: Found Docker version valid: Valid (20.10.23) NVIDIA Container Toolkit installed: Found (1.11.0) Docker runs without root: Passed

Running checks of filesystem used for Docker: /var/lib/docker on ext4 filesystem: Yes (/dev/nvme0n1p2) /var/lib/docker supports suid: Enabled /var/lib/docker drive space check: Sufficient space (1583G)

Miscellaneous requirements: Pip python package manager available: Found (22.2.2) Tkinter for Python installed: Found PIL (with ImageTk) for Python install Found

Manual installation steps for Omniverse-powered Isaac Sim: License accepted for Omniverse: Yes Access to nvcr.io Docker registry: Yes

All requirements & dependencies fulfilled. Docker containers for the BenchBot software stack will now be built (which may take anywhere from a few seconds to many hours). Would you like to proceed (y/N)? y

Proceeding with install ...

################################################################################ ################ PART 2: FETCHING LATEST BENCHBOT VERSION INFO ################# ################################################################################

Fetching latest hash for BenchBot Simulator 'sim_omni' ... 23355ffecf560529fdaeee179d81bfa90aad6b34. Fetching latest hash for BenchBot Robot Controller ... 5ba97fbaceaa5d4f4c7ee04db9c7595d6df1a8dc. Fetching latest hash for BenchBot Supervisor ... e5e50c46373d24176eb6e99dcc93661086571a68. Fetching latest hash for BenchBot API ... 03ae4f9eef40a750d87bc112df837ee062097228. Fetching latest hash for BenchBot ROS Messages ... 29153dd20b7e611088318cc4b3ef5f1770f44e87.

################################################################################ ######################## PART 3: BUILDING DOCKER IMAGES ######################## ################################################################################

=> [internal] load build definition from core.Dockerfile 0.1s => => transferring dockerfile: 3.10kB 0.0s => [internal] load .dockerignore 0.1s => => transferring context: 34B 0.0s => [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/ubuntu:bionic 0.9s => [1/9] FROM docker.io/library/ubuntu:bionic@sha256:c1d0baf2425ecef88a2f0c3543ec43690dc16cc80d3c4e593bb95e4f45390e45 0.0s => CACHED [2/9] RUN echo "Asia/Shanghai" > /etc/timezone && ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/"Asia/Shanghai" /etc/localtime && apt update 0.0s => CACHED [3/9] RUN apt update && apt install -yq wget gnupg2 software-properties-common git vim ipython3 tmux iputils-ping 0.0s => CACHED [4/9] RUN add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers && wget https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubunt 0.0s => CACHED [5/9] RUN apt-get autoremove libnvidia-common-525 0.0s => CACHED [6/9] RUN apt-get autoremove nvidia-kernel-common-525 0.0s => [7/9] RUN apt-get autoremove libnvidia-gl-525 1.0s => [8/9] RUN apt-get autoremove nvidia-dkms-525 1.1s => ERROR [9/9] RUN CUDA_NAME="cuda-$(echo "12.0.0-1"
sed 's/([0-9]).([0-9]).*/\1.\2/; s/./-/')" && NVIDIA_NAME="nvi 9.5s
> [9/9] RUN CUDA_NAME="cuda-$(echo "12.0.0-1" sed 's/([0-9]).([0-9]).*/\1.\2/; s/./-/')" && NVIDIA_NAME="nvidia-driver-$(echo "525.60.13-0ubuntu1" sed 's/(^[0-9])./\1/')" && NVIDIA_DEPS="$(apt depends "$NVIDIA_NAME=525.60.13-0ubuntu1" 2>/dev/null grep '^ *Depends:' sed 's/.Depends: ([^ ]) (.\?= ([^)]*))/\1 \2/' while read d; do read a b <<< "$d"; v=$(apt policy "$a" 2>/dev/null grep "$b" grep -vE "(Installed Candidate)" sed "s/.($b[^ ]).*/1/"); echo "$a=$v"; done)" && CUDA_DRIVERS_DEPS="$(apt depends "cuda-drivers=525.60.13-1" 2>/dev/null grep '^ *Depends:' sed 's/.Depends: ([^ ]) (.\?= ([^)]*))/\1 \2/' while read d; do read a b <<< "$d"; v=$(apt policy "$a" 2>/dev/null grep "$b" grep -vE "(Installed Candidate)" sed "s/.($b[^ ]).*/1/"); echo "$a=$v"; done)" && CUDA_DEPS="$(apt depends "$CUDA_NAME=12.0.0-1" 2>/dev/null grep '^ *Depends:' sed 's/.Depends: ([^ ]) (.\?= ([^)]*))/\1 \2/' while read d; do read a b <<< "$d"; v=$(apt policy "$a" 2>/dev/null grep "$b" grep -vE "(Installed Candidate)" sed "s/.($b[^ ]).*/1/"); echo "$a=$v"; done)" && TARGETS="$(echo "$NVIDIA_DEPS $NVIDIA_NAME=525.60.13-0ubuntu1" "$CUDA_DRIVERS_DEPS cuda-drivers=525.60.13-1" "$CUDA_DEPS $CUDA_NAME=12.0.0-1" tr '\n' ' ')" && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -yq $TARGETS:

0 8.819

0 8.819 WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.

0 8.819

0 8.832 Reading package lists...

0 9.271 Building dependency tree...

0 9.330 Reading state information...

0 9.361 Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have

0 9.361 requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable

0 9.361 distribution that some required packages have not yet been created

0 9.361 or been moved out of Incoming.

0 9.361 The following information may help to resolve the situation:

0 9.361

0 9.361 The following packages have unmet dependencies:

0 9.387 libnvidia-gl-525 : Depends: libnvidia-common-525 (= 525.60.13-0ubuntu1) but 525.85.12-0ubuntu1 is to be installed

0 9.387 nvidia-dkms-525 : Depends: nvidia-kernel-common-525 (= 525.60.13-0ubuntu1) but 525.85.12-0ubuntu1 is to be installed

0 9.392 E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

ERROR: failed to solve: executor failed running [/bin/bash -c CUDA_NAME="cuda-$(echo "${CUDA_VERSION}" | sed 's/([0-9]).([0-9])./\1.\2/; s/./-/')" && NVIDIA_NAME="nvidia-driver-$(echo "${NVIDIA_DRIVER_VERSION}" | sed 's/(^[0-9])./\1/')" && NVIDIA_DEPS="$(apt depends "$NVIDIA_NAME=$NVIDIA_DRIVER_VERSION" 2>/dev/null | grep '^ Depends:' | sed 's/.Depends: ([^ ]) (.\?= ([^)]))/\1 \2/' | while read d; do read a b <<< "$d"; v=$(apt policy "$a" 2>/dev/null | grep "$b" | grep -vE "(Installed|Candidate)" | sed "s/.($b[^ ])./\1/"); echo "$a=$v"; done)" && CUDA_DRIVERS_DEPS="$(apt depends "cuda-drivers=$CUDA_DRIVERS_VERSION" 2>/dev/null | grep '^ Depends:' | sed 's/.Depends: ([^ ]) (.\?= ([^)]))/\1 \2/' | while read d; do read a b <<< "$d"; v=$(apt policy "$a" 2>/dev/null | grep "$b" | grep -vE "(Installed|Candidate)" | sed "s/.($b[^ ])./\1/"); echo "$a=$v"; done)" && CUDA_DEPS="$(apt depends "$CUDA_NAME=$CUDA_VERSION" 2>/dev/null | grep '^ Depends:' | sed 's/.Depends: ([^ ]) (.\?= ([^)]))/\1 \2/' | while read d; do read a b <<< "$d"; v=$(apt policy "$a" 2>/dev/null | grep "$b" | grep -vE "(Installed|Candidate)" | sed "s/.($b[^ ])./\1/"); echo "$a=$v"; done)" && TARGETS="$(echo "$NVIDIA_DEPS $NVIDIA_NAME=$NVIDIA_DRIVER_VERSION" "$CUDA_DRIVERS_DEPS cuda-drivers=$CUDA_DRIVERS_VERSION" "$CUDA_DEPS $CUDA_NAME=$CUDA_VERSION" | tr '\n' ' ')" && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -yq $TARGETS]: exit code: 100

ERROR: Building BenchBot "core" returned a non-zero error code: 1

Ensure that Docker has been installed correctly AND that you can run Docker WITHOUT root access (there is no need to ever run Docker with root). See https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/linux-postinstall/ for details on how to fix this.

If the error is more generic, please contact us so that we can update our pre-install host system checks.

zhangzscn commented 1 year ago

Are there any plans to update the code to support the latest hardware and software?

The configuration in use: ubuntu 22.04 i9-13900k rtx 4090

btalb commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting @zhangzscn .

There's no reason the code shouldn't support those hardware and software specs. @david2611 what NVIDIA driver is your latest BenchBot install using? Is it using 525?

Your logs seem to suggest you've edited the core Dockerfile? Layers 5,6,7,8 don't match what's in the current Dockerfile.

Can you past the output of an ./install with a clean benchbot directory please?

  1. Run the following in your benchbot directory:
    ( git reset --hard origin/master && ./install 2>&1 ) | tee benchbot.log
  2. Post the benchbot.log file here
david2611 commented 1 year ago

525 is the current version that is known to work and is recommended.

david2611 commented 1 year ago

With the latest update for BenchBot using the latest Omniverse version, more up-to-date hardware should now work

david2611 commented 1 year ago

There has been an update to the install procedure that fixes some cuda driver compatability issues that others had encountered. If a fresh install fixes issues do let us know. Issue will be closed due to inactivity otherwise