qdbplang / qdbp

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Subtraction bug #65

Closed dghosef closed 6 days ago

dghosef commented 6 days ago
true: #True{}
false: #False{}

abort: {
  msg: "Reached a fatal error. Aborting." Print.
  `! !.

if: {condition then else |
    True? [then!.]
    False? [else!.].

map: {fn it|
    Done? [#Done{}]
    NotDone? [it| #NotDone {Value[fn! (it Value).] Next[`! ! fn it: (it Next).]}] .

fold_left: {fn acc it|
    Done? [acc]
    NotDone? [it| `! ! fn acc: (fn! acc next: (it Value)) it: (it Next).] .

fold_right: {fn acc it|
    Done? [acc]
    NotDone? [it| fn! acc next: (`! ! fn acc: (it Value) it: (it Next)). ].

list: {
    new_data: #NotEmpty { Front[elem] Rest[`Prepend Data.] }
    {`Prepend Data[new_data]}

  It [
    `It Data.
      Empty? [#Done{}]
      NotEmpty? [val |
        #NotDone { Value[val Front.] Next[{`It Data[val Rest.]} It.] }

lst: list Prepend 5. Prepend 4. Prepend 3. Prepend 2. Prepend 1.
it: map! {x| x + 1.} it: (lst It).
fold_right! {acc next| acc - next.} acc: 0 it: (lst It). Print.


Done: 16% (5/30, 25 left) (jobs: 0)Assertion failed: ((((b) >> 63) & 1) == 0), function _qdbp_smallint_sub, file smallint_math.c, line 74.
sh: line 1: 73982 Abort trap: 6           ./a.out
dghosef commented 6 days ago

Some runtime functions like

bool _qdbp_is_unboxed_int(_qdbp_object_ptr obj) {
  return ((uintptr_t)obj & 1) == 1;

_qdbp_object_ptr _qdbp_make_unboxed_int(uintptr_t value) {
  return (_qdbp_object_ptr)((intptr_t)(value << 1) | 1);

assume that the lower bit is what makes something unboxed while some like: _qdbp_smallint_sub use the high bit