qdm12 / gluetun

VPN client in a thin Docker container for multiple VPN providers, written in Go, and using OpenVPN or Wireguard, DNS over TLS, with a few proxy servers built-in.
MIT License
6.69k stars 330 forks source link

Bug: ERROR getting IPtables version: exit status 1 #2260

Closed Shadex9 closed 1 month ago

Shadex9 commented 1 month ago

Is this urgent?


Host OS

Synology DSM6.2

CPU arch


VPN service provider


What are you using to run the container


What is the version of Gluetun

Running version latest built on 2024-05-02T16:57:20.083Z (commit fb145d6)

What's the problem 🤔

When attempting to start the container it errors out and auto shuts down. This problem occured this morning after updating. Rollback to V3.38 does make it work again.

Share your logs (at least 10 lines)

INFO [routing] default route found: interface eth0, gateway, assigned IP and family v4
INFO [routing] local ethernet link found: eth0
INFO [routing] local ipnet found:
INFO [firewall] enabling...
INFO [firewall] enabled successfully
NFO [storage] merging by most recent 19425 hardcoded servers and 19425 servers read from /gluetun/servers.json
INFO Alpine version: 3.19.1
INFO OpenVPN 2.5 version: 2.5.8
INFO OpenVPN 2.6 version: 2.6.8
INFO Unbound version: 1.19.3
ERROR getting IPtables version: exit status 1
INFO Shutdown successful

Share your configuration

    image: qmcgaw/gluetun:latest
    container_name: gluetun
      - VPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER=protonvpn
      - SERVER_COUNTRIES=Netherlands
      - SERVER_CITIES=amsterdam
      - TZ=
      - /volume1/docker/gluetun:/gluetun
      - 8112:8112
      - 6881:6881
      - 6881:6881/udp
      - NET_ADMIN
      - /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun
    restart: always
github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

@qdm12 is more or less the only maintainer of this project and works on it in his free time. Please:

CharlesVDP commented 1 month ago

I'm sure this isn't the comment you were hoping or expecting to see, but I just had to let you know that I've been tearing my hair out over the past 24 hours trying to troubleshoot this same error (also using ProtonVPN btw and also on a NAS (asustor), could be relevant) but as I'm new to all things docker so I expected that I was doing something wrong as I've never spun up a gluetun container before!

I'm so happy right now, using v3.38 is indeed working! You've saved the day for me tbh.

danwelcome commented 1 month ago

I am having this same issue! Also ruining on a synology nas.

qdm12 commented 1 month ago

This should be fixed by ef6874fe57500ec322469af4d6781e7e4a9e0719 let me know. Related to #2256

Shadex9 commented 1 month ago

I can confirm it is working again. @qdm12 Thanks for the quick fix much appreciated.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Closed issues are NOT monitored, so commenting here is likely to be not seen. If you think this is still unresolved and have more information to bring, please create another issue.

This is an automated comment setup because @qdm12 is the sole maintainer of this project which became too popular to monitor issues closed.