qdsfdhvh / compose-imageloader

Compose Image library for Kotlin Multiplatform.
MIT License
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How to use with local file path #482

Open paulocoutinhox opened 3 months ago

paulocoutinhox commented 3 months ago


How to use with local file path in async way?




qdsfdhvh commented 3 months ago

There is a way to convert String to okio.Path, which currently supports by OkioPathFetcher, but this not every platform supports.

val file = "/home/paulo/Downloads/image.jpg"
val path = file.toOkioPath()
val imageRequest = ImageRequest { data(path) }

expect fun String.toOkioPath(): okio.Path?

// jvm
import okio.Path.Companion.toPath
actual fun String.toOkioPath(): okio.Path? {
    return toPath()

// ios
import okio.Path.Companion.toPath
actual fun String.toOkioPath(): okio.Path? {
    return toPath()

// js & wasmJs
actual fun String.toOkioPath(): okio.Path? {
    return null // maybe not support, i don't know about it.
liufeng382641424 commented 2 months ago

@qdsfdhvh How to load "commonMain/resources/xxx.gif" under resource files? I tried toPath() he failed. MR resource id generation has not been used yet, images are loaded with painterResource("xxx.png") this way. Thanks brother!

qdsfdhvh commented 2 months ago

It is better to use compose-resources for 'commonMain/resources', here is a demo;

Qucik Start:

file: gradle.properties

# https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-multiplatform/pull/3961

file: build.gradle.kts

kotlin {
    sourceSets {
        commonMain {
            dependencies {

then you can use like this:

  painter = painterResource(Res.drawable.xx_gif)

however, this solution supports a limited number of formats, and you can also use the following extensions:

dependencies {
+    api("io.github.qdsfdhvh:image-loader-extension-compose-resources:1.7.8")
  painter = rememberImagePainter(Res.drawable.xx_gif)

this is my demo

qdsfdhvh commented 2 months ago

By the way, compose.components.resources is still experimental, the api may change later.