qdore / Mutate

A simple launcher inspired by Alfred for ubuntu and Fedora.
MIT License
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question:What does argument needed do? #101

Closed mgolisch closed 8 years ago

mgolisch commented 8 years ago

it seems that my script is not evauated without input even with that unchecked. So what is it good for? or rather: how can i make a script evaulated even with no input specified?

benfalk commented 8 years ago

Without double checking with the code I think it does two things. It waits until you press to execute and only runs the script once if you have an argument required. If you don't it runs your script over and over with each key stroke and takes it output to build up a list of suggestions. Perhaps the best example is with the google_translate.py options populate. I have used this personally to make my own little spell corrector: https://github.com/benfalk/dotfiles/blob/master/config/Mutate/scripts/spell/spell.sh

Without knowing more of your needs I would suggest maybe creating a run keyword and have it switch off of a required input. Maybe something like this

run my-script