qfpl / reflex-tutorial

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Specify the precise nixpkgs commit #3

Closed mpickering closed 6 years ago

mpickering commented 7 years ago

Running nix-shell in code/exercises fails building one of the packages for my version of nixpkgs.

Could you perhaps make the build truly reproducible by also specifying which nixpkgs commit should be used (as in https://garbas.si/2015/reproducible-development-environments.html)?

dalaing commented 7 years ago

I'm already using a pinned version of reflex-platform, which contains a pinned version of nixpkgs.

It looks like it was some sloppy work on my part with the shell.nix, which I believe I have fixed now - could you try again and see how you go?

gspia commented 7 years ago

I did git pull a few minutes ago and can confirm that this works

mpickering commented 7 years ago

Still fails for me.

Preprocessing library directory-tree-0.12.1...
[1 of 1] Compiling System.Directory.Tree ( System/Directory/Tree.hs, dist/build/System/Directory/Tree.o )
Preprocessing test suite 'test' for directory-tree-0.12.1...
[1 of 2] Compiling System.Directory.Tree ( System/Directory/Tree.hs, dist/build/test/test-tmp/System/Directory/Tree.dyn_o )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main             ( Test.hs, dist/build/test/test-tmp/Main.dyn_o )

Test.hs:7:1: warning: [-Wunused-imports]
    The import of ‘Control.Applicative’ is redundant
      except perhaps to import instances from ‘Control.Applicative’
    To import instances alone, use: import Control.Applicative()
Linking dist/build/test/test ...
running tests
Running 1 test suites...
Test suite test: RUNNING...
-- The following tests will either fail with an error 
-- message or with an 'undefined' error
test: writeDirectory returned a tree that didn't match
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
  error, called at Test.hs:33:13 in main:Main
Test suite test: FAIL
Test suite logged to: dist/test/directory-tree-0.12.1-test.log
0 of 1 test suites (0 of 1 test cases) passed.
builder for ‘/nix/store/37fzj0i8sq1kv95dqwdgldawn9njwza3-directory-tree-0.12.1.drv’ failed with exit code 1

with commit 02342587ec3462d5038feb44ac1d8360d59fd902

mpickering commented 7 years ago

The reflex nixpkgs appears to be pinned at 32833c010ecf868826aaa3b60d322bf697f37134

Looking in hackage-packages.nix (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/obsidiansystems/nixpkgs/32833c010ecf868826aaa3b60d322bf697f37134/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix) I observe that the broken version of directory-tree is present at this commit -

  "directory-tree" = callPackage
    ({ mkDerivation, base, directory, filepath, process }:
     mkDerivation {
       pname = "directory-tree";
       version = "0.12.1";
       sha256 = "05z5ws58kky3wcwwwv6q16m9vs0lzj35qqs9v5acy9m2nfal8272";
       libraryHaskellDepends = [ base directory filepath ];
       testHaskellDepends = [ base directory filepath process ];
       homepage = "http://brandon.si/code/directory-tree-module-released/";
       description = "A simple directory-like tree datatype, with useful IO functions";
       license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
       hydraPlatforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.none;
     }) {};

So I don't understand why I am the only one who has this package in the build plan as it is surely broken for everyone.

mpickering commented 7 years ago

The dependency on directory-tree comes from wai-middleware-static via depending on hpc-coveralls in the test suite.

dalaing commented 7 years ago

What operating system are you using?

mpickering commented 7 years ago


dalaing commented 7 years ago

Do you have the reflex binary caches set up?

I'm just trying to think of anything that might be obviously different between our systems.

mpickering commented 7 years ago

I have "https://nixcache.reflex-frp.org" if that is the one you mean.

mpickering commented 7 years ago

In your nix-shell environment is directory-tree installed?

dalaing commented 7 years ago

It's not turning up in ghc-pkg list, and neither is hpc-coveralls, although wai-middleware-static is in there.

Could it be something different in out ~/.cabal/config files?

dalaing commented 7 years ago

It's working for me with nix-shell --pure, although I don't know if that will help.

mpickering commented 7 years ago

I overrode wai-middleware-static and now everything works. I don't know what is causing you to not run the checkPhase by default. Is mkDerivation overloaded anywhere?

{ reflex-platform ? import ./reflex-platform.nix
, compiler   ? "ghcjs"
} :
  pkgs = reflex-platform.nixpkgs.pkgs;

  haskellPackages = reflex-platform.${compiler}.override {
                      overrides = self: super: {
                        wai-middleware-static = pkgs.haskell.lib.dontCheck (super.wai-middleware-static); }; };

  adjust-for-ghcjs = drv: {
    executableToolDepends = [pkgs.closurecompiler pkgs.zopfli];
    doHaddock = false;
    doCheck = false;
    postInstall = ''
      mkdir -p $out
      mkdir -p $out/css/reflex/basics-exercises
      cp -r ./css/exercises $out/css/reflex/basics-exercises/
      cp -r ./css/solutions $out/css/reflex/basics-exercises/
      mkdir -p $out/js/reflex/basics-exercises
      cp $out/bin/solutions.jsexe/all.js $out/js/reflex/basics-exercises/solutions.js
      cd $out/bin/solutions.jsexe
      closure-compiler all.js --compilation_level=ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS --isolation_mode=IIFE --assume_function_wrapper --jscomp_off="*" --externs=all.js.externs > $out/js/reflex/basics-exercises/solutions.min.js
      rm -Rf $out/bin/solutions.jsexe
      rm -Rf $out/bin
      cd $out/js/reflex/basics-exercises
      zopfli -i1000 solutions.min.js
      rm -Rf $out/lib
      rm -Rf $out/nix-support
      rm -Rf $out/share

  adjust = drv:
    if compiler == "ghcjs"
    then adjust-for-ghcjs drv
    else adjust-for-ghcjs drv;

  exercises = pkgs.haskell.lib.overrideCabal (haskellPackages.callPackage ./exercises.nix {}) adjust;
dalaing commented 7 years ago

That last line of adjust is pretty different from mine, which may or may not have been having an effect.

If that's not it, I'm happy to fold that override so that the exercises work for as many folks as possible.

dalaing commented 7 years ago

... and to answer your question, I don't have mkDerivation overriden anywhere - my setup is pretty simple.

mpickering commented 7 years ago
diff --git a/code/exercises/default.nix b/code/exercises/default.nix
diff --git a/code/exercises/default.nix b/code/exercises/default.nix
index 45b83b6..c6681be 100644
--- a/code/exercises/default.nix
+++ b/code/exercises/default.nix
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@
   pkgs = reflex-platform.nixpkgs.pkgs;

+  haskellPackages = reflex-platform.${compiler}.override {
+                      overrides = self: super: {
+                        wai-middleware-static = pkgs.haskell.lib.dontCheck (super.wai-middleware-static); }; };
   adjust-for-ghcjs = drv: {
     executableToolDepends = [pkgs.closurecompiler pkgs.zopfli];
     doHaddock = false;
@@ -36,6 +40,6 @@ let
     then adjust-for-ghcjs drv
     else drv;

-  exercises = pkgs.haskell.lib.overrideCabal (reflex-platform.${compiler}.callPackage ./exercises.nix {}) adjust;
+  exercises = pkgs.haskell.lib.overrideCabal (haskellPackages.callPackage ./exercises.nix {}) adjust;

These are the necessary changes, the other changes are irrelevant and just from experimenting.

dalaing commented 7 years ago

Cool - I've folded that in, thanks for persevering with this!

dalaing commented 6 years ago

Is this working for you now?

mpickering commented 6 years ago

nix-shell loads but #4 has resurfaced.

mpickering commented 6 years ago

Ah very frustratingly I had text- installed globally. I removed the relevant .ghc folder and now it works.