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How to manually add a server for Nord VPN #17

Closed SethL closed 7 months ago

SethL commented 9 months ago

I am trying to connect to uk2504.nordvpn.com. I can connect to it via the mac desktop client and everything works fine. When I create the SERVER_HOSTNAMES variable in portainer and add uk2504.nordvpn.com to it, I get an error and a list off all of the servers that Gluetun says I can connect to. However 2504 is not on that list.

I went down the road of editing the servers.json list to include that server. When I execute the container I get the same error msg but I also see where it says it is merging the lists together so it should have picked it up right? I also tried running the docker command to update servers.json but that still doesnt include the server I want to connect to.

TLDR: I want to specify a wireguard server for Nord that does not exist in the servers.json. Is this possible?

dozer1dave commented 8 months ago

Same issue but with server us10179.nordvpn.com

walmer26 commented 8 months ago

I am not sure. But to shed some light. Go to this section. It will tell you how to add a Wireguard conf file and bind it to the Gluetun container volume and what environment variable to use under "environment:" section of your compose file. I think it will help you if the hostname is not in the raw list and you just want to add a custom one.

Also, try to add an updater to your setup, can be found here.


kahliasmith commented 8 months ago

Likewise, but with the OpenVPN protocol and ch416.nordvpn.com

qdm12 commented 7 months ago

I want to specify a wireguard server for Nord that does not exist in the servers.json. Is this possible?

You can by bumping the servers.json nordvpn version (for example from 1 to 2). The merging will detect this and use the bigger version, whatever the update time is.

It's not really documented on purpose, because:

The servers data is fetched from https://api.nordvpn.com/v1/servers/recommendations?limit=0 I'm not sure why us10179.nordvpn.com isn't there, maybe worth reaching out to NordVPN's support about this?