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Update airvpn.md and surfshark.md for correct connection parameters #29

Closed DrFrankensteinUK closed 4 months ago

DrFrankensteinUK commented 6 months ago

Hoping I have done this correctly, I plan on doing some additional amendments to try to help out where I have had people who are stuck setting up with other providers.

As per EricBettanin https://github.com/qdm12/gluetun-wiki/issues/28

Also made a small fix to the original files edits as had a trailing / on the compose section

Also submitted an overall improvement to the Surfshark page as you have to obtain the correct IP details otherwise the connection fails

DrFrankensteinUK commented 6 months ago

Learning here! - I have also made changes to the Surfshark page to provide clear details for how to obtain the correct connection settings for WireGuard and some other amendments to the page. Let me know any issues!

DrFrankensteinUK commented 6 months ago


Giving this a little nudge in case you missed the commit. Hopefully it's all above board.

atticusmatticus commented 5 months ago

This has worked for me for Surfshark. Thank you @DrFrankensteinUK! I hope this can be added to the official documentation soon as that would make it a lot easier to find.

DrFrankensteinUK commented 5 months ago

I have also documented the steps to generate correct AirVPN detail as this has also caught people out via my site/discord. I can submit them once the above gets approved.

YuraT commented 5 months ago

It may be worth mentioning that IPv6 does work with AirVPN if you follow the advanced IPv6 setup guide.

Though that feature itself is "experimental" according to the doc.

qdm12 commented 4 months ago

Is the WIREGUARD_ADDRESSES always the same for all servers for a particular user, for Surfshark?? 🤔 I'm reworking/rebasing this PR, it should be merged real soon.

DrFrankensteinUK commented 4 months ago

Hey thanks for the update, I just downloaded 3 different config files (Japan/Paris/Bulgaria) and all contain the same IP address for me and then different public keys.

Just on the general subject of the provider specific pages. I get a ton of requests for help as people who are new to setting up a VPN in this manner quickly get lost on how to obtain the correct details etc. So would be good to get some more step-by-step instructions info into each page, so for someone new they can follow that and then the TLDR is for someone like me.

I could crowdsource from my own Discord users as have a wide range of VPNs in use. Obviously the downside is making sure they stay current, but I suppose that's just part of the day to day with this stuff.

qdm12 commented 4 months ago

I changed a bit your PR to focus on Surfshark, I've incorporated the Airvpn changes in separated commits (credits mentioned in the commit messages).

I get a ton of requests for help as people who are new to setting up a VPN in this manner quickly get lost on how to obtain the correct details etc. So would be good to get some more step-by-step instructions info into each page

The thing is I don't really have a subscription with all the providers, so I can't really do a step by step for each. I do my best, for example with AirVPN, the section on OpenVPN is quite separate from Wireguard due to the many divergent steps involved (Setup your client key etc.) I'm up for step by step guide through PRs though 😉 Ideally only text based, since the UI tend to change faster than text and a bad image is more confusing.

DrFrankensteinUK commented 4 months ago

Yeah cool, was looking to follow the formatting you have applied to the Surfshark as it keeps it simple enough to follow along. I have Shark and Air here. I will see what I can pull together via some of my Discord users and then do some pull requests as I confirm the steps are correct with them for their own providers.

qdm12 commented 4 months ago

I'm trying to keep it with the structure

  1. copy-pasta-then-modify configs "TLDR" (merged usually, but sometimes separated for openvpn and wireguard if many steps are involved).
  2. required variables - right now step-by-step is mentioned here on how to get them
  3. optional variables
  4. servers information
  5. extra (like port forwarding)

feel free to criticize the structure!