qentinelqi / qweb

Keyword driven automation for the web
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Integration with Browserstack doesn't seem to work #135

Closed anthonyOSF closed 9 months ago

anthonyOSF commented 9 months ago

I try to run my QWeb tests from VisualStudio code on Browserstack but I get an error: Suspended due to logged failure: QWebException: Incorrect Browser name.


I saw some modification in the last release, there seems to be a problem

Thanks in advance

tkoukkari commented 9 months ago

Try using "Chrome" as name.

We'll fix it to be case insensitive here as well...

anthonyOSF commented 9 months ago

Hello @tkoukkari , thank you for your answer ! I have the same error with "Chrome" as name 2023-12-18_12h27_50

tkoukkari commented 9 months ago

hmm, works fine here

anthonyOSF commented 9 months ago

@tkoukkari Should I add something more than what you see in my screenshot? Can you possibly share your code or does it work?

tkoukkari commented 9 months ago

Does the error say anything more?

It works using the example from "OpenBrowser" documentation:

${PROVIDER}=    Set Variable      bs
${USERNAME}=    Set Variable      [MY USER]
${APIKEY}=      Set Variable      [MY API TOKEN]
${PROJECTNAME}=    Set Variable   qweb_run
${RUNID}=       Set Variable      qweb_run
${BSOS}=        Set Variable      windows
OpenBrowser     https://www.google.com    chrome

Results in this: image

anthonyOSF commented 9 months ago

Not really, I only have this error, Maybe I shouldn't put the username and accesskey directly in the set variable? 2023-12-18_15h08_14

tkoukkari commented 9 months ago

I really don't think it matters. It should also tell you if username or APIKEY are incorrect.

What's the url like? There isn't any spaces or special characters there, or are there?

anthonyOSF commented 9 months ago

I have try with https://www.google.com as URL and i have the same error

tkoukkari commented 9 months ago

Can you login to your browserstack subscription and check the run there? It should have more information

tkoukkari commented 9 months ago

Also check if you have this robot variable defined somewhere else (and what is the value of that): ${BROWSER}

anthonyOSF commented 9 months ago

@tkoukkari Thx to help me to find a solution I have absolutely nothing in Browserstack because nothing is launched However, I am used to using it with selenium and it works but I would like to switch to QWeb precisely

I don't have ${BROWSER} anywhere, here is my simple testcase with nothing around it. My setting.json includes my VSCode settings only 2023-12-18_17h02_40

tkoukkari commented 9 months ago

hi, the one in latest screenshot should not work as you don't have http:// or https:// in front of the www in url.

The error message should be different though.

tkoukkari commented 9 months ago

If possible, could you join the robot framework's Slack (see Community section in this repo's readme) and join "QWeb" channel there? We could maybe have a screen sharing session today?

anthonyOSF commented 9 months ago

@tkoukkari I can't join the slack channel without this kind of email domain Please send me an invitation on 2023-12-19_10h32_46

anthonyOSF commented 9 months ago

As you said, there was indeed a ${BROWSER} which was hard-coded in my global setting.json of my VSCode Thank you very much for your support